Action Report


Friday, July 7, 2000

French lawyer explains why Holocaust History is Needed

IN the recent trial of French school teacher Jean-Louis Berger, accused of discussing revisionist themes with his students, Maître Nisand, the lawyer representing LICRA (the sinister "International League against Racism and anti-Semitism"), came to the following extraordinary conclusion:

"IF this thesis (the revisionist thesis) obtained the slightest recognition, our whole post-war history would be stood on its head. There would no longer be any reason to criticise Hitler (right). If the Jews had been guilty of such an abomination (the propagation of the myth of the Shoah), the Final Solution would have to be carried out again, because this people which is at the origin of the Nuremberg trials and the European Union would have to be killed".

"Si cette thèse (la thèse révisionniste) était un tant soit peu avérée, toute notre histoire de l'après-guerre serait bouleversée. Il n'y aurait plus de raison de critiquer Hitler. Si les juifs s'étaient rendus coupables d'une telle abomination (la propagation du mythe de la Shoah), il faudrait refaire la Solution finale, car ce peuple qui est à l'origine du procès de Nuremberg et de l'Union européenne devrait être tué"