The morning is cold, perhaps 10 below zero. At
an intersection not far from the centre of town,
followers of Küssel and the now-illegal
Nationale Liste, a neo-Nazi group led by
Christian Worch (jailed a year later),
gather to march through Halle. In groups of three
or four, skinheads emerge from back alleys and out
of cars, forming a sea of shaved scalps, military
fatigues and black commando boots. "Deutschland für Deutscher - Ausländer
Raus!" - Germany for Germans - Foreigners out -
they chant, warming themselves for the rally to
follow. Only the night before immigrant hostels
near Halle have been attacked. The perpetrators
have not yet been caught, the police are still
investigating. Flags of the German eagle and iron
cross flutter in the morning breeze. As the
comrades meet the Nazi salute is given. Now there's 500 of them, assembled outside the
Mr McCash currency exchange bureau. German Federal
riot police - the Bereitschaftspolizei - assemble
opposite. Three rows deep, they are armed and
carrying riot shields, helmets and batons. A red truck drives up, carrying a large mobile
platform. It is time for the rally to begin.
Gottfried Küssel leads off. He is arrogant but
nervous. His eyes dart furtively. Reporters and TV
crews jostle to speak to him. "No, there is no
place for foreigners in Germany," he says before
brushing them aside. The demonstrators fall into
line behind Küssel. The skinheads begin to stamp their feet. It's a
jackboot stomp, not unlike a Nazi goosestep. It
echoes through the abandoned streets. The sun is up
and the residents of Halle peer down at the street
from their windows. The police are growing nervous.
More and more groups of skinheads are joining the
demonstration from intersecting streets. They
clearly outnumber the authorities. The truck has stopped
in the city square and the 500 or so neo-Nazi
youths gather around it. Then he appears. From
the rear he makes his way through the crowd.
He's taller than I expect. David Irving,
clad in a trenchcoat. He clambers aboard the
rear of the truck and seizes the microphone. It
is Irving that these Nazi skinheads have come to
hear and the anticipation in the crowd is at
breaking point as "der Englische Historiker"
barks at them in fluent German. "I honour this opportunity to speak to the
German Youth. The process of reunification is not
yet over. There is still a German question. There
are still German countries, German territories, not
only here in Germany. not only in Europe but also
scattered all over the world." Irving has his
crowd. They are spellbound. "I commemorate the great Rudolf Hess,
Hitler's former Vice Führer. Rudolf Hess was a
man of peace who we British caged up for 48 years.
Rudolf Hess, a martyr for Germany and in his name
.." The neo-Nazis go crazy. "Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil,
Sieg Heil," they scream. The passers-by scatter.
The local residents, peering out from their high
rise apartments, pull their heads in. The press are
terrified. The police bristle. Irving stands on the
platform and grins. After his speech Irving agrees to talk to a
camera crew. He is pumped up. "You're seeing the
German soul of nationalism emerging," he informs
them. By the evening the demonstrators have turned
violent. There are running street battles with the
police and left wing student protesters. There are
arrests. skinheads are chased into the train
station. Police trucks are brought in to take the
Arrested protesters away. There are assaults. The
injured are taken away in ambulances. A gun is
found on one protester. This is the reality of
David Irving's reborn German soul of
nationalism. If you can tell a man by the company he keeps,
David Irving's contact book makes disturbing
reading. To Australians he has portrayed himself as
an historian. albeit a revisionist one. Little
investigation has ever gone into his network of
associates and the organisations he works with. In
obscuring this network Irving is able to present
himself as a martyr for free speech on the altar of
political correctness. If he is merely a winter of
unconventional history then there is a valid debate
over his right to enter Australia. However, there
is an overwhelming body of evidence to indicate
that he is in fact an active and key player in an
international network of extremist and neo-Nazi
groups. David Irving has addressed many meetings over
the years, in many countries around the world,
expounding his unconventional view of history. In
Canada, the white supremacist Aryan Resistance
Movement guarded Irving's talks in Vancouver in
September 1991. The talks were organised by the
Canadian League of Rights, sister group to the
Australian League of Rights. The League helped
organise a second meeting in Toronto several days
later. Wolfgang Droege, leader of the openly
Nazi white supremacist Heritage Front. appeared in
Irving's entourage at most of his appearances
during his November 1992 Canada tour. Irving was
scheduled to address the Heritage Front in Toronto
on November 1, 1992 but was arrested on immigration
charges. On the other side of the world. the British
National Party (BNP), Britain's largest and most
dangerous fascist group, has a long working
association with Irving. Many of its members have
criminal records for violent acts throughout
Britain, including bombings, bashings, and stabbing
attacks on blacks, Asians, Jews and political
opponents. The BNP first became associated. with
Irving through the Clarendon Club (a far-right
social group in London) in the early 1980s.
