
 Posted Thursday, September 7, 2000

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Dagens Nyheter

Stockholm, September 6, 2000,128/a,131534

[Swedish original ]


Another Holocaust conference in Stockholm

Prime Minister Göran Persson is going to host another Holocaust conference in Stockholm.

The conference mandate is, What concrete methods one shall use in order to combat nazi and racist organisations?

"We are inviting ministers and representatives for organisations from a wide circle of countries. It is definitely going to be a conference with a topic of current interest, because many countries, not the least in Europe, are deeply engaged in questions of how to confront extremism characterised by strong antidemocratic tendencies," says Göran Persson to Swedish Radio.

The conference is planned to take place on January 27 next year.

In January this year the Holocaust conference was attended by several hundreds of representatives from 50 countries. Twenty heads of states attended to discuss how to preserve the memory of the Second World War.

This time the conference will not be as extensive, and not on the same high political level. "But it will be extensive enough," says Göran Persson.

Next week the Swedish government are planning to send out invitations. The conference will this time be more concrete and will have as its main goal how countries can cooperate and develop methods to combat nazi organisations and organisations hostile to foreigners.

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