David Irving
comments: HERE's a little item that our
Arabic expert has translated from
today's edition of the
independent Beirut paper
as-Safir. It is a poll
among Palestinians that shows
that 80 percent of Palestinians
would support Iraq if it is
attacked, and indeed that they
would "feel that it is their
duty" to do so. This raises questions: First, Bush wants to
impose "democracy" on the Arab
world, but 80 percent of
Palestinians -- to say nothing of
Iraqis -- are against him. What
kind of "democracy" will that be?
For that matter, what kind of
"democracy" can be imposed by a
foreign invasion? The Afghan,
Karzai, style? Not
encouraging. Second, what does this
imply for the security of
Americans in coming years? The US
leadership claims to be concerned
with "terrorism," yet it pursues
policies calculated to arouse
intense opposition among the very
peoples that Washington
identifies as a source of
"terrorism." Third, why is
Washington pursuing Middle East
policies that stir up such vast
enmity? For whose sake is Bush
following a course that will only
make all Americans, everywhere,
the object of deep hatred and
rage, and quite possibly the
targets for physical violence in
coming years? |