Irving's Clarendon Club meetings and his later
Revisionist Seminars were by invitation only and
the BNP often made up a large contingent of the
invitees as well as providing security for Irving.
Irving addressed meetings of the party from 1990 to
1992. An Irving Revisionist Seminar in July 1992
was attended by BNP "Leader" John Tyndall,
who has a long criminal record, and was guarded by
BNP skinheads. At a second seminar in September
1992, the majority of the audience were from the
BNP, which again provided security, Tyndall and his
deputy Richard Edmonds both attended an
invitation-only Irving seminar in June 1992. The
BNP annual rally for November 1993 also advertised
Irving as its keynote speaker. Members of Column 88. a neo-Nazi paramilitary
group responsible for numerous violent attacks in
Britain, frequently attended Clarendon Club
meetings of Irving in the 1979-81 period. (The
eighth letter of the alphabet is H. "88" - HH -
Heil Hitler.) Column 88 leader Ian Souter
Clarence attended Irving's Clarendon Club
lectures in March 1979 and February 1980. On June
19 1993, Irving held a Holocaust denial meeting in
Brighton. In attendance and guarding the meeting
were BNP skinheads and members of Combat 18.
(Combat 18 is a secret neo-Nazi paramilitary unit
operating in England. Many of its members have
criminal records and receive training from Ulster
Protestant terrorists. "18" - AH - Adolf
Hitler.) Tony Malski, a self-avowed convicted Nazi
activist with a long involvement with European
right-wing terrorists, handled security for
Irving's meetings. Malski also attended Irving's
February 1980 Clarendon Club meeting where he
bashed a photographer. Because of Irving's reputation, many mainstream
publishers will not handle his books. His latest
book, a biography
of Goebbels, is published by Focal Point. which
is owned and run by Irving. This was previously the
title of a short-lived magazine published by Irving
in the early 1980s, which served as a bulletin
board for the extreme right and carried
advertisements for a wide range of racist and
Nazi-controlled groups. In December 1981, it
published a cover story advocating the repatriation
of Britain's coloured immigrants. Focal Point was
printed by notorious British nazi Anthony
Hancock, who also printed for the National
Front, the openly Nazi League of St. George, the
BNP, Holocaust deniers, and numerous European
neo-Nazi groups. Hancock admitted in court to
associations with German, French and British
terrorists, and has been accused by British
authorities of involvement in a plot to forge
passports. Hancock helped to organise Irving's
September 1992 and June 1993 Revisionist Seminars.
He is awaiting trial for cheque fraud and forgery
worth several million pounds. In the US, Dave Holland, National
Director of the Southern White Knights of the Ku
Klux Klan, was a guest at an Irving lecture in
Smyrna, Georgia. in October 1992. The next month,
Canadian Ku Klux Klan members made up part of
Irving's audience at an invitation-only
meeting. In Germany it appears that Irving is not only
one of the most popular drawcards within the
neo-Nazi community but is also one of it's more
influential figures. Irving was to speak at a May
9, 1992 Berlin rally organised by the neo-Nazi Die
Nationalen (aka Deutsche Liga fur Volk und Heimat
or German League for Nation and Homeland) to oppose
German capitulation to the allies in 1945. The
rally was cancelled by city authorities. The German
Government has moved to ban this group. The
Deutsche Jugend Bildungswerk, another neo-Nazi
group, carried three boxes containing more than 100
of Irving's books into court for him during his
unsuccessful appeal in Munich in 1992 against a
fine for denying the Holocaust. The group also
organised meetings for him in Germany. Ewald
Althans, a veteran neo-Nazi leader heads the
Deutsche Jugend Bildungswerk and was widely
regarded for a time as the new Führer, Althans
organised some of David Irving's German tours
together with Karl Philipp, adviser to
Hitler loyalist General Otto
Remer. Althans claimed that "Mr
Irving says the things we want to hear." The Deutsche Volksunion (DVU) is regarded as
Germany's largest extreme right-wing group. The
movement has a membership of 20,000, relentlessly
targets Jews through its newspapers and advocates
the expulsion of all foreigners from Germany.
