January 17, 2001 (London) 10 a.m. at the High Court. Court of
Appeal, Courtroom 72. Next to the big
courtroom we had for the Lipstadt trial
last year. We have the court "booked"
until 11;15 a.m., but it takes an hour
over that. Twenty minutes pass before
Lord Justices Sedley and
Potter come in. Potter LJ not
unlike myself to look at, large and
four-square and very English; Sedley LJ,
different. Potter LJ begins by saying they have
already taken a view of my application,
and want to state what would in their view
be the appropriate course, namely that
there should be a stay of any execution of
Mr Justice Gray's order -- that I
should pay a large fortune to the
defendants -- until the appeal application
is heard and disposed of. So that is that.
We have won the point already. There remains a lot of tidying up, as
Miss Heather Rogers, the very
capable barrister appearing for Penguin
Books, is none too happy to be cheated of
their prey as easily as that. It has
however damaged her clients that we
learned of the outcome of our first
application (Sedley
LJ's refusal) only through the press,
when The Guardian rang up my attorneys.
Sedley LJ says he takes a dim view of
that. Potter LJ then goes through my last
night's answers to the defendants' list of
questions -- thank goodness I did take the
trouble to answer it last night, and to
print three high-grade copies for the
Court, just in case -- and, addressing
paras. 22 and 25, says "David
Irving rightly takes the point that
the defendants have no need to know the
source and identity of his contributors,"
and that I am concerned to protect those
identities, "in the light of the content
of this litigation and the high feelings
aroused." Sedley LJ agrees at once that it
would be proper for me to disclose the
overall amounts concerned, but not the
identities of any of the contributors. Sedley
LJ has a good grasp of the case and
the essentials, and at the end of the day
we have nothing to complain about. It is
soon decided that the appeal should follow
immediately on the determination of our
application for permission to appeal, in
Sedley LJ's memorable phrase the appeal
should come "in line astern" after the
application for permission, i.e. without a
pause (if permission is granted);
Adrian Davies, my barrister, says
that we should estimate the appeal hearing
to last three to five days, and we may
well want to put in further evidence. At
which Sedley LJ remarks that if they are
just new documents it would be less
problematic -- "are we only looking at a
ring binder," he asks. "Is it to be
another expert witness," asked Sedley LJ,
"or something concrete?" Alas, at the
words "concrete evidence" I laugh out
loud. Apologising if she might appear to
whinge, Miss Rogers then whinges that this
is the first she has heard suggested of
"new evidence." The judges settle at this stage on
three days for the appeal. As Mr Davies
says, the pre-reading will involve some
2,000 pages of transcript; but the two
judges query whether the court will have
to read the entire transcript, or just
those parts to which their attention is
drawn. Penguin Books are aghast at the extra
expense that they now face (they could
have walked away Scot-free two years ago
-- that was my offer to them then; and for
just five hundred pounds paid to a charity
for the limbless a year ago). "We can see
the costs tap being turned back on,"
laments Miss Rogers, and she submits
stoutly that there are no grounds for
appeal. The judges remind her that under the
new Civil Procedure Rules she can no
longer ask for security for costs against
an appellant, no matter how impecunious,
as everybody has a right to appeal if
permission is granted. After a fifteen-minute break for
deliberations, Sedley LJ reads the
Judgment. He recites the history of the
action ending with Mr Justice Gray's -- in
our view highly perverse -- judgment. In
August last year we applied for permission
to appeal and for a stay on the costs
order. Sedley LJ applied himself to the
matter and on December 18 refused our
application, giving his reasons. That is
how things have stayed until today.
Penguin Books are opposing any continuance
of the stay. At the eleventh hour, continues Sedley
LJ, Mr Irving has put in a draft affidavit
("draft," because we were unable to swear
it yesterday evening or this morning, the
Court office not opening until 10 a.m.).
The affidavit states that I am without
means to meet the huge costs ordered, and
if the order were enforced it would create
crushing hardship and put an appeal beyond
my means. Penguin Books on the other hand are a
prosperous publisher. Penguin Books have
asked questions on my affidavit (last
night) and I have (also last night)
submitted answers which, he says, "entitle
Mr Irving to a continuance of the stay."
"It seems to me equally likely," said
Sedley LJ, "that Penguin Books ought to
have the opportunity to serve any
Statutory Demand on these solicitors
should occasion arise." We have already agreed that this
morning privately between counsel however.
He then goes into what he calls "the
logistics of the application for
permission." The work to be done in
putting forward the application is the
same as that for the actual appeal being
heard. There will be no appreciable waste
of effort in doing the work if the
application is refused, as the appeal is
on fact and detail. The right course is
for the application to be listed with the
appeal itself to follow immediately. Mr
Davies has said there may be further
expert evidence. That being so, we should
apply in detail and promptly in advance
with details of such evidence. His order
therefore is roughly as follows: (I) (1) a stay on the
costs order until the hearing of the
application and appeal, appellant
giving the undertakings (a) to swear
the draft affidavit forthwith (b) to
answers on oath to the further
questions in the letter of January 16
200 within fourteen days not including
the identities of any individuals on
the bank accounts provided. The answers
to relate to all transactions since
April 11, 2000, but to the contents of
the Fighting Fund since January 1,
2000. (2) Stay on the defendants'
undertaking that the information given
as above will be disclosed only to
persons within Penguin Books who have a
need to know in connection with these
proceedings and will otherwise be kept
confidential. (3) On undertaking by
solicitors through Counsel to accept
service of any statutory Notice and
petition that may be issued.(II) Application to be listed to
follow with appeal to follow. Three
days allocated for the hearing. Time
estimate to be subject to revision.
(III) Order that any notes to
Penguin Books and Court to introduce
new evidence given within 28 days of
today with all supporting documents and
skeleton arguments. Upon receipt of the
evidence Court will give written
directions for disposal of the
application. Penguin Books to have 28
days from receipt of notice to make any
submissions. Potter LJ states that he concurs with
these terms of the Order, and Counsel are
to agree between themselves the precise
terms of the Order. |