| Some of
the Items in David Irving's Press Clipping
- Private
Eye published on Feb 27, 1970 a memorable skit on Mr
Justice Lawton's summing-up in the PQ17 libel
- Auberon Waugh asked: "I
cannot help asking myself what sort of truth requires
these sanctions" after Germany fined David Irving
- Mr
Irving "risked 1970 prosecution" over secrets on Field
Marshal Milch
- 1987:
Prof. Richard Evans scoffed that Germany would never be
reunified (but Mr Irving got it right)
- The New Republic, Oct 1996: Jacob
Heilbrunn meets the real David Irving
- Aftonbladet declares
(Mar 2000) that Australia has again banned David Irving's
- Evening Standard (London): Auschwitz
comes to Court No 73
- CBC Radio interviews
Don Guttenplan [text and audio]
- The Times: Irving
'doesn't deserve to be called a historian'
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ): Alle
Zeugen lügen
- FAZ: Guten
Tag, Herr Professor
- Die Welt: David
Irving oder Wie man alles leugnet...
- The Toronto Sun: Publish
and be damned
- Irving's
opinion of Hitler is perverse, claims Keegan
- National Post (Toronto): David
Irving v. the dead
- The Guardian: Court
73 - where history is on trial
- Ha'aretz, Israel: 'I
find the Holocaust endlessly boring'
- FAZ Feb 2, 2000: Wer
nicht gegen mich ist, der ist für mich
- L A Jewish Journal appeals
for letters of support to Lipstadt
- The Times: England's
black cricketers left Irving 'queasy'
- National Post (Toronto): Irving
repeats 'denier' accusations on his Web site
- The Daily Telegraph: Irving
'sang racist poem to daughter in her pram'
- The Times: Diary
reveals Irving's ode to Aryans
- FAZ: Nicht
einmal Historiker: David Irving setzt in seinem
Prozeß gern auf unbelegte Zahlen
- The Daily Telegraph: Irving
not anti-Semitic, libel case told
- The Washington Times: Neo-Nazis
have short memories
- FAZ,
Feb 3, 2000: David Irving setzt in seinem Prozeß
gern auf unbelegte Zahlen
- Irving
not anti-Semitic, libel case told
- The
Independent, London: The
Curse of Revisionism
- Line
One News: Auschwitz Document: 'Shows Genocidal Use',
Court told
- London
Jewish News' Vicious Smear -- Calls trial timing
"convenient" for Irving
- Dagbladet (Norway): Stiller
spørsmål | Asking
- Michael
Berenbaum in the L A Times: The Growing Assault on the
Truth of Absolute Evil
- Jewish
Chronicle, Jan 28, 2000: Irving: gas chambers 'not used
for killing'
- Süddeutsche
Zeitung: Die Tücke der Wahrheitsfindung: David
Irvings Klage um die Auschwitz-Lüge
- Historian
accused of right-wing extremism
- Blair
welshes on promise to outlaw Holocaust
- Der
Anzügliche: Vor Gericht: Irving macht
- Difficult to counter
the deniers, says Goteborgs Posten [Swedish]
- No
poison supply at Auschwitz, says Irving--Press
Association dispatch
- The
Times: Auschwitz death chambers 'a moral
- El
Pais, Madrid: Los purificadores, by well known writer
Mario Vargas Llosa [in Spanish]
- Atlanta
Journal Constitution: Holocaust skeptic admits use of
flawed evidence | Historians'
views clash in court
- The
Guardian: Author tells of "massive" proof for gas
- The
Times, Jan 24, 2000: Cyanide was used to kill lice'
claims Irving
- Lies
and the Holocaust, Politiken, Jan 25, 2000
- Associated
Press report, Jan 24, 2000
- Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung: Irving präsentiert einen
- Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette reports Jan 23, 2000 on the trial
- David
Irving nails Andrew Roberts' latest lie in The Sunday
- Madrid's
El Mundo has an super-neutral gossip piece by Bernard
Henry-Levy [in Spanish]
- Chicago Tribune, Jan 23, 2000: Defender
