
 Posted Monday, May 28, 2001

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28% believe Hitler would have been considered a great statesman had he not involved Germany in World War II

Hamburg, May 7, 2001

New Poll: Germans Tired of Holocaust Guilt

Germany's leading news magazine, Der Spiegel, reports a new poll that find most Germans are tired of guilt associated with World War II.

More than 60% of Germans agreed that people should "not always poke around in old wounds" relating to World War II.

In answer to another question, 45% said they did not want to hear any more about the Third Reich.

Even more Germans, 53%, would not agree that there was "no excuse" for the Holocaust. A majority of Germans also believe they should be forgiven for past war crimes.

Almost half of all Germans, some 46%, believe that Nazism had its good side and almost a third of Germans, 28%, believe Hitler would have been considered a great statesman had he not involved Germany in World War II or the Holocaust.

Related items on this website:

 Hitler index
 Finkelstein index: The Holocaust Industry
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