Probes Mossad Espionage at White
House --
to part 1]
The potential loss of U.S. secrets is
incalculable. So is the possibility that
senior U.S. officials could be blackmailed
for indiscreet telephone talk. Many
officials do not like to bother with using
secure, encrypted phones and have
classified discussions on open lines. Which brings the story back to some
obvious questions involving the indiscreet
telephone conversations of the president
himself. Were they tapped, and, if so did
they involve national-security issues or
just matters of the flesh? Monica
Lewinsky told Kenneth Starr, as
recounted in his report to Congress, that
Lewinsky and Clinton devised cover stories
should their trysts be uncovered and/or
their phone-sex capers be overheard. Specifically,
she said that on March 29, 1997, she
and Clinton were huddled in the Oval
Office suite engaging in a sexual act.
It was not the first time. But,
according to Lewinsky as revealed under
oath to the investigators for the
Office of Independent Counsel, it was
unusual because of what the president
told her. "He suspected that a foreign
embassy was tapping his telephones, and
he proposed cover stories," the Starr
report says. "If ever questioned, she
should say that the two of them were
just friends. If anyone ever asked
about their phone sex, she should say
that they knew their calls were being
monitored all along, and the phone sex
was just a put on." In his own testimony before a federal
grand jury, Clinton denied the incident.
But later -- much later -- he admitted
to improper behavior and was impeached but
not convicted. U.S. District Court Judge
Susan Webber Wright found him to
have obstructed justice. Curiously, Starr
never informed Congress whether the
Lewinsky tale was true. For that matter,
according to
sources, Starr never bothered to find out
from appropriate agencies, such as the FBI
or the CIA, whether the monitoring by a
foreign government of the president's
conversations with Lewinsky occurred. Insight
has learned that House and Senate
investigators did ask questions about
these matters and in late 1998 were told
directly by the FBI and the CIA (among
others) that there was no truth to the
Lewinsky claim of foreign tapping of White
House phones. Moreover, Congress was told
there was no investigation of any kind
involving any foreign embassy or foreign
government espionage in such areas.
But that was not true. In fact, the FBI
and other U.S. agencies, including the
Pentagon, had been working furiously and
painstakingly for well over a year on just
such a secret probe, and fears were
rampant of the damage that could ensue if
the American public found out that even
the remotest possibility existed that the
president's phone conversations could be
monitored and the president subject to
foreign blackmail. To the FBI agents
involved, that chance seemed less and less
remote. The FBI has become increasingly
frustrated by both the pace of its
investigation and its failure to gain
Justice Department cooperation to seek an
indictment of at least one individual
suspected of involvement in the alleged
Israeli telephone intercepts. National
security is being invoked to cover an
espionage outrage. But, as a high
law-enforcement source says, "To bring
this to trial would require we reveal our
methods of operation, and we can't do that
at this point -- the FBI has not
made the case strong enough." Moreover,
says a senior U.S. policy official with
knowledge of the case: "This is a hugely
political issue, not just a
law-enforcement matter." 'You've Got the
Crown Jewels'If spies wanted to penetrate the White
House, a facility widely considered the
most secure in the world, how might it be
done? For that matter, how might any
agency or department of government be
penetrated by spies? "Actually, it's pretty easy if you know
what you're doing," says a retired U.S.
intelligence expert who has helped (along
with other government sources) to guide
through the many and often complicated
pathways of government security and
counterespionage. Access to designs, databases,
"blueprints," memos, telephone numbers,
lists of personnel and passwords all can
be obtained. And from surprising sources.
