
Poste Thursday, May 2, 2002

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David Irving remarks:

We post this useful anthology by British rightwinger Martin Webster without comment.

The Electronic 'WATCH ON ZION' Issue No. 1, 1st May 2002 Editor: MARTIN WEBSTER Postal address: BM Box ICR, London WC1N 3AA, Great Britain


In the light of . . .

  • . . . what the "International Community", through cowardice or complicity, is allowing Israel to perpetrate against the Palestinians; and . . .
  • . . . breaking news that the United Nations is now [end of April 2002] contemplating the abandonment of its 'resolution' to send a "fact finding" team to Jenin to investigate allegations of an Israeli massacre of Palestinian civilians - abandoned on the grounds that Israel refusesl to co-operate with any procedure which "would put Israel on trial" and might produce findings which "would be misused by enemies of Israel";
  • . . . the prediction made by Sir Richard F. Burton a century and a quarter ago - about what the world would and would not tolerate by way of barbarism from Jews were they to establish a Jewish state on the land of Palestine - seems hopelessly naive and optimistic, according to Gregory Johnson, whose occasional informative e-bulletin brought Burton's quote to my attention.

However, the world has changed a lot since the 1870s. Burton had no idea of what we know of as "the mass media", nor would he have been able to conceive of the power it would be able exert over the careers of individuals and of the destinies of nations - still less that this entity would be almost wholly owned by Jews and operated by them for the benefit of Zionism.

Further, he would not have been able to comprehend that the "political elites" and party machines of all the nations of what was once known as "Christendom" would become wholly dependant upon Zion's financial patronage.

How could he have possibly guessed that at the turn of the 20th to the 21st century the United States would become the world's sole super-power and that BOTH of its major political parties and ALL their presidential contenders would be substantially reliant on contributions from Jewish big business and Jewish community organsiations for their nomination and election campaigns?

How could he possibly have imagined that Zionist corruption of the body politic was so advanced by the middle of the 20th century that America would recognise the State of Israel upon the instant of its creation because the new occupant of the White House (Harry S Truman) had been given by the World Jewish Congress a personal cash "donation" of $4 million (a very great deal of money in 1948) in the last days of his campaign for the presidency - the cash being delivered to him in suit cases on a train whilst he was engaged in a 'whistle-stop' tour!

How could he have known that, in our time, Britain's Prime Minister (Tony Blair) would have a "Private Office", the funding of which (hundreds of thousands of pounds a year) would be secured by a Zionist millionaire (Levy) with a home in Israel, who, as a reward for this service, would be elevated to the House of Lords and appointed as the Prime Minister's personal "roving ambassador" to the Middle East and, thereby, unanswerable to the House of Commons?

In 1874, Burton, author of 'The Thousand and One Nights', explorer of the Middle East and noted scholar of the languages, literature and religions of that region, wrote the following words about the prospects of a revived Jewish state in Palestine in 'The Jew, The Gypsy, and El Islam' *.

"This Russian pre-emption of the Holy Land is a benefit to the Jew, although the latter may not recognize it. But for this he would hasten to fulfill the prophecy; he would buy up the country, as indeed he is now doing at Jerusalem; he would conquer the people by capital, and he would once more form a nation. "But here the question obtrudes itself: If Judaism should again prevail - indeed its advocates say it shall prevail universally - how long could it endure? "Those who know the codes of the Talmud and of the Safed School, which are still, despite certain petty struggles, the life-light of Judaism, will have no trouble in replying:

"A people whose highest ideas of religious existence are the superstitious sanctification of Sabbath by the washing of hands, the blowing of ram's horns, the saving rite of circumcision, and the thousand external functions compensating for moral delinquencies, with Abraham sitting at the gate of Hell to keep it closed for Jews;

"a community which would declare marriage impossible to some twelve millions of Gentiles, forbid them the Sabbath, and sentence to death every 'stranger' reading an Old Testament; which would have all the Ger [Goyim] who are not idolaters without religion, whilst forbidding those whom it calls 'idolaters' (the Christians) to exercise the commonest feelings of humanity; which would degrade and insult one half of humanity, the weaker sex, and which would sanction slavery, and at the same time oppress and vilify its slaves by placing them on a level with oxen and asses;

"a faith which, abounding in heathen practices, would encourage the study of the Black Art, would loosen every moral obligation, would grant dispensations to men's oaths, and would sanction the murder of the unlearned;

"a system of injustice, whose Sanhedrins, at once heathenish and unlawful, have distinguished themselves only for force and fraud, for superabundant self-conceit, for cold-blooded cruelty, and for unrelenting enmity to all human nature; such conditions, it is evident, are not calculated to create or to preserve national life.

