The Editor |
London, October 21, 1997
PLEASE publish the following Reader's Letter which totals 163 words:
I understand that this semester one of the required books for the Speech course SPE.332K taught by Mr Cloud at your university is Deborah Lipstadt's Denying the Holocaust. In this book Ms Lipstadt devotes scurrilous attention to myself, as a well-known British historian with over thirty widely reviewed books to my credit, all published by mainstream publishers since 1963.
She made no attempt to contact me when writing the book to test which of her allegations were true and which were false (e.g. that I contracted to appear with Louis Farrakhan and Hizbollah terrorist leaders on a Stockholm lecture stage; that I stole or damaged microfiches of the Goebbels Diaries from Moscow's secret archives; etc).
Students might like to be aware that Lipstadt and her book's British publishers Viking - Penguin are consequently the defendants in a libel action brought by myself in the High Court. Ms Lipstadt's attorneys have served a purported defence which is a ridiculous hodgepodge of lies and further defamations.
Yours faithfully,
David Irving
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