
 Posted Monday, September 18, 2000

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 The Calgary Herald
[More related German language stories]

September 24, 2000

Gerrnans protest screening of video

PASSAU, GERMANY -- Hundreds of protesters marched Sunday outside a meeting of a rightist-extremist political Party in southern Germany, after the city lost two court cases in trying to STOP the group from screening a video featuring a British historian banned from the country.

About 2,600 demonstrators gathered in the southem town of Passau, displaying signs reading: Extreme-rightists Unwanted, as police said nearly 2,200 members of the German People's Union party met in a conference hall.

Passau officials initially sought to ban the party from showing a video featuring historian David Irving, who is banned from entering Gerinany, where denial of the Holocaust and incitement to racial hatred are illegal.

PASSAU 1984: David Irving approaches the stage, followed by DVU chairman Dr Gerhard Frey. Marxist rioters have tried for years to stop these assemblies.

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Relevant links:

Deutsche Volksunion (DVU)

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