Berlin, announces: Sentenced
to Six Months - for What?
in Berlin Resurrected? Andreas Röhler
writes: IN MY closing speech before
being sentenced to jail by the judge Mrs
Justice Brinkmann for "inciting to hate"
catch all new law for the suppresison of
free speech] I
mentioned two facts: The suggestion of the
prosecutor that there are two kinds of
historians, on one side the revisionists,
which are to be fought with all means
available, and on the other the "good
historians" who leave everything as it is
desired by those in power, i.e. the
politically correct, is sheer
madness. History, like any science if it wants
to be pursued seriously and
professionally, must have its foundations
and yields questioned and revised
incessantly. There are no unmovable facts;
everything is subject to examination and
constantly widened knowledge. This basic rule of scientific work is
supposed to be protected by law even in
Germany. However, to raise certain
political questions of history is an
undesirable opinion in the same Germany
and threatened with heavy punishment.
Knowing this, I have never distributed any
publications which have been part of penal
court trials and judgements. I have kept
any such material under my own supervision
and under lock and key; I have leased it
to persons only who could prove a
scientific interest and for their own
professional use- after obtaining a
written declaration by the prospective
borrower. The written declarations by the persons
concerned were presented to the court, but
the judge simply ignored them. She
rejected any proof of my solicitude out of
hand. Instead she followed the completely
fabricated assertions of the state
prosecutor, that I intended to disseminate
these few writings - altogether just 18
pieces. Not even my remark was listened
to, that the writings in question concern
only some technical aspects of killings in
a wider historical context. Just as well it could not make any
impression, that a number of well known
Jewish researchers (as allegedly the
Jewish minority is to be protected by this
sort of court cases) assert the same ideas
which are punishable by courts in Germany.
Thus we have the odd fact that these same
courts are not ashamed in refusing to
acknowledge Jewish opinion whenever it
suits them: Noam Chomsky's
statements confirmed my legal position, so
did those of Arno J. Mayer in "Der
Krieg als Kreuzzug" ("Why did the Heavens
not Darken- The Final Solution in
History"). The whole trial before that judge was a
farce. There occurred numerous
transgressions of the penal court
proceeding rules by her, many offences
against the press laws and, of course,
against the Basic Law of Germany. The
defence attorney, Carsten Schrank,
cited them in detail and made an
impressive final speech. Naturally, before this kind of
judiciary in present day Germany, it was
all in vain. Zeitschrift
fuer Kultur, Geschichte und Politik,
Sleipnir im Verlag der Freunde, Andreas
Roehler (V.i.S.d.P.), Postfach 350264,
10211 Berlin, Tel./Fax:
(49/0/30)-42857835 und -6927863 eMail:
[email protected];
or http://www.freespeech.org/sleipnir/ |