Irving got top billing at its annual meeting in
March 1992 in Passau, sharing the platform with
party leader Gerhard Frey. The DVU also
sponsored Irving tours of West Germany in the
mid-1980s. Irving addressed the DVU regularly and
in 1982 was awarded the European Freedom Prize by
the Deutsche National Zeitung, published by Frey.
Irving shared a platform with Frey at two meetings
organised jointly by the DVU and its sub-group AKON
in Hamburg and Düsseldorf in January 1982. He
then said that "people I know in the DVU appear
respectable citizens to me. I see no reason not to
speak on its platforms." The Gesellschaft für Freie Publizistik
(GFP), is ostensibly dedicated to freedom of the
press, but was in fact founded by former SS members
from the "Mutual Support Association of the
Waffen-SS." The organisation publishes
anti-Holocaust books and has served as a bridge
between the Third Reich and the German New Right.
It also sponsored many of Irving's tours of Germany
I the early 1980s. Irving spoke to this
organisation in Rothenburg in May 1991, sharing the
platform with extremists from the Deutsche Liga and
Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands whose
chairman, Günter
Deckert, was sentenced to two years in
prison for incitement in 1995. Nationale Liste, the
neo-Nazi organisation led by Christian Worch also
sponsored an address by David Irving in March 1990
in Hamburg. Nationale Offensive is a violent neo-Nazi group
responsible for firebombing attacks on immigrant
hostels. The group sponsored two talks by Irving in
the Augsburg and Engen in March 1992. Nationale
Offensive was banned by the German Government in
1993 (A billposter advertising Irving's Augsburg
address appears on the front cover of the
Review.) Irving has a few other friends who also seem to
stand out. Take François Genoud for
example. Genoud, a Swiss banker and lawyer, has
been a Nazi since the 1930s. During the war he was
made an "honorary" SS member, and awarded a "Gold
Badge" by Hitler. A close friend of the leaders of
the Third Reich, he holds
the copyrights on the writings of Hitler,
Bormann and Goebbels. At the end of the war, Genoud
was alleged to have been responsible for spiriting
Nazi funds out of Germany and into Swiss bank
accounts. He has continued contacts with ex-SS men,
was prominent in the New European Order extreme
right group, and has been involved in paying for
the legal defences of Nazi war criminal Klaus
Barbie and terrorist groups including the
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
(PFLP), with which he is closely involved, and the
Baader-Meinhoff group. Genoud told a London
newspaper in 1992 that "Hitler was a great leader
and if he had won the war, the world would be a
better place today." Irving described Genoud as "a
very old friend and esteemed colleague" and "an old
and esteemed friend of mine and we share many
causes." Genoud is also speculated to have been the
source for Irving's Goebbels diary "discovery." Then there's Thies Christophersen, an SS
guard at Auschwitz and neo-Nazi activist.
Christophersen is author of the notorious pamphlet
The Auschwitz Lie. He is wanted in Germany, and is
connected to the American based NSDAP-AO, which
considers itself the exile organisation of the
original Nazi Party. Christophersen attended a
revisionist meeting with Irving in Hagenau near
Strasbourg, France. When asked if he is in contact
with Irving, Christophersen claims to have "known
David Irving for many years." In the Holocaust-denying network Irving is also
closely associated and co-operates with Ernst
Zündel, the Canadian Holocaust denier and
extremist. Zündel paid for the production of
the infamous Leuchter
Report, which attempts to scientifically prove
that the gas chambers were fabrications. Irving
helped Zündel prepare his defence against
publishing false news after claiming the Holocaust
was a hoax. He testified
for Zündel at his Canadian trial in 1988,
where he was found guilty of "promotion of hatred."
