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Courier & Advertiser

Dundee (Scotland), April 13, 2000


HISTORIAN David Irving told yesterday how he had received hundreds of supportive e-mails since a humiliating court High Court libel defeat in which he was branded a racist. "Over the last 24 hours or so since the judgement came out I have had 322 e-mails from all over the world -- I was up to 4 am reading through them -- from people who have read my books and are saying 'What on earth is going on here, Mr. Irving?"'

  The support came after his libel action against Professor Deborah Lipstadt (right) and Penguin books ended in the judge calling him an anti-semite, leaving him facing financial ruin, Mr. Irving (62) told BBC News. But Professor Lipstadt also said, "Whatever David Irving says - I listened to him for 32 days in court and have read his books - and the judge said this too, you have to treat whatever he says with a tremendous grain of salt and a tremendous question mark. So I am not so worried about how many 'hits' he says he has got."

This website will print a selection of these messages, both for and against, within the next few days.

April 3, 2000

Website fact: The stamina of the defence team was aided by a six million dollar fund provided by Stephen Spielberg, Edgar J Bronfman, and the American Jewish Committee, which enabled them to pay 21 lawyers and "experts"; the experts like Evans, Longerich were paid up to £109,000 each to testify as they did (while the defence's star legal team was paid considerably more). Nobody was paying for Mr Irving, who has been fighting this battle for three whole years. [Help!]

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