Occupied Palestine -- photos the U.S.
public does not see:
Israel tank points its main armament at
fleeing Palestinian children. The
Muslim world sees Israeli helicopter
gunships and other terror-weapons as
American, provided by American
taxpayers, and draws the
conclusions. Sunday, October 21, 2001 An
Ugly Question, which nobody wants to ask,
let alone answer
by David Irving AR-Online FOR the thinking
student of history, in all its ugly
ramifications, the forty days since the
tragedy of September 11 have provided much
food for thought, and worse: sustenance
for old and unfashionable
theories. Not for the first time, the Americans
have become the victims of their own cruel
complacency, and they are now a deeply
disturbed -- and, beneath the surface,
divided -- nation. Ordinary Americans are quietly uneasy
about what their hillbilly President is
letting them in for. Is it going to be
Vietnam or Mogadishu all over again? The
U.S. forces, which on a conventional
battlefield are among the finest in the
world, face an unequal enemy, one who
unaccountably refuses to follow the
game-rules that the Americans have
ordained. The Americans wanted to play
Monopoly, and their unknown and faceless
enemy is playing gangland chess. This has led to the spectacle of a
President, who certainly never expected to
be confronting a challenge of this
intellectual magnitude when he finagled
his way into the White House last
November, thoughtlessly committing a
series of normally unthinkable but
historic solecisms: - he has declared a war without
obtaining the formal consent of the
Congress, itself an impeachable offence
in U.S. law;
- he has attacked a foreign country
singled out seemingly at random --
because to have a real war you have to
have a tangible enemy, and the killers
of the Twin Towers never left their
calling card;
- he has put a price on the head of a
leading foreigner, although the
assassination of foreigners is an
action already framed as illegal by the
fiat of one of his most recent
predecessors, and violates every one of
the tenets which great American jurists
like Robert H Jackson fought to
establish in the courts at
- he has ignored, too, that if ever
there was a task for the United Nations
to tackle, rather than for the
aggrieved party that the United States
now is, it is this war on global
While President George W Bush's
air forces are expensively bombing yet
another primitive country back into the
Stone Age, he himself is pegging back the
cause of international law to an epoch
before the birth of Nazi Germany. 
WE have been keeping our own website's
unremitting glare turned on the events in
the skies above Shanksville on September
11, as being symptomatic of this
administration's honesty with its own
people, and its steadfastness of
On this and other issues, we must ask
however, where are the
Pulitzer-prize-winning journalists of the
North American press? Why are they not
asking these and other awkward questions?
Not for the first time, they have snuggled
up to a president's feet and morphed into
his poodles. In one toe-curling moment, TV
"anchorman" Tom Brocaw even
enthused about the presidential oratory
before Congress, and predicted that the
speech would be seen as one of the
greatest of the century. I saw one British journalist ask
Defence Minister Geoff Hoon the
uncomfortable question: "What was the cost
of yesterday's operations to the British
economy?" (Hoon shifted uncomfortably, and
easily glided on to something else). None
of these journalists dares to ask an
impertinent question -- let alone The Real
History Question: "Why?" -- or to step out
of their own self-imposed line. We appreciate that in a real war, all
the forces and estates of government must
unite behind their country's leadership;
but this is not a real war, it is a phony
war declared on a fraudulent pretext
against an impoverished country against
whom President Bush has not volunteered
even the most the flimsiest of proofs. President Bush has accused the Muslim
cleric, Osama bin Laden, of
masterminding the entire campaign which
has humiliated the great United States. It
is on the face of it unlikely that this is
one man's war. That fanatical gentleman
has however, while not coming anywhere
near to confessing to his part in the
bombings, suggested three reasons why
those nineteen men did what they did: all
of them were evidently Muslims, and most
of them Saudis (and none of them
Afghanis). Afghanistan, quite rightly in our view,
declared its readiness to hand over, i.e.
to extradite, Bin Laden to an
international court of justice, but only
if presented with prima facie proof of his
guilt. It is what any magistrate's court
in pre-Blairite Britain would also
demand. It should not have been so difficult:
Bush has ostensibly entrusted such proof
to his blandest ally, Tony Blair in
London (but not to his own U.S.
population, which is what entitles us, and
Kabul for that matter, to harbour
suspicions). [Osama
bin Laden] is on a
self-declared holy war against
'Crusaders and Jews,' with a
three-fold goal: 'liberating'
Mecca and the rest of Arabia from
American 'occupation,'
'liberating' Al Aqsa in Jerusalem
from Jewish 'occupation' and
lifting the Western embargo on
Iraq. They're always stated in
that three-fold form, and usually
in that order. The fact is,
Israel is one of the issues,
though not the only one, driving
bin Laden and his cohorts. It is
foolish to deny it; that merely
undermines the credibility of
Israel's defenders at a time when
Israel sorely needs
| Osama bin Laden spiked that soup for the
White House. He arranged for a video
pièce justificative to be broadcast
on CNN a few hours after the U.S. attack
began. It was ironic that no sooner had
CNN broadcast this and allowed Bin Laden
his propaganda coup, than the Bush regime,
challenging the very freedom which all
Americans most cherish, prevailed upon the
main news channels never again to show
such "enemy" videos (on the very dubious
pretext that the Arabic text, even when
translated into mediocre English, might
contain some hidden-language instructions
to more terror-agents on US soil).So what was the explicit message that
Bin Laden presented, in his tortuous and
unctuous language? He offered three
answers to the question Why. He
stated the same reasons for the assault of
September 11 that any highschool boy,
properly munitioned with the truth, could
immediately have spelt out, even before
the blazing Twin Towers had collapsed: - Muslims are angered by the illegal
American and British ten-year blockade
of Iraq, which has led to the deaths of
half a million innocent children;
- Muslims are frustrated with the
blind American support and arming of
the bullying Nazi regime in Israel and
its terrorising of the long-suffering
Palestinian people;
- Muslims are enraged by the American
"infidel's" military and commercial
presence in Saudi Arabia, home of their
holiest shrines.