Irving says the reason he "won't accept" the gas
chambers of the Holocaust is because of "that
extraordinary Canadian Ernst Zündel." Zündel was filmed with Irving at a
Revisionist conference in Hagenau, France, where he
stated "Why should we, upright German men, dirty
ourselves in this slime, in this pigsty, in these
demonic base lies that this pack of Jew rabble has
spread?" The other key player in the international
Holocaust-denying network is Fred
Leuchter, an unqualified American who bills
himself as an "execution expert". He prepared a
report claiming to scientifically prove that the
gas chambers of the concentration camps could not
have been used for the murder of Jews. The report
was condemned
by the British parliament as "fascist." Irving
published and distributed the report and wrote an
to it in Britain. The introduction claimed "The
infamous gas chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka and
Majdanek did not exist - ever, except, perhaps as
the brainchild of Britain's brilliant wartime
Warfare Executive". This led to the British
House of Commons condemning Irving in a motion as a
"Nazi propagandist and long-time Hitler apologist."
Irving subsequently held a press conference
denouncing the "gassing lie", and threatened to
send the report to every school in Britain. During the trial of Zündel in 1988, Irving,
along with French Holocaust denier Robert
Faurisson, encouraged Leuchter to undertake
his "report." Leuchter appeared at a British rally
organised by Irving in November 1991, but was
arrested mid-speech and deported from Britain by
police for illegally entering Britain after a Home
Office ban had been placed on him. Those present
included Irving, Faurisson and BNP activists
John Tyndall, Richard Edmonds, John Morse, Steve
Tyler, and John Peacock. Security at the
event was led by members of the neo-Nazi
International Third Position and the BNP. Conflict and community tension follow David
Irving wherever he goes. In May 1993 David Irving
was banned from entering Australia.
But even before he was to arrive trouble was
brewing. Jewish community members received
intimidating and threatening letters from
neo-Nazis. Holocaust-denying literature was
distributed in Melbourne and Sydney suburbs. The
Melbourne suburbs of St Kilda and Caulfield were
blanketed with red white and black Nazi stickers
from the NSDAP-AO. Posters denouncing "Jewish lies"
and lauding Adolf Hitler were stuck on walls
by the Australian National Socialist Movement,
whose Brisbane leader attacked a synagogue in that
city. Two fires were set on
the premises of a Melbourne synagogue and the
Perth synagogue was extensively daubed with
slogans including: "Irving was here," "Six
million lies." and "White Power." Two petrol
bombs were thrown at a synagogue in Sydney.
Irving himself made what appeared to be
threatening comments to Australian Holocaust
survivors during a Melbourne radio interview -
"Now I am coming to hit back ... I am coming
back and they're going to hurt." These were incidents in an Australian
environment that is relatively benign and tolerant.
In Europe, far more serious incidents have taken
place. In May 1992 the Deutsche Liga (a.k.a. Die
Nationalen) planned a rally in Berlin, inviting
Irving to be the main speaker. A wave of
orchestrated neo-Nazi ,violence broke out across
Germany the same day as the planned address. In
Magdeburg, 60 neo-Nazis raided a birthday party in
a restaurant, destroying the interior and leaving
five people with fractured skulls. One victim later
died. Refugee centres in Hainichen, Stollberg and
Aue were subject to neo-Nazi attacks. In Wendisch
Rietz/Beeskow neo-Nazis attacked a disco and
attempted to kill a Nigerian refugee. A 24 year-old
skinhead was later charged with attempted murder.
