
 Posted Friday, October 27, 2000

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The Not So Independent


Friday, October 27, 2000

Shayler was right over bomb at Israeli embassy

By Mike Taylor

27 October 2000

The Crown Prosecution Service was forced by the Court of Appeal yesterday to admit that the former MI5 officer, David Shayler, was right in saying that the security services were warned before the 1994 car bombing of the Israeli embassy in London that the building was being targeted by a terrorist organisation. [...] He also referred to suspicions that the Israeli secret service, Mossad, carried out the bombing to provoke the UK into tightening its security.[...].

WE regret that by letter dated Tuesday, December 12, 2000 a Ms. Louise Hayman, the head of legal services at The Independent newspaper, requested that this article be removed from this website. We have adjusted the masthead accordingly.

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