David Irving[Photoby Michael Hentz, for The New York Times]
Letter to the Editor of Private Eye [Not published]
The Editor, Private Eye, 22 Greek Street, London W1. |
| London, November 3, 1983 Dear Gnome,
OU HAVE not published my enclosed letter correcting
the (no doubt unintentional) error in your news report of
September 9 attributing two very strange books, None dare
call it conspiracy and The controversy of Zion
to my pen. I have never written any such books. To suggest that I have
is defamatory.
Please publish the attached letter in your next issue.
As The Guardian is learning at this very hour of writing,
I am suddenly in a litigious frame of mind. These come
round at unpredictable intervals. I am sure you too will
want to come round.Yours faithfully, David Irving |