Twenty Nazi skinheads attacked a musical group from
Czechoslovakia performing in a local pub. In Halle,
skinheads ambushed and stabbed three people leaving
a fete. German authorities banned the Irving speech
to the rally after fears of big
counter-demonstrations and the possibility of
violence. On 4 July 1992 Irving organised a London
Revisionist Seminar, guarded and attended by
skinheads, neo-Nazis and members of the BNP The
invitation to the seminar stated: "We do not want
this gathering to be just another 'talking shop' -
we want it to be a spur to practical action". Two
hundred anti-fascist demonstrators picketed the
meeting. Bottles and missiles were thrown between
the two groups. A TV cameraman was assaulted by BNP
skinheads. Seven people were arrested. More than a
hundred police were required to hold back
demonstrators. Irving was guarded by members of
Combat 18. Only two months later on September 19 Irving
held another Revisionist Seminar in London, at the
Eccleston Hotel. The audience was predominantly
skinheads from the British National Party. The
guest speaker was Irving's colleague Ernst
Zündel from Canada. Zündel described
Adolf Hitler as a great man and then lauded a
murderous neo-Nazi attack on immigrant hostels in
the former east German town of Rostock: "Rostock is
a beacon of hope. They are thinking with their
blood ... Our war is at home and the colour of our
skin is our uniform. After the death of Maastricht
a new Europe will emerge, a decentralised Europe on
ethnic lines after there has been ethnic
cleansing." In March 1991 Irving was the guest speaker at a
rally of the Deutsche Volks Union (DVU) in Passau.
The 8000 neo-Nazis listened as Irving claimed that
"Germany would be the victorious power of the
Twentieth Century" and that in 10 years Germany
would regain its territories to the East. After
listening to Irving, 300 members of the DVU rioted
in the streets, assaulting pedestrians, smashing
windows and injuring people. Forty DVU supporters,
many skinheads, are arrested for giving Nazi
salutes and possessing of knives and
knuckledusters. A further 20 were arrested after
attacking a youth centre, smashing doors and
windows. Days later, The Independent carried an interview
with Irving which described how he was still
enthused after Passau. 'There was a crowd of
10,000! The audience was chanting my name!" Irving
claimed to the paper that Germany would "achieve
with the Deutschmark, everything that Hitler failed
to achieve" and boasted "I'm a mob orator. The
German language is a lovely language for making mob
oratory in." In 1990 Irving gave similar addresses in Munich,
Dresden, Leipzig, Stuttgart, Oberhausen, Gera, and
Weinheim/Bergstrasse. According to German
intelligence reports during 1990, Irving attended
12 additional rallies and functions in the former
East Germany, including Dresden, Leipzig, and Gera.
His motto was "An Englishman fights for the honour
of the Germans." The Dresden lecture was organised
by the German neo-Nazi leader Ewald Althans, who
last year received a three-year prison sentence for
inciting racial hatred. In Hamburg Irving spoke on
'The Warmonger Churchill." Perhaps most disturbing is the fact that Irving
appears aware of the consequences his actions have
throughout Europe. Interviewed by the London
magazine Time Out he claimed " Central Germany as I
would call it - you would call it East Germany - is
going to be a breeding ground of political
extremism and the present tilt is towards the
right. I won't exploit it personally, but I do go
along and mob orate for other people ... I intend
to drive from town to town making speeches from the
back of a truck and just see what happens." It's no wonder Irving is banned from so many
countries. Not only don't they want him, they go
out of their way to keep him out. For the rest of
the world it's not an issue of free speech but
rather preventing undesirable individuals with a
record for rabble rousing, incitement and extremist
associations from entering their borders. The list of refusals has grown impressively. The
first country to move against Irving's activities
was Austria. In June 1984 authorities detained
Irving in Vienna and expelled him before he could
address the first of a series of "Free Rudolf Hess"
rallies organised by the "Society for Truthful
Contemporary History." The group is an offshoot of
the extreme right wing National Democratic Party.