Several years ago this magazine was able
to review from a remote site information
on the supposedly secret and inaccessible
White House Office Data Base, or WHODB
(see "More Personal Secrets on File @ the
White House," July 15, 1996). Despite the spending of additional
millions to beef up security when the
White House installed a modern $30 million
computerized telephone system a few years
ago, communications security remains a big
problem. Whatever the level of
sophistication employed, there are soft
underbellies that raise significant
national-security problems. And potential
for espionage, such as electronic
intercepting of phone calls, is very
great. Calls to or from the White House
dealing with classified information are
supposed to be handled on secure lines,
but it doesn't always happen. Sometimes,
according to
sources, despite the existence of special
phones at the White House and elsewhere to
handle such calls, some don't use them or
only one side of the call does. An Insight
editor recently was allowed for
demonstration purposes to overhear a
conversation placed over an unsecured line
involving a "classified" topic. Carelessness always has been a problem,
but former and current FBI special agents
say that under the Clinton administration
the disregard for security has been
epidemic. Many officials simply don't like
the bother of communicating on secure
phones. In another instance,
Insight was
provided access to virtually every
telephone number within the White House,
including those used by outside agencies
with employees in the complex, and even
the types of computers used and who uses
them. Just by way of illustration, this
information allowed direct access to
communications instruments located in the
Oval Office, the residence, bathrooms and
grounds. With such information, according to
security and intelligence experts, a
hacker or spy could target individual
telephone lines and write software codes
enabling the conversations to be forwarded
in real-time for remote recording and
transcribing. The White House complex
contains approximately 5,800 voice, fax
and modem lines. "Having a phone number in and of itself
will not necessarily gain you access for
monitoring purposes," Insight was told by
a senior intelligence official with
regular contact at the White House. "The
systems are designed to electronically
mask routes and generate secure
connections." That said, coupling a known
phone number to routing sequences and
trunk lines would pose a security risk,
this official says. Add to that detailed knowledge of
computer codes used to move call traffic
and your hacker or spy is in a very strong
position. "That's why we have so many
redundancies and security devices on the
systems -- so we can tell if someone is
trying to hack in," says a current
security official at the White House. Shown a sampling of the hoard of data
collected over just a few months of
digging, the security official's face went
flush: "How the hell did you get that!
This is what we are supposed to guard
against. This is not supposed to be
public." Indeed. Nor should the telephone
numbers or locations of remote sites or
trunk lines or other sundry
telecommunications be accessible. What's
surprising is that most of this
specialized information reviewed by
Insight is unclassified in its separate
pieces. When you put it together, the
solved puzzle is considered a
national-security secret. And for very
good reason. Consider the following:
Insight not
only was provided secure current phone
numbers to the most sensitive lines in the
world, but it discovered a remote
telephone site in the Washington area
which plugs into the White House
telecommunications system. Given
national-security concerns, Insight has
been asked not to divulge any telephone
number, location of high-security
equipment, or similar data not directly
necessary for this news story. Concerning the remote
telecommunications site, Insight
discovered not only its location and
access telephone numbers but other
information, including the existence of a
secret "back door" to the computer system
that had been left open for upward of two
years without anyone knowing about the
security lapse. This back door, common to
large computer systems, is used for a
variety of services, including those
involving technicians, supervisors,
contractors and security officers to run
diagnostic checks, make repairs and review
system operations. "This is more than just a technical
blunder," says a well-placed source with
detailed knowledge of White House security
issues. "This is a very serious security
failure with unimaginable consequences.
Anyone could have accessed that [back
door] and gotten into the entire White
House phone system and obtained numbers
and passwords that we never could track,"
the source said, echoing yet another
source familiar with the issue. Although it is not the responsibility
of the Secret Service to manage equipment
systems, the agency does provide
substantial security controls over
telecommunications and support service
into or out of the White House. In fact,
the Secret Service maintains its own
electronic devices on the phone system to
help protect against penetration. "That's
what is so troubling about this," says a
security expert with ties to the White
House. "There are redundant systems to
catch such errors and this was not caught.
It's quite troubling.
It's not
supposed to happen." Insight asked a senior federal
law-enforcement official with knowledge of
the suspected Israeli spying case about
the open electronic door. "I didn't know
about this incident. It certainly is
something we should have known given the
scope of what's at stake," the official
says. Then Insight raised the matter of
obtaining phone numbers, routing systems,
equipment sites, passwords and other data
on the telecommunications systems used by
the White House: How hard would it be for
a foreign intelligence service to get this
information? "Obviously not as hard as we
thought," a senior government official
said. "Now you understand what we're
facing and why we are so concerned." That's one reason,
Insight is
told, the White House phone system is
designed to mask all outgoing calls to
prevent outsiders from tracing back into
the system to set up taps. However,
knowing the numbers called frequently by
the White House, foreign agents could set
up listening devices on those lines to
capture incoming or outgoing calls.
Another way of doing it, according to
security experts, is to get inside the
White House system. And, though it's
considered impossible, that's what they
said about getting the phone numbers that
the president uses in his office and
residence. Like trash, information is
everywhere -- and often is overlooked
when trying to tidy up a mess. -- PMR and JMW |