Atlantic Monthly, May, 2000
Holocaust on Trial
Freedom of expression -- whether of speech, of the press, or of open intellectual debate on a university campus -- exists to protect what Guttenplan calls "the sanctity of facts" in our elusive pursuit of Truth. This freedom is meant not to protect pedophiles but to foster open dialogue between intelligent people on controversial issues that matter, and to protect us from propaganda -- whatever its source. Wherever the historical truth ties, and whatever Irving's personal motivations, Irving's lawsuit against Lipstadt is forcing an open intellectual confrontation that otherwise would not have occurred. Ellen Autenzio, Spartanburg, S.C.
Guttenplan cites a source who is troubled that "only" 5.1 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust, not six million. He points to another discrepancy: Dr. Mengele is often said to have been at Auschwitz at a time when in fact he was not.
In his doctoral thesis on T. S Eliot's, anti-Semitism. Anthony Julius (right) wrote, "Anti-Semites are not all the same. Some break Jewish bones, others wound Jewish sensibilities." It is the ones who wound sensibilities who enable the others to break bones. No matter how scrupulous a historian Irving is reputed to be, he "habitually refers to Jewish groups as 'traditional enemies of the truth'" (sic. Actually "of free speech"). One can only hope that the outcome of the trial will prove that the real enemy of the truth is David Irving. Emmy Rothchild, Deerfield, Ill.
In the late 1940s I was a patient in a TB sanatorium that received as patients two young Polish men who had been repatriated from a slave-labor camp in Germany. Thaddeus and Roman Kucinski were very ill and eventually died. But for a short time they were ambulatory patients, and I got to know them and talk to them about their experiences. One day after lunch, while we were casuaIly talking about the Nazi period, Thaddeus Kucinski took a smalI bar of course gray soap from the pocket of his robe. He heId it up for me to see, and on the side, in letters I will never forget, was the word Judenfett. He put it into my hand, and for a time I held it. I will never forget that moment, for in the final analysis, history is made up of such poignant human events. To deny or forget this is the real crime against humanity. Veronica Szelepecz Lange, Williamsburg, Va.
Jeffrey S. Kahana, Brandeis University Waltham, Mass.
We think Guttenplan does a disservice to Niemöller and to the other Christian leaders who fought against the Nazis when he depicts them as indifferent to or complicit with the Nazi regime. Niemöller survived his seven-year imprisonment, but many others, including Dietrich Bonhoeffer, paid for their courage with their Iives. Jane Bailey, J. Martin Bailey, West Orange, N.J.
P. Vidal-Naquet Paris, France
D.D. Guttenplan replies: In what is admittedly a very long essay, some readers may have missed the following information (although it appears a number of times): Deborah Lipstadt is the defendant in this action. No careful reader could be in any doubt about my views regarding either the absurdity of British libel Iaws or the unfair burden they place on defendants. To argue, as Ellen Autenzio does, that Irving's lawsuit is "forcing an open intellectual confrontation" is to misread not only my words but the facts as well. The "intellectual confrontation" ended when Irving dragged Lipstadt into court. The would-be suppressor of free speech here is David Irving. CarefuI readers wiII also know that, contra Emmy Rothschild, I never cited anyone "troubled that 'only' 5.1 million Jews were killed." As for Jeffrey Kahana, let me reiterate that it is the Anti-Defamation League that--shamefully, in my view--seeks to link Amo Mayer and other scholars with Holocaust denial, not I. Nor did I ever describe Deborah Lipstadt as "provincial" or as lacking the "bona fides" to challenge Irving. I do compare her, perhaps unfairly, with Pierre Vidal-Naquet and observe that her record of commitment to human rights falls far short of his--but then, that's true for most of us. I'm afraid that Veronica Lange and I wiII simply have to disagree. I would argue that whereas memory may well be made up "of such poignant human events," history, although perhaps seeking to understand such events, is made up of something else: facts and interpretations. Whether her memory of "Jewish soap" is accurate is another matter. Finally, though I am not a Christian, I have enormous admiration for those who, like Bonhoeffer, spoke up against the Nazis. If the Baileys have an argument, it is with Niemöller's self-flagellating rhetoric, not with me. |
Boston, May, 2000 |