other two arrested were
identified as 'gem dealers' from
Manhattan who were involving in
financing the
Passage dropped from later news
bulletins about the New Jersey
missile-sting arrests.
13, 2003 (Wednesday) Key
West, Florida NOW that I have
announced that Joe Sobran is to be
our featured speaker on the Ohio River
dinner cruise, registrations
for my Real
History convention at
Cincinnati on
the Labor Day weekend are coming in well.
Yes, the Internet is still out of
AN oddity, before I record the morning's
main news. US television news channels
last night reported that the FBI had
arrested three men in New Jersey in a
"sting" -- an appropriate name for the
operation as it turned out. One of the
three was identified as British "of Indian
descent"; he had arrived at Newark, New
Jersey, with an advanced Stinger-type
ground-to-air-missile obtained from the
Russians. The other two arrested were
identified in the early bulletins only as
"gem dealers" from Manhattan who were
involving in financing the deal.
I have two questions for myself, there
being nobody else to ask: - Why was all reference to the "gem
dealer" background of the two men
omitted from later bulletins?
- Why, in the subsequent studio
discussions on why terrorists were
trying to buy such missiles -- duh,
namely to bring down commercial
airliners, or at least put the wind up
air travellers -- was there no
reference to the American Airlines
plane from Idlewild airport that was
"brought down" over Queens and Rockaway
Bay a few days after September 11, 2001
killing all aboard? Police witnesses on
the ground saw an exploison "the size
of a small car" on the fuselage. Is
that now just one more of the
non-events arising from September 11,
like the bringing down of flight
9:25 pm: [Jewish
Telegraph Agency confirms
nabbed in missile
A US Jew was among the three men
arrested in the incident. ]
is an element of predictability about the
reaction of today's London press to the
death at 93 of Lady Diana Mosley.
The Daily
Telegraph, which has come very heavily
under Zionist influences since its seizure
by the Hollinger Group and Conrad
Black, gloats and jeers with all the
mannerless verve of street urchins
standing at the railings of a society
church wedding, or of mudlarks at Cowes
Week. They are aware that no matter how
hard they scrabble and scribble, they will
never achieve the fragrance, wit, and
grace of this charming old lady.
How her life spanned the two centuries!
Born Diana Mitford, she was sister
to the famous and infatuated Unity, the
crazed pre-war admirer of Adolf
Hitler, who committed a long-drawn out
suicide when our country declared war on
Germany -- shooting herself in the head: a
manner of death, necessarily unpracticed,
which is less easy to perfect and perform
than one would think, as Generaloberst
Ludwig Beck discovered in July 1944
(the gun kicks upwards). Diana's letters in response to my
inquiries were always genteel and
forthcoming; latterly, she commented
helpfully on the draft pages of my
biography which described her wedding
to Sir Oswald Mosley in the
Goebbels villa in Berlin -- but the book
also described how he had gone more than
once to the Nazis, cap in hand, asking for
subsidies for his rising British Union of
Fascists, in the thirties, and she
appeared to have been unaware of that; Dr
Joseph Goebbels finally advised
Hitler to stop giving, recommending that
the British fascists should learn to do it
the hard way, collecting subscriptions
from the masses. 
HOW had Mosley so attracted the hatred of
England's Jewish community? He had raised
a highly effective anti-war movement with
policies that lay directly athwart their
international interests. In July of 1939
he staged one huge final rally at the
Earl's Court arena. He had many
distinguished supporters. Among them,
before the war, was none other than
Frederick Lawton, later Mr Justice
Lawton, who presided over the Convoy
PQ.17 Libel Trial against me in 1970.
In May 1940, under pressure from the
trades union movement and the left-wingers
in his government, Winston Churchill
ordered Mosley's imprisonment without
trial, along with Diana and thousands of
their supporters; he stayed in jail until
November 1943.