"The civilized world would never endure the presence of a creed which says to man, 'Hate thy neighbor unless he be one of ye' , or of a code written in blood, not in ink, which visits the least infractions of the Rabbinical laws with exorcism and excommunication, with stoning and flogging to death.

"A year of such spectacles would more than suffice to excite the wrath and revenge of outraged humanity; the race, cruel, fierce, dogged, and desperate as in the days of Titus and Hadrian, would defend itself to the last; the result would be another siege and capture of Jerusalem, and the 'Chosen People' would once more lie prostrate in their blood and be stamped out of the Holy Land. "Briefly, it is evident that nothing but Russian preponderance in Syria and Palestine prevents its being reoccupied by its old intolerant and persecuting owners, and that to these the greatest possible misfortune would be the granting of their daily, weekly, and yearly prayer: " 'Next year may we meet at Jerusalem'. "

[*ed. W.H. Wilkins (1898), pp. 67-71; notes omitted.]


IN case anybody thinks that Sir Richard Burton's thumbnail outline of the core beliefs of Judaism as outlined in the Talmud are rather extravagant, or distorted by "anti-semitism" they should study this short compilation of hatred spewed out by Israel's contemporary leaders. Their outpourings are quite clearly incitements to genocide.

  • "There is a huge gap between us (Jews) and our enemies not just in ability but in morality, culture, sanctity of life, and conscience. They are our neighbors here, but it seems as if at a distance of a few hundred meters away, there are people who do not belong to our continent, to our world, but actually belong to a different galaxy." --Israeli president Moshe Katsav. The Jerusalem Post, May 10, 2001
  • "The Palestinians are like crocodiles, the more you give them meat, they want more". -- Ehud Barak, Prime Minister of Israel at the time - August 28, 2000. Reported in The Jerusalem Post August 30, 2000
  • " [The Palestinians are] beasts walking on two legs." --Menahim Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the Beasts". New Statesman, 25 June 1982.
  • "The Palestinians' would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls." --Israeli Prime Minister (at the time) in a speech to Jewish settlers New York Times April 1, 1988
  • "When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle." --Raphael Eitan, Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defence Forces, New York Times, 14 April 1983.
  • "How can we return the occupied territories? There is nobody to return them to." -- Golda Meir, March 8, 1969.
  • "There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed." --Golda Meir, Israeli Prime Minister, June 15, 1969
  • "The thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence is only bluff, which was born and developed after the war." --Israeli General Matityahu Peled, Ha'aretz, 19 March 1972.
  • "If I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been Anti - Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" -- David Ben Gurion (the first Israeli Prime Minister), quoted by Nahum Goldmann in Le Paradoxe Juif (The Jewish Paradox), pp121.
  • "We must do everything to insure they (the Palestinians) never do return" . . . "The old will die and the young will forget." --Ben Gurion in 1948 assuring his fellow Zionists that Palestinians will never come back to their homes. :
  • "We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves." --Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, Mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.
  • "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." --Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001.


. . . I am grateful to Israel Shamir -- a man who seems to be of the same stamp as the late great Professor Israel Shahak - for this article by Gabriel Ash, a writer who Shamir describes as "an ex-Israeli journalist". They are both brave men who earn the accolade "Righteous Jews".
25th April 2002

Just Get Out!

By Gabriel Ash

How many Palestinians are dead in Jenin? Dozens? Hundreds? How many hundreds? If the number turns out to be exactly 641, or exactly 139, will that be a PR "victory" for the Palestinians, or for the Israelis? As journalists are lining up to declare the "victor", CNN runs a web poll about each side's credibility. Soon we may see the dead jostling with the living in CNN's sordidly named "crossfire."

As a mental exercise, let each of us decide at exactly how many deaths the scale tips from the Israeli side to the Palestinian side, at what point an incursion becomes a slaughter, at what point a slaughter becomes a massacre, at what point a massacre becomes a genocide. This is all very important, PR-wise.

For eleven days, IDF soldiers have been preventing journalists, medics, rescue teams and aid convoys from entering Jenin. This is how they "protect" the truth inside from all those outside who might want to "misuse" it against Israel.

After all, the truth is such a terrible weapon. It would be wrong to allow one side to have more of it than the other. There must be balance. But only regarding the truth. There need not be balance in firepower, for example. It is O.K. that Israel has nuclear weapons and Apache helicopters, paid for by American taxpayers who can't afford to pay for adequate health care, while Palestinians fight with rifles and home-made explosives.

