
 Posted Wednesday, January 19, 2000

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The Not So Independent

January 17, 2000

Journalists must always fight spin

'What is it about defence correspondents that they so often come across as mouthpieces for crude military propaganda?'

By Robert Fisk


WHO COULD possibly be surprised by reports that Mark Laity, the BBC's defence correspondent, has been offered the job of second-in-command to Nato's spokesman James Shea? "I did not feel that Jamie Shea lied to me at all," Laity announced. [...]


WE regret that by letter dated Tuesday, December 12, 2000 a Ms. Louise Hayman, the head of legal services at The Independent newspaper, requested that this article be removed from this website. We have adjusted the masthead accordingly.

The above news item is reproduced without editing other than typographical
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