The diaries
of Guy Liddell, head of B section
of MI5, which I have recently been reading
for my Churchill
biography, are full of the hatred of
the establishment for this man. Sir
Norman Birkett, who headed the
tribunal which reviewed each arrest, had
Liddell spluttering with contempt as he
released member after member of the
interned party. One arrested man,
questioned about the Black Shirt and
Fascist Belt found by police in his
closet, explained no doubt with a knowing
wink that he needed the belt for his
lumbago. He was released. I know that I earned hostility from
Mosley's lieutenants when I revealed in my
Focal Point newsletter in 1981 that
I had discovered in Benito
Mussolini's files, or rather in
Dino Grandi's, in the secret state
archives outside Rome, the Italian
documents proving that Mosley had also
received large cash handouts from the
Italian fascist government -- packets of
foreign currency handed to his lieutenants
on street corners in London by officials
of the Italian embassy. Mosley had later
always denied it, but here were the signed
receipts, and secret dispatches recording
every transaction. Nicholas Mosley, Sir Oswald's
son, was delighted when I gave him the
documents for the hostile biography of his
father. Well, so what?, I can hear him
ask: both Tony Blair and Ian
Smith are getting huge sums of money
from Israel for their political parties,
which is no better. I also provided to Nicholas a word
picture of the 1959 general election
campaign at which Mosley stood for his new
party at North Kensington, a district of
London that was rapidly darkening in line
with the dictates of the government of the
day. Night after night, we students from
Imperial College went down the road to
watch these skilled orators at work --
first the intrepid, gaunt, veteran fascist
Jeffrey Hamm, warming up the street
crowd, and then Sir Oswald himself,
arriving in a big black Daimler cruising
through the crowd, but not before another
black limousine had mistakenly passed down
the same street, accommodating what the
crowd took to be a Black pimp and his
young White hooker. The speech was always the same for each
of the three or four nights that Mosley
spoke from the top of a loudspeaker truck
-- the high point, eagerly awaited by the
largely proletarian crowd, being his
dismissive remark that these new
immigrants had only the most limited of
needs, "They can live off a tin of
Kit-e-Kat a day." Be
that as it may -- and recent news stories
from London have revealed that some
immigrants prefer a more human diet --
Diana was as refined and precious as her
raucous, wealthy husband was not.
It is not for nothing that that
pampered and brilliantined twit, the
historian Andrew Roberts, lets slip
in his memoir
on Lady Diana in today's
Telegraph the revealing phrase that
the BBC had once "inadvisedly invited" her
to appear (on Desert Island Discs,
for God's sake). The conformists always
hate it when a genuine light is allowed to
glow. On the rare occasions when, the twits
notwithstanding, television did invite her
to appear, she sparkled. When that
simpering but enjoyable poofter, the late
Russell Harty, tried to interview
her on his TV programme in the 1980s, she
ran rings around him in the nicest
possible way, saying what she wanted to
say, and dancing and twirling lightly
around all the traps that he and his
producers had set.
DESPITE what the traditional
enemies of the truth have often
stated, I was never a member of her
husband's party or indeed of any other;
nor even a hanger on.
Perhaps "an interested observer" would
describe it better; yes, that is what I
have always been. In fact Mosley's new British Union had
first come distantly onto my horizon when
I was at school, I forget how. They stood
local councillors for the Brentwood
election, and I liked one of their
candidates enough, a Mr White I think, to
help him go round the houses with his
leaflets. That must have been in about
1954. The Board
of Deputies of British Jews claimed in
one of their secret smear
reports on me that I had "spoken at an
Oswald Mosley rally at Imperial College in
1959." There was never any such event. A few years later, when I was studying
political economy at University College
London, the students invited Mosley to
lead a debate on immigration -- "This
House believes that there should be some
restriction on Commonwealth Immigration
into the UK" -- a notion which was
downright heresy at the time, but of
course all those very laws have long since
been put into place. UCL could not find any student willing
to second Mosley, a poor show indeed, and
the student body approached me because of
the reputation I had gained, though not
earned, while at Imperial College; I
agreed, but expressed reluctance as I did
so: a reluctance that was well placed, I
might add, because Mosley was given a
standing ovation at the end of his
brilliant speech while I, when I rose to
deliver what was I think my first ever
public address, was mercilessly hounded,
howled down, and humiliated, and I had to
face some very clever heckling indeed. I had undoubtedly dragged defeat into
the jaws of his victory and firmly wedged
it there. The debate ended in an annihilating
vote. Mosley's face was black with rage,
as he rightly blamed me. "I never wanted
that Irving as a seconder," he rasped to
the UCL officials. He had wanted his own
son Max Mosley -- now a famous
Formula One racing expert -- but
university rules would not permit an
outsider to debate. It is interesting to read that "Lytton
Strachey paid her court." He lived for
many years in the house I now live in, in
Mayfair. Lady Diana Mosley's crime was not only
to have admired, but to have slept with
The Enemy, and now they are all there,
jeering at her peaceful death