Clarke's turn to make history, says
IrvingWHILE Iain Duncan Smith
luxuriates in the support of BNP
activist Edgar Griffin, his
leadership rival Ken Clarke will
no doubt be delighted to learn that he
is enthusiastically endorsed by the
Holocaust revisionist David Irving.
"Kenneth Clarke is the only one
to show leadership qualities," he says.
"There is a pleasing touch of
Churchillian insouciance about
Putting his personal appeal to one
side, Irving says he thinks Clarke is
better attuned to the way the political
wind is blowing. "Britain is bound to
join the euro sooner or later, which
also points in his direction," he says,
adding ruefully: "But for the Tories to
win big, they'd have to do radical
things: bring back Margaret
Thatcher and do more leading and
less listening."
-- Richard Eden