kept this privileged information
to itself and its employees,
evidently, passing it on to the
FBI only belatedly, and not
before first sending it to the

October 1, 2001 (Key West, Florida, USA) THREE emails bring word that Doug
Collins has died aged 81 in Vancouver
yesterday. A kind, gentle old Englishman
who was one of Vancouver's most popular
journalists (North Shore News)
until the traditional enemies decided to
silence him for ever, using the full
majesty of all their new "hate crimes"
legislation to penalise him, his editor,
and the newspaper company they worked for.
As in England and the USA, the people who
have monopolised the word "hate" are the
worst haters themselves. There was not an
ounce of hatred in his soul, just love and
veneration of his English heritage and all
that it stood for. If
I were not banned from Canada, thanks to
the dirty work of those same enemies, I
would travel there immediately for his
The Washington Post has published
the extraordinary fact that an Internet
firm in the World Trade Center received
two hours' warning from Israel of the
impending terrorist attack. It kept this
privileged information to itself and its
employees, evidently, passing it on to the
FBI only belatedly, and not before first
sending it to the Israeli authorities. One
may suspect that The
Mossad had an informant who briefed
them in good time; and that The Mossad, if
it believed the story, decided to let the
Sturm losbrechen, such an atrocity
being -- as Benjamin Netanyahu
incautiously blurted
out to The New York Times,
after the acts of mass murder took place
-- "very good" for Israel.
Were this story not from The
Washington Post, I would have placed
the item in the bin where I have tossed
all the other rumours and scuttlebutt, for
instance about the 4,000 Jewish employees
who did not turn up for work at the WTC
that day, and the Wall Street firms that
traded "futures" in a manner designed to
make profits for them if the WTC towers
and (the airline shares) should crash, and
the snapshot of a tourist atop the doomed
WTC just as the plane is closing in (wrong
type of plane, wrong time of day, no
anti-suicide barriers, etc., etc.).
The snapshot was said to have been leaked
by secret FBI sources. The other item of
interest is an article
by Robert Fisk in Saturday's
London newspaper The Independent.
Rather more forcefully and certainly
better informed than I, he casts doubts on
the content, and perhaps even the
authenticity, of that handwritten,
five-page "letter" of which the FBI says
it found copies in the baggage of one
hijacker, in a car, and at the site of the
Pennsylvania crash. Fisk calls the letter
"fearful, chilling, grotesque -- but also
very, very odd."
"In the name of God," the document
begins, "of myself, and of my family." No
Muslim, says Fisk, would include his
family in such a prayer. He also finds
fault with the remark, uncharacteristic of
a Muslim, "The time of Fun and waste is
gone," Mahommed Atta, or one of his
associates, is reported to have written in
the note. "Be optimistic ... Check all
your items -- your bag, your clothes, your
knives, your will, your IDs, your passport
... In the morning, try to pray the
morning prayer with an open heart." The
writer, whoever he really was, told his
fellow hijackers to "remind yourself that
in this night you will face many
challenges. But you have to face them and
understand it 100 per cent." That "100 per
cent" bothers Fisk, and it does sound out
of key. Nor would a devout Muslim need to
be reminded of his duty to say his prayers
or to be reminded of the text. As the journalist points out, the full
text has not been released by the FBI.
Dropping a broad hint as to who may have
authored, or at least translated, the
letter, Fisk writes that it suggests an
almost Christian view of what the
hijackers might have felt -- asking to be
forgiven their sins, explaining that fear
of death is natural, that "a believer is
always plagued with problems". If the letter is a US Government
forgery, on the other hand, it is strange
that it includes no references to any of
Osama bin Laden's demands -- for an
American withdrawal from the Gulf, an end
to Israeli occupation, the overthrow of
pro-American Arab regimes. Fisk notes that
CIA translators have previously turned out
to be Lebanese Maronite Christians. "Or is
there something more mysterious," he asks,
"about the background of those who
committed a crime against humanity in New
York and Washington, just over two weeks
ago?" We await the FBI's further releases,
which may well answer these awkward
questions, with interest. Previous
diary Death of Doug Collins:
Herald obituary
last column