The Austrian Interior Minister had been battling an
upsurge in neo-Nazi activity and determined that
Irving was an "undesirable alien" and banned him
from re-entering the country. Norbert
Burger, the self proclaimed "Führer" of
Austria said that he thought it "a splendid
achievement that his party had been able to enlist
the services of the world famous historian, Irving,
the scourge of the cover up historians." On November 8 1989 the Criminal Court of Vienna
also issued a warrant. On May
8 1992, the Munich District Court found Irving
guilty of slander of the memory of deceased
persons. The penalty was a fine of 10,000
Deutschmarks. Irving appealed the fine and for his
trouble found it increased to 30,000 Deutschmarks.
During the hearing Irving surrounded himself with
stacks of books and announced to the court that "he
wasn't just anybody." The court found that Irving
wasn't just anybody and had said to a
Lowenbräukeller (beer hall) meeting that "By
now we know - that there was never any gas chambers
in Auschwitz." The court held that "anyone who
denies the murder of Jews during the Third Reich
slanders each and every Jew." An order was
subsequently issued by the German Government for
Irving to be expelled. "Your presence in the
Federal Republic of Germany infringes public
security. public order and also considerably the
interests of the Federal Republic of Germany...
Your behaviour constitutes a danger to the inner
security of the Federal Republic of Germany." The fact that Irving was in Germany at all
remains a source of irritation for authorities,
who, under the direction of the Ministry for the
Interior, had since 1990 had Irving on a list of
undesirable aliens to be prevented entry at any
border crossing. Somehow, Irving has repeatedly
managed to evade these restrictions and appear at
various lectures and neo-Nazi gatherings. Irving
seems to enjoy the cat and mouse game with the
German authorities. In a telephone interview with
the London Times from Munich he boasted, "Yes I am
here and I have been in and out of Germany twenty
times since the ban was imposed. This last time I
came across the border in a rented truck at 4 am
and had no difficulty whatsoever ... I was in
Austria yesterday where there is an arrest warrant
out for me." In Canada
his efforts to undermine the authorities have not
been as successful. Canada, long renowned for its
liberal, tolerant and open society, was an easy
target for Irving. But by 1992 authorities there
had become uncomfortable with his activities. That
year, the Canadian Secretary of State stated that
"Mr Irving's sympathies and intentions have no
place in our society. They are abhorrent to
Canadian values and ideals and are an incitement to
racism if not a direct promotion of racist
attitudes." In October, Irving was notified by the
Canadian Consul General in the US of the decision
by the Canadian Department of Employment and
Immigration that he was not to be admitted into
Canada. He was duly served with a letter declaring
him persona non grata. What the Canadian government did not realise was
that Irving had decided he was going to Canada
regardless. On October 27, Irving attempted to
illegally enter Canada at Niagara Falls.
misrepresenting the purpose of his visit. He was
arrested and served with a departure notice. Irving
failed to honour the departure notice and Canadian
immigration authorities issued a Canada-wide arrest
warrant for him. Eventually Irving was found in a
Chinese restaurant in downtown Victoria addressing
a group of neo-Nazis. He was rearrested and
handcuffed. The crowd became agitated and the
police were forced to quickly leave the restaurant.
Irving was thrown into jail. He was then brought before a hearing of the
Immigration Tribunal. When asked to give evidence
Irving claimed that he had complied with Canadian
immigration requirements and delivered a fantastic
story to explain his behaviour. The court determined
that Irving had "fabricated evidence," "concocted
your story," had presented "unexplained
discrepancies in your evidence" and ordered him
deported. Back home things have not gone so smoothly for
Irving either. Arrested at his London home after a
High Court judge ruled him in contempt for failing
to reveal his assets when a German
publisher sued him for the return of a DM
150,000 advance, Irving was sentenced to jail in
1994. In 1979 another German publisher, Ullstein,
had to pay compensation to the father of Anne Frank
after printing the introduction to the German
edition of David Irving's Hitler's War, where
Irving claimed that Anne Frank's diary was a
forgery. In Italy in 1992 the neo-fascist (and now
banned) Gruppe Movimento Politico (Western
Political Movement) hired a luxury hotel in Rome
for a Holocaust denial seminar. Irving and Robert
Faurisson were invited to attend the conference,
which was largely attended by Italian skinheads.