of Hitler Sues Critics -- and puts Holocaust on
- Tagesspiegel, Berlin:
The mediocre monster wasting the High Court's time |
- Australian Jewish News Herald
Sun forced to Suppress Lipstadt-Trial Poll Results
| on
role of Lipstadt in suppressing St Martins press edition
of Goebbels biography
- The Times: Irving
insists that Hitler did not order the Holocaust
- In Sydney Morning Herald, Alan
Gold says "Philosophy of hate has no room for truth "
(and he invents new word: denialism)
- Liberation (Paris): Irving
est un homme dangereux, parce qu'il a du talent
- Chicago
Tribune reports trial opening, Jan 12, 2000
- Daily Telegraph, Jan 18, 2000: Nazi
trains carried ample food for Jews, says Irving
- New
York Daily News, Jan 16, 2000: Putting the Holocaust on
- Tampa
Tribune prints a reader's squeal
[continued on next
panel] |
- Die
Welt surveys first trial week Jan 17, 2000
- profil
(Vienna) interviews David Irving about Lipstadt trial
- The Times, Jan 13, 2000: Irving
says Holocaust 'logistically impossible'
- Daily Telegraph, Jan 13, 2000: Mass
gassing of Jews not feasible, says Irving
- Jan
12, 2000 N Y Times reports opening statements in High
Court libel case againsst Lipstadt
- The
Guardian reports (Jan 8, 2000) on coming Lipstadt libel
- Taz, Berlin: dialogue
between ADL and internet expert on "rightwing" website
- Newsday,
Long Island, reports on coming "trial of the century"
(David Irving v Penguin, Lipstadt)
- "Emory's
Deborah Lipstadt prepares to do battle with Holocaust
Denier David Irving", Atlanta Jewish Times, Oct 8,
- Oct 28, 2000 Manhatten
Jewish Sentinel fears "dangerous" Irving's London action
could put Holocaust itself on trial
- Nov
18, 2000, The Irish Times OpEd backs David
- Nov 16, 2000: Riot in Ireland, Police halt David
Irving Speech: Dublin,
- Worried report
by Jerusalem Post, Sept 24, 2000, about the January 2000
London libel action against Deborah Lipstadt
- Adam LeBor in Jewish Chronicle criticises
Union of Jewish Students for its plans to disrupt
performances of a controversial play, repeating
mistake it made against Mr Irving in 1981
- Gitta
Sereny has a bee in her bonnet about Mrs Fröhlich
and Mr Irving (S. Times, Jul 24, 1977)
- Der
Spiegel editorial heaps praise on David Irving, August
21, 1978 [
in German] - Daily
Telegraph, August 21, 1984 Hitler Diaries Trial Opens.
David Irving gives evidence
- The
Times, July 11, 1986: "Historian wins action over
- Toronto
Star and Globe & Mail, April 23, 1988: report on
David Irving's testimony in Zündel
hearing [
in German] - Jewish
Chronicle, London, June 23, 1989: "Storm over 'evil'
book" [The Leuchter Report]
- Jewish
Chronicle, London, June 30, 1989: "Irving publisher's
won't drop him"
- Jewish
Chronicle, London, November 24, 1989: "Wanted: David
- Daily
Telegraph, Mar 9, 1990, quotes Irving on German
journalists: "the horizon of a lavatory lid"
- dpa
[agency]-profile, June 18, 1990: "Historiker
David Irving auf dem Weg in die deutsche
in German] - La
Nación, Buenos Aires, October 18, 1991: "La DAIA
advirtió sobre un 'agitador internacional'"
[in Spanish]
- Evening
Standard, Jan 1992: "Books that Offend" (bookshop cancels
- Johannesburg
Star, May 6, 1992: report on Munich court
- The
Daily Telegraph, May 6, 1992: German court rejects Irving
- The
Cape Times, Capetown, Jun 5, 1992: "Visa snag for
- The
New Statesman, July 10, 1992: "Bad and Dangerous" by
David Cesarani [with David
Irving's comments]
- Allgemeine
jüdische Wochenzeitung, Bonn, July 16, 1992:
"Moskaus Archive bringen neue Wahrheiten ans Licht."