citizens still cannot fathom why
their nation is hated throughout
the Muslim world. Above: an
Israeli soldier confronts a
Palestinian in Hebron, March 24,
2001. | Until these three basic causes of Muslim
anger are confronted, there will be no
peace for the Americans, and they will
drag much of the rest of the civilized
world into a slough of misery. But none of
the American people is being provided with
a complete set of facts to ponder on. The
media seem to be joined in a silent
conspiracy to avoid asking the
W-Question.Why did the nineteen intelligent and
virile young Muslims, with everything to
live for, choose to die a violent death
instead and tear thousands of innocent
strangers into that Moloch along with
them? Whatever we may think of the
evilness and immorality of the corporate
structures that infested the Twin Towers,
and indeed, some corridors of the
Pentagon, there can be no doubt of the
individual innocence of the thousands who
died --- just as those who were burned
alive in Dresden, Wuppertal, and Pforzheim
were innocent, or those incinerated in
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or blitzed in
London and Coventry.
IT is eternally the Why that powers
the What, the happening. Why did
Adolf Hitler invade Poland in 1939?
Why did the Japanese turn against the
United States and British Empire? Why did
the Estonians and Latvians and
Lithuanians, and the S.S. and their
cohorts, line up the Jews on the edge of
tank ditches in the Baltic States in 1941
and shoot them to death? Why why,
why! To look for an explanation
is not the same as seeking a
justification. A crime is always
fundamentally explicable, even when it is
not justifiable.
brings us back to Lower Manhattan, to the
unforgettable lifetime-spectacle of the
collapsing Twin Towers, and the faces
pressed against the windows of the upper
floors -- the floors above the inferno,
the floors from which there could be no
escape (although I still wonder why, in
the ninety minutes that the drama lasted,
no attempts were made with helicopters to
lift people off the viewing platforms on
the flat roofs: That too is a Why
question, but a Why bound up within
a much larger Why: Why did they do
it, those nineteen young men?)
Nobody seems willing to ask, in case
explanation is mistaken for
justification. Part of the answer is obvious, as is
evident from the guilty speed with which
Mayor Rudi Giuliani flung back the
ten-million dollar cheque at the Saudi
prince who wrote it to benefit the city's
victims, before having the audacity to
suggest his own answer: U.S. foreign
policy was to blame. So the prince
tactfully put it. Yes indeed. The Emperor
had no clothes. That was it all along. But
that was an explanation that stuck in the
much-lauded mayor's craw, even at a price
tag of ten million dollars for the needy
orphans and widows, and he returned the
cheque. He knows where his votes come
WHEN I heard of that episode, I ceased to
muse on cause and effect, and I began to
think about pride, prejudice, and price.
How much, what figure, would the Saudi
prince have had to write on that cheque to
make it irresistible to the City of New
York? How
many zeroes would have entitled him to
suggest that U.S. foreign policy lay
behind the crime of September 11, and to
force Rudi to swallow it?
Everybody's pride, I mused, even Rudi
Giuliani's, even New York City's, has a
price -- a figure on that cheque which
would have caused even His Holiness the
Mayor to gulp and say, Well, on balance I
guess we're going to have to allow His
Royal Highness to make his comment on the
reason Why. Many years ago, I recalled, while
staying with my late agent Max
Becker in New York (may God rest his
soul) I stumbled by accident across a
public-access television channel,
broadcasting some hours after the midnight
watershed -- I think it was Channel 49. It
had a programme produced by a TV
personality called Ugly George, who
visibly lived up to his name. The compulsiveness, nay repulsiveness,
of that programme lay in its premise that
everybody has his (or in this case, her)
price. He took a camera team into Fifth
Avenue in the evening, as the office girls
poured out of the skyscrapers, zeroed in
on one of the most comely of them, and
then offered her a steadily increasing sum
of cash to perform a lewd act for the
camera's benefit. At first of course she
indignantly refused. But every girl, so it
seemed to the camera anyway, had her
price. Once the greenbacks had been
thumbed out in a thick enough wad in front
of her, she willingly enacted whatever
Ugly George commanded of her: Once the
price was right. Yes, New York had an ugly side, and it
still has, and most of us know what it is,
and nobody dares call it by its name. The
Americans prefer to take fresh terror into
account, on whatever front these obviously
fearless, intelligent, and flexible
enemies may choose, rather than face up to
the reason Why. © David
Irving 2001
items on this website:
Irving: A Radical's Diary
Five Israelis
detained for "puzzling behavior" after
WTC tragedy
Post: "Instant Messages To Israel
Warned Of WTC Attack"
Morning Herald: Asking why is not to
excuse the terrorists' actions
Pilger asks: The world has been in
ferment since September 11, but why
weren't there similar outcries at
earlier atrocities?