There need not be balance about land either. It is O.K. that Israelis control all the land and Palestinians none. Nor is balance a requirement regarding liberty, or human rights, which Israelis enjoy and Palestinians do not. But there must be balance in describing what happened in Jenin.

That is why accuracy is very important in Jenin. Was it exactly a "massacre," as Perez called it and then denied, or a "devastation," or just an "incursion" that used "minimal force" to achieve "necessary goals," such as showing Palestinians who's the boss and what you get for upsetting him? If you use too strong a word, if you match the expression to the stench of the decomposing bodies, Israel will reprimand you, brand you an anti-Semite, maybe even expel you. Be forewarned. But what can one do? Even the cautious and pro-Israeli 'The Economist' saw clear evidence of war crimes. U.N. envoy Terje Roed-Larsen described the devastation in Jenin as "horrific beyond belief", and said it was "morally repugnant" that Israel blocked humanitarian emergency workers from entering Jenin for 11 days. Israel is still blocking rescue teams, while Perez is pondering whether to send Roed-Larsen home with a note to his parents or merely revoke his weekly allowance. The undiplomatic words of the Norwegian diplomat, but not the undiplomatic reality these words refer to, really hurt Israel's highly evolved moral sensibility.

Having agreed to it earlier, the government of Israel is now blocking the UN fact-finding mission to Jenin. The problem, according to Israel, is that too many of the members have "humanitarian" experience, and might not understand the requirements of warfare. It is easy to imagine the people and the resumes Israel would want to see instead:

Maybe a few Latin American death-squad leaders; or Lt. William Calley, whose experience at Mai Lai could prove invaluable in determining what is and what isn't a massacre; or perhaps the French General Paul Aussaresses, commander of the 1957 French paratroopers' attack on the Casbah of Algiers. To top it all, war crimes connoisseur Madeleine Albright, or even Henri Kissinger, could provide moral leadership, as well as much needed verbal elasticity. As long as there is balance. For the Israeli public and politicians, the widespread, and very unbalanced, opprobrium is just one more affirmation that the "whole world is against us". Echoing popular sentiment, Israel's President Moshe Katsav whines:

"With all due respect and esteem for people of conscience and the bleeding-heart liberals of the world, I don't understand why they've clamped their mouths shut for a year and a half while the cruelest of unprecedented terrorist acts were committed against Israelis citizens everywhere." President Katsav, are all the inhabitants of Jenin terrorists? Are most? Is God's own standard, of requiring only ten righteous men to save a city, too lax for you? What part of "collective punishment is a war crime" don't you understand? The fact that the eruption of violence during the last eighteen months baffles you so much makes me wonder, President Katsav. Do you understand the idea of liberty? Have you ever read the universal declaration of human rights? Do you understand that "universal" means "applies to everybody equally"? Does the declination of possessive pronouns confuse you? Surely you are at ease with "mine" and "ours"? But do you also understand the concepts behind "yours", "his", "hers", and "theirs"? When I look at the map of the land grab for your illegal settlements, I have serious doubts. Are you troubled why "people of conscience" do not condemn terrorism? Even to make such an accusation you must be living in an alternate universe. But I will answer your whining twice nevertheless. The long answer, President Katsav, "with all due respect and esteem", is that the suicide bombers did not land in Israel from outer space. The explosive belts might as well carry a label that reads "made in the Greater Eretz Israel". The suicide bombs are the mutant flowers of Israel's brutalizing occupation, springing from the seeds of the 54-year-long dehumanization of Palestinians. They are the ghosts of your brutality coming back to haunt you, the mementos of your war against memory. The massive and deliberate destruction of Palestinian civil records in the West Bank in the last weeks is but the most recent chapter in a war against Palestinian memory that began in 1948, with the annihilation of 400 Palestinian villages. But you seem to learn nothing from history, indeed from your own history: ghosts always return, each time more violently. For those ready to die, their spiritless hatred towards you is what remains after you have bulldozed their past and their future. Whether you like it or not, they are your bastard offspring. Everything they know about hate, you taught them. Everything they forgot about humanity, you made them forget. Give them a hug now, as they have proven themselves worthy of their parents - you. The short answer, President Katsav, is really short: just get out! Call the army home. Call the occupation off. And get out of the Occupied Territories. Just get out!