German] - Sam
Dickson writes to Sunday Times, July 26, 1992: no links
to the Klan
- The
Oregonian, Oct 16, 1992: "Group Blasts Revisionist
Historian Irving"
- The
Atlanta Journal, Oct 21, 1992: Levitas and his
Mobspitters disrupt Smyrna lecture
- The
Province, Vancouver, British Columbia, Oct 29, 1992:
"Cops nab Irving ... in Victoria."
- Canadian
Jewish News, Toronto, November 3, 1992: "Irving Defies
- Toronto
Sun, November 14, 1992: "Irving Booted Out of Canada"
| "Racists
Clash With Foes "
- Boston
Jewish Advocate, Dec 1992: "Australia Urged to Bar Entry
of Holocaust Denier"
- When
The Observer had to retract an attack on Mr Irving, Jan
17, 1993
- Kitchener-Waterloo
Record, Ontario, Canada, Sunday Feb 13, 1993: "Australia
bans Nazi apologist"
- New
Zealand Herald, February 25, 1993, analyses origins of
Jewish influence on successive Australian
- The
Dominion, New Zealand, April 3, 1993:"NZ unlikely to ban
right-wing historian"
- Sam
Lipski reviews Irving video in The Australian, May 21,
- May
30, 1993: Australian newspapers report: "Israeli secret
agents linked with bugging" device found in Irving Video
Censorship Bureau
- Scottish
Jewish Telegraph , May 28, 1993: "Israel has only 10
years left, says Holocaust row man"
- Robert
Manne explains The Age, July 7, 1993, why he denies David
Irving a right to free speech (because he disagrees with
- The
Age, Melbourne, Sept. 19, 1994 Prof. Laurence Maher
states that the Migration Act was passed "to keep David
Irving out of Australia."
- Brighton
Evening Argus, August 26, 1994: Thug's defence lawyer
tells court that Mr Irving had been overheard saying he
was on his way to desecrate a Jewish cemetery |
Telegraph and Independent on same court hearing
- The
Oregonian, October 10, 1994
- San
Francisco Chronicle, October 14, 1994: "Author's Talk
Spurs Anti-Nazi Protest"
- March
8, 1996: Jewish Bulletin of Northern California has
Jewish Telegraph Agency article linking David Irving to
Oklahoma City bombing.
- Le
Soleil, Montreal, April 5, 1996: "L'historien
révisionniste David Irving est mis en
échec" [in French]
- The
Detroit News, June 4, 1996: "Old moral equivalency
remains alive."
- Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette, Sept. 27, 1996, on the day David Irving won
a court victory for free speech
- Libellous
article by Michael Kapel in Australia/Israel Review, Oct
1, 1996: "Hitler's Willing Helpers."
- Dagbladet,
Oslo, February 27, 1997 [in Norwegian]
- Australian
Herald Sun, December 11, 1997: "New ban on
- New
York Times, January 21, 1998: "Hitler's Genocide Order: 5
Days After Pearl Harbor?"
- The
Willamette Week, April 22, 1998
- The
Calgary Herald, July 29, 1998: "Brink's suspect linked to
white supremacists"
- The
Independent (London) March 22, 2000 reviews Nick Fraser's
TV smear-film Journey to the Far Right
- Berliner
Morgenpost: When did Göring say "Call me Meier?" --
if at all [in German]
- Sydney
Morning Herald Feature article Apr 17, 2000 on Germany's
Arrest of historian Fredrick Toben
- Central
Washington University newspaper The Observer, May 6,
2000: "David Irving speaks to a packed Chavez Theater
- New
York Times, Jun 26, 2000, asks, "Can a Holocaust skeptic
still be a great historian? British writer David Irving's
books have been praised by some of the most eminent
scholars in his field."
- Ellensburg
student (?) Bruce Herman says that hearing Irving speak
at the US university was (for him) unpleasant. (Two
hundred students disagreed).
construction] |