The skinheads were bussed into Rome from Milan and
Verona and when Nazi salutes were made to Jewish
demonstrators outside the hotel scuffles broke out.
Eventually the skinheads requested and received
police protection and were escorted back to the
buses. In the end Faurisson never showed. Irving
never made it out of Rome airport. As he descended
the steps of the plane he was greeted by 10 car
loads of armed Italian anti-terrorist police,
questioned, refused entry and escorted back on to
the plane. Although Irving has visited South Africa several
times, the Home Affairs Office decided in 1992 to
withdraw the visa exemption which British citizens
automatically hold for South Africa. In the same
year Irving listed Clive Derby-Lewis as a
referee in his South African visa request. This
former South African MP has since been arrested,
convicted and sentenced to death for complicity in
and masterminding the assassination of black leader
Chris Hani. Derby-Lewis provided Janusz
Walus, Hani's accused murderer, with the gun he
used to shoot Hani. Derby-Lewis was also president
of the Western Goals Institute, one of the sponsors
of Irving's London seminars. The Institute has
close links to Jean-Marie Le Pen of the
French Front National. During Irving's 1989 visit
to South Africa he told a newspaper that he had
become "great friends" with Mr Derby-Lewis. In
December 1993 the South African Government refused
Irving permission to enter. Wahrheit Macht Frei, truth brings freedom, the
excited crowd chant. It's a play on the words
Arbeit Macht Frei, work brings freedom. which
cynically hung over the entrance to the Auschwitz
concentration camp. It's April 21, 1990, the day
after Hitler's Birthday. It's Munich, and guess
what? It's another beer hall. The 500 strong crowd
are enthused. David Irving has just brought them
their 'truth'. "The gas chambers one can find as a
tourist to Auschwitz were built by the Poles after
World War II. The buildings have been chemically
analysed and we have published the documents. This
has stirred up so much dust that our enemies cannot
breathe." Michael Kühnen, the German neo-Nazi
leader who is to later die in prison from AIDS,
claps. Kühnen was head of the Freiheitliche
Arbeiterpartei, a large party of skinheads. The
whole crowd is clapping and hooting. Irving is
happy. These are the heavyweights, important people
in Irving's world. Former Nazi officers, young
neo-Nazi leaders, older ideologues and financial
backers for the networks. In the corner is General Otto Ernst Remer, a
living legend amongst today's neo-Nazis. Remer was
adviser to the end amongst today's neo-Nazis. Remer
was adviser to the former head of Egypt. Gamal
Abdel Nasser and sold weapons to Syria. But he
is best known as the man who tracked down the
individuals who conspired to assassinate Hitler on
July 20, 1944. As a reward he was appointed
Hitler's personal body guard. "I see him before me
still", says Remer reminiscing about Hitler. "He
was an important man. The kind that is only born
once in a hundred years." Remer is an active and
influential, key elder statesman in today's
neo-Nazi movement. He was convicted in Germany in
1986 for denying Nazi war crimes. Also there is convicted Nazi terrorist
Manfred Roeder, who orchestrated the bombing
of refugee hostels in 1980, and a man who
identifies himself as Michael Carter. Except he's
not Michael Carter, he's real name is Anthony
Hancock, Irving's infamous English printer. Talking to Irving are three of Germany's most
senior neo-Nazi leaders, Christian Worch, Ewald
Althans and the skinhead leader from Riehfeldt,
Thomas Heinkel. Althans was jailed last year
for three and a half years after a Berlin court
found him guilty of neo-Nazi activity and
incitement. Irving is in fine form. He's telling
the audience a Holocaust denial joke about the two
German privates looking for lone Jews in the Polish
country side with a one-man gas chamber. "The one-man gas chamber looked like a sedan
chair, camouflaged as a telephone booth." Irving
tells the crowd. "Now how did one fool the poor
victim to enter this gas chamber? A telephone bell
was rung inside and the privates said: I think it
is for you." After the meeting is over it was decided to
march from the beer hall to the Feldherrnhalle, a
location in Munich associated with Hitler's Putsch.
