Rights Journal
of the Section of Individual
Rights & Responsibilities
| Winter 94, Vol. 21, Issue 1, pages 28-9
Examining his human rights violations
By Alfred de Zayas THE [US]
Justice Department's handling of the case
against John Demjanjuk, charged
with being Treblinka's Ivan the Terrible,
should be proof that a review is needed of
the methods used by the department's
Office of Special Investigations
(O.S.I.). On November 17, 1993, the Sixth Circuit
Court of Appeals in Cincinnati set aside
its 1986 order to extradite John
Demjanjuk, 74, to Israel to face murder
charges. The court held that "the O.S.I.
attorneys acted with reckless disregard
for their duty to the court" and that they
had committed "fraud on the court." Demjanjuk was extradited in 1986,
tried, sentenced to death, and spent over
five years on death row. He would have
been executed long ago but for the Israeli
Supreme Court, which quashed the earlier
judgment in July 1993 and returned him to
the United States in September 1993. Demjanjuk's ordeal, however, is not
over: He was stripped of U.S. citizenship
in 1981 and he is now fighting to regain
it. If he fails, he will face deportation
proceedings. Besides signalling the necessity to
watch for misconduct on the part of
overzealous prosecutors, the Sixth
Circuit's decision gives occasion for
broader reflection on the human rights
implications of the Demjanjuk and other
O.S.I. cases. Human rights
principles are tested not on consensus
victims or politically correct victims,
but rather on unpopular individuals. It
is the controversial case, in which
hardly anyone wants to recognize the
person in question as a victim, that
usually creates good law and
establishes precedent. Being the devil's advocate is rarely
appreciated, and yet a new perspective
often helps to bring about a better
synthesis, a more human solution. Nearly 100 years ago, Emile Zola
exposed and condemned the failures of
French justice in his article "J'accuse."
We remember that in 1894 Alfred
Dreyfus, a French officer of Jewish
descent, had been accused falsely and
convicted of betraying military secrets.
He was sent to Devil's Island to serve a
sentence of life imprisonment. Evidence of his innocence was uncovered
but suppressed by the military: Zola's
uncomfortable advocacy forced even the
politically correct to reassess the case,
and Dreyfus was finally vindicated. New
standards of journalism emerged and we are
all the better for it. Applying the Dreyfus precedent to the
Demjanjuk case, we start from the premise
that everyone accused of a criminal
offense is entitled to the presumption of
innocence. While we all agree that Nazism
was one of the most inhuman systems the
world has known, where war crimes and
crimes against humanity were perpetrated
in an unprecedented scale, justice
requires that only the guilty be
punished. The Nuremberg
Trials proved, to the horror of the
world, that genocide had been committed.
But not all of the accused were convicted
and sentenced to death: After due
deliberation the International Military
Tribunal acquitted three of the Germans
because the facts before the tribunal had
not established their guilt. Thousands of war crimes trials followed
in many countries to ensure that the
murderers did not get away. Yet, even while we all hate Nazis and
agree that Ivan the Terrible and persons
like him must be prosecuted, we also have
to recognize that the Israeli Supreme
Court found that former Cleveland auto
worker John Demjanjuk is not Ivan the
Terrible. Given that finding, Demjanjuk has
rights to due process under the U.S.
Constitution which must be respected.
Moreover, he has rights under an
international minimum standard on human
rights which has been laid down in
regional and universal instruments,
notably in the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights of 1948, the European
Convention for the Protection of Human
Rights and Fundamental Freedoms of 1950,
the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights of 1966, and the American
Convention on Human Rights of 1969. The most important treaty in this field
is the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights of 1966, which the United
States signed in 1977 during the Carter
Administration and ratified in 1992 during
the Bush Administration. Article Vl of our constitution
stipulates that treaties made under the
authority of the United States shall be
the supreme law of the land and that
judges shall be bound thereby. Thus, in all criminal matters and in
suits at law pursuant to the 1979 Holtzman
Amendment in denaturalization and
deportation cases, judges ought to take
international law into consideration,
including the obligations undertaken by
the United States pursuant to the Covenant
on Civil and Political Rights. Demjanjuk's 16-year ordeal, his
detention, extradition proceedings,
surrender to Israel, trial in Israel,
years on death row (from 1988 to 1993),
continued detention after acquittal, and
further proceedings in the United States
following his return raise numerous
issues, not only under the U.S.
Constitution but also under the
Covenant. Among them: - the right to a fair hearing.
Subjecting Demjanjuk to a criminal
proceeding more than 40 years after the
offenses in question raises issues
under this provision because it is
extremely difficult for him--or anyone
in his positions-to properly represent
himself, in view of his old age and the
near impossibility of obtaining
exculpatory documents and witnesses, or
even of remembering the events under
- the right to liberty and security
of the person. With regard to
Demjanjuk's detention, it is clear that
to the extent that he was a suspected
war criminal and a warrant had been
issued for his arrest, his detention
was lawful.
On the other hand, it is questionable
whether the length of detention was
appropriate in the circumstances of his
case. - the prohibition of arbitrary
deportation. Judges must take into
consideration that under international
law a state cannot expel its own
- the right to return to one's
Considering that Demjanjuk has lived
most of his life in the United States,
that he was a citizen for decades, that
his entire family lives in the United
States, and that he has no links to other
countries, there can be no doubt that the
USA is his country. - the right to family life and
privacy. The deportation of Demjanjuk
would violate 'his right to family life
because he would be separated from his
entire family.
- the right to equality of treatment.
Currently one particular category of
immigrants is being singled out for
de-nationalization and deportation:
persons who served the Nazi regime,
whether voluntarily or through
- the prohibition of inhuman or
degrading treatment.
The nature of the proceedings against
Demjanjuk, the hostile atmosphere that
accompanied the extradition, the surrender
for trial in Israel, the initial trial in
Israel, the demonstrations of jubilation
following his being sentenced to death in
April 1988, the ensuing years of
uncertainty, the continued detention for
eight weeks following acquittal by the
Israeli Supreme Court--all these elements,
taken cumulatively, may be deemed to
amount to cruel and degrading
treatment. - the right to compensation. If
indeed Demjanjuk is not Ivan the
Terrible, the question arises whether
he is entitled to compensation for
miscarriage of justice.
It is surprising that hitherto both the
press and legal literature seem to have
ignored the fact that Demjanjuk may have a
justifiable claim for compensation; yet
this is an established right in
international law. In light of these issues, it is clear
that United States' obligations under
international law require respect of
Demjanjuk's rights. It would be
regrettable if the United States was to be
perceived in the world as not adhering to
the international minimum standard with
regard to John Demjanjuk. Alfred
de Zayas is a visiting professor of
international law at DePaul University
School of Law in Chicago. A graduate of
Harvard Law School and a member of the
New York bar, he also holds a doctorate
in history. Related
items on this website: New
Case Against John Demjanjuk (Feb