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Letters to David Irving on this Website







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Two readers commend David Irving for making his books available free as online downloads, Sunday, October 30, 2005

Irving books free online

I LIVE in the US and currently am developing a homeschooling program to offer free of charge online to the general public. It will be a K-12 year complete system of study, and it will have no hidden fees or charges, etc.

I found your site and have reviewed your books and would like to include them on our required reading list for older students. If possible we would like to post the pdf files on our curriculum site, OR , link to your download pages.

Again, this is a not-for-profit endeavor. We are simply trying to provide free education to children and a free resource for parents homeschooling their children.

Steven Veach


David IrvingDavid Irving replies:

THANK you Steve, that is precisely the reason why I have placed these books of mine free on the Internet. I may lose actual sales, but . . .

Oregon is one my favourite states; I always stop overnight at Grant's Pass, or Myrtle Creek, and I speak in Portland once a year. Driving back down California 199 [the Redwood Highway] is almost a religious experience.

I WISH to thank you for all of the fine work you have done and for providing without charge so many of your wonderfully researched books to those of us who wish to know more about the complex and tragic truth of World War II.

My personal library contains almost a half dozen of your books personally signed by you. I found "Hitler's War" in the public library and felt this was one of your best: a very comprehensive and fair bird's-eye view of the unnecessary and stupid war of which our wonderful and dumb race lost so much, including the 9 million square mile British Empire.

Wendy Spiegel-Brown

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