recalledAgainst my better judgment, I found myself
at David Irving's Mayfair flat on Friday
[April 12, 2002], for a drinks party
to launch the latest edition of his Hitler's
War. Alas, no government ministers
turned up to share the Holocaust
revisionist's Riesling.
T'was not ever thus: in 1991, Alan
Clark -- then a defence minister in John
Major's government -- attended the book's
original launch.
"Alan sat down on that seat in my study,"
recalled Irving. "He pointed to my book and
said: 'You know, David, we need someone like
that in Britain right now'."
Irving also showed me his collection of
Nazi memorabilia, including one of Hitler's
tablespoons, engraved with the Nazi eagle.
"It was a gift from the widow of Baldur
von Schirach, head of the Hitler Youth,"
he said. "My daughter calls it the Birdie