Don't mumble about how "difficult" or "complex" the situation is. It isn't. You are the oppressor. You are the occupier. You park your tanks on plundered land. You fill your swimming pools with stolen water. You kill and destroy in order to inherit. So don't bullshit about "the situation." Just get out! Stop abusing people. Stop abusing language. Stop spinning your own moral cocoon. Stop turning your country and your people into a metaphor of evil. Just get out! Don't wait for Bush. Don't wait for Arafat. Don't wait to negotiate with the mythical Palestinian leader who will finally accept your dominion. There is nothing to negotiate about. Just get out! Take your rabid Jewish fundamentalists from Kiriat Arba and Beit El with you. Load them on buses and pump the gas pedal until the hills of the West Bank vanish in the rear mirror. Just get out! Gather your thugs from the borderless "border police," give them scholarships and send them to school again. Let them discover there is more to life than beating people to a pulp. Just get out! Take your checkpoints, with all their petty humiliations and deadly snipers, with you. And just get out! Send the Shin-Bet packing. After 35 years, the world had enough of your clever jailers and torturers. Take them with you and just get out! Let your hideous bulldozers loose on the illegal settlements of Ma'ale Edomim, Har Homa and Gilo. There is plenty of demolition work for them there. Let them continue until the mountain line bears no more memory of your rape. Then just get out! Don't apologize. Don't justify. Don't explain. There is nothing left to explain. Honestly. Just get out! Don't even worry about the thousands of olive trees, symbols of peace, you uprooted. Someone will plant them again. Just get out!

Gabriel Ash encourages your comments>



Sunday Telegraph,
28th April 2002

Sharon's plan is to drive Palestinians across the Jordan

By Martin van Creveld

"Israeli historian Martin van Creveld predicts that a US attack on Iraq or a terrorist strike at home could trigger a massive mobilisation to clear the occupied territories of their two million Arabs.

Two years ago, less than eight per cent of those who took part in a Gallup poll among Jewish Israelis said they were in favour of what is euphemistically called "transfer" - that is, the expulsion of perhaps two million Palestinians across the River Jordan. This month that figure reached 44 per cent.

During its 1948 War of Independence, Israel drove 650,000 Palestinians from their homes into neighbouring countries. If it were to try something similar today, the outcome could well be a regional war. More and more people in Jerusalem believe that such is Mr Sharon's objective.

It might explain why Mr Sharon, famous for his ability to plan ahead, appears not to have a plan. In fact, he has always harboured a very clear plan - nothing less than to rid Israel of the Palestinians.

"Some believe that the international community will not permit such an ethnic cleansing. I would not count on it. If Mr Sharon decides to go ahead, the only country that can stop him is the United States."




Arab News

Sunday, April 23, 2002

US Congress considers increasing military aid to Israel

By BARBARA FERGUSON WASHINGTON - Congressional supporters of Israel are considering this week to go over President Bush's head and give Israel additional military aid. These congressmen are currently deliberating on how they can get funds from the president's $27.1 billion emergency appropriations request for homeland security, economic recovery and the global war on terrorism.

Representative Nita Lowey, New York, the ranking sub-committee Democrat, said efforts were underway to increase funding to Israel. "I think there are enough people who believe that this money is important so that we will work to include it", she said after a hearing.

"The issue is a touchy one given the emotions in the Arab world. Some in Congress say privately that a U.S. military aid bonus for Israel could enrage anti-Israel groups in the Middle East and even threaten the security of US embassies", reported Dan Morgan in the Washington Post.

Israel has certainly grown fat on US aid. The 2002 foreign aid program that Bush signed into law in January provides Israel with $2.04 billion in military aid and $730 million in financial assistance, nearly one-fifth of total U.S. aid to the world. According to Sara Powell, researcher at the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs:

"The amount of aid given to Israel is $3 billion in direct aid, and $3 billion in indirect aid, which equals a $14,630 sum annually to each Israeli citizen."

Israel's intimidators have been quietly pushing the idea throughout Congress for additional military aid. But officials from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) are refusing to comment to the press about the issue. But Lewis Roth, assistant executive director for the Washington-based Americans for Peace Now, says the question of more funding, "didn't come up over night, this has been going back and forth between the U.S. and Israel for several months".

Roth says the money is to fulfill a commitment made by President Clinton for Israel's withdrawal from South Lebanon. "The genesis of the request is that President Clinton promised former Israeli President Ehud Barak $800 million to help pay for the withdrawal from southern Lebanon and for additional missile defense systems", said Roth. "Congress never completed the process for providing the $800 million, which Israel considered to be a very solid pledge.

"Israel did get $28 million not too long ago to replenish to supply of robots to dismantle bombs, so the administration was not going to press it. Congress said it would. It looks like there's some momentum now", said Roth.

Jewish billionaire bribed Blair's aide Lord Levy, paid him at least £250,000

The above news item is reproduced without editing other than typographical
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