The demonstration was not authorised. According to
a 1994 German Intelligence report, 'The
unauthorised demonstration was stopped by the
police and in the process Irving was temporarily
arrested as leader of the march." While Irving is widely seen as part of a general
push by extremist elements to absolve Hitler and
the Nazi regime, he has also turned his attention
to other targets. In 1992, Irving escalated his
anti-immigrant attacks, telling the Clarendon Club:
"Nothing pleases me more than when I arrive at an
airport or at a station or at a seaport and I see a
black family there ... I think that is the way God
planned it, and that's the way it should be. When I
see these families arriving at London Airport, I'm
happy. but I'm even happier when I see them leaving
London Airport. We can never totally ethnically
cleanse Britain; it would be wrong to set about
doing this. But we can relieve the pressure." There is little doubt that Irving's long term
objective is the resurrection of National
Socialism. For that to be effectively achieved
Hitler has to be humanised and the worst excesses
of the period either refuted or removed from
history. Hence his book Hitler's
War, which sought to denigrate the Allied
leaders, and more particularly Churchill's
War. which was published in Australia by
Veritas Publications, the West Australian-based
publishing arm of the Australian League of Rights.
(Between 1981 and 1990 Veritas received a total of
$150,000 in Federal Government subsidies to publish
Churchill's War and other extremist material, which
was distributed internationally. Veritas was also
the sponsor of Irving's banned visit to Australia
in 1993.) Churchill's War argues that Sir Winston
Churchill was a fraudulent opportunist and that
rather than Hitler, it was Churchill who was
responsible for the deaths of millions of civilians
and Allied soldiers during World War II. As part of his campaign
to exonerate Hitler, Irving argues that it was
not Hitler who was responsible for the terrible
crimes of the Third Reich. "I found documents
which show Hitler always put his hand out to
protect the Jews," he claimed to Britain's ITN
television. "In 30 years of work in the archives I have
never seen a single document that talks of gas
chambers. The Holocaust is a word invented by
Jewish propaganda and I have never seen even one
document which can let us believe that Hitler was
aware of the extermination of the Jews," he told
the Italian newspaper L'Expresso; "The fact remains
that the gas chambers in Auschwitz never existed,"
he said during the same interview. "It's going to be a hot 12 months, but at the
end of it, the gas chamber legend will have
vanished once and for all," he told the London
Independent. "If you look at my work on Hitler, only just
published, you won't find the Holocaust mentioned
in even one line. Not even a footnote. Why should
we? If something didn't happen then you don't even
dignify it with a footnote," he told the Clarendon
Club. "Two years from now nobody will believe in
these legends any longer. They already don't
believe in the absurd legend of Jewish
concentration camp victims being turned into bars
of soap. Jews, he lectured the Jewish Chronicle of
London, are "very foolish not to abandon the gas
chamber theory while they still have time ... I
predict a new wave of anti-Semitism within 18
months because the Jews have exploited people with
the gas chamber legend." "Women never produce anything useful," and are
"mental chewing gum," he tells the London Daily
Express. Freedom of speech does not mean acquiescing to
the advocates of intolerance amongst us. This sends
a clear message of permissiveness to those who
incite racial hatred. inflame prejudices, and
exacerbate social tension and conflict under the
guise of civil liberties or freedom of speech.
That's the vehicle that Irving has always tried to
manipulate in Australia. In most other countries
the issue of free speech no longer arises, as
informed and familiar with Irving's background and
agenda, commentators, journalists and politicians
universally accept Irving as an undesirable figure.
In Europe today he rarely receives media attention
and headlines. Familiar with his cynical
manipulation of media forums for the sake of
headlines and the advancement of his views, most
editors relegate Irving to the "In Brief"
columns. Prime
Minister John
Howard believes he has lifted a pall of
political correctness and encouraged freedom of
speech. David Irving believes that "we are hitting
home and this is why the fight is hotting up. I
think, though, that the next two years are the last
two years before what I can see as final victory. I
think the next two years will be very dramatic
indeed, with a lot of violence." The entrance of
David Irving into Australia is not a free speech
issue. It's a national security one.
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