David Irving[Photo by David Gamble for The Independent on
Sunday]The Blunders of Professor Eberhard

After David Irving exposed Jäckel's incompetence as
an historian, Jäckel, professor of History at the
University of Stuttgart, conducted a reckless crusade
against him 
Index Professor
Eberhard Jäckel - David Irving issues a
1977 challenge to Prof. Eberhard Jäckel on
Hitler's responsibility for the Final Solution
- Correspondence
in 1978 between David Irving and Professor
Jäckel on the missing Schlegelberger document, which
Jäckel shortly obtained from newly opened
Bundesarchiv files.
- David Irving issues a
handbill on November 7, 1983 announcing that he will
attend a lecture by Jäckel in London.
- David Irving challenges Jäckel in 1984 over
forged "Hitler" documents
published in his volume, Adolf Hitler, Sämtliche
Aufzeichungen. They turned out to have been forged by
Konrad Kujau, who also forged the Hitler Diaries which
Jäckel authenticated: on which see Robert
Harris, Selling Hitler (London, 1986).
- Jäckel's forgery of
a 1946 (post-war) Hamburg railroad photograph to
illustrate his May 1990 television series on the wartime
Holocaust, Der Tod, ein Meister aus
- David Irving writes a
sarcastic letter to Professor Jäckel about the
forgery, and recommends he research in archives rather
than railway hostelries in future
- Jäckel's vicious attempt to smear David Irving
in two essays published as David
Irving's Hitler: A Faulty History Dissected
 - Essay: "'Innocence'
of Hitler"
 - Essay: "Irving,
Hitler and the Murder of the Jews"

- When the Victoria (British Columbia) newspaper
Times Colonist prints a review of this book (Jan.
2, 1994) David
Irving sends an angry reader's letter
- Jäckel states in 1998
Book by Holocaust Museum, Washington, that until
David Irving's Hitler's War in 1977 there was no
real Historical Analysis of Holocaust
- Jäckel accused of Holocaust Denial: "streitet
sich mit Sinti und Roma
- Der
Stuttgarter Historiker Eberhard Jäckel,
(links) Mitglied des Fachberater-Gremiums der neuen TV
Sendereihe "Holokaust" (ZDF) Okt 2000
Some information re. Prof. Eberhard Jäckel at http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/uni-kurier/uk82_83/personalia/p84.html Stuttgarter unikurier Nr. 82/83
September 1999 Ein klassischer Gelehrter mit
Öffentlichkeitswirkung: Eberhard Jäckel zum
70. Geburtstag Excerpt: Am 29. Juni feierte einer der profiliertesten
Professoren der Universität Stuttgart seinen 70.
Geburtstag: der Historiker Eberhard Jäckel.
Dreißig Jahre lang, bis zu seiner Emeritierung 1997,
leitete er die Abteilung für Neuere Geschichte und hat
in dieser Zeit wesentlich dazu beigetragen, der Stuttgarter
Geschichtswissenschaft ein hohes internationales Ansehen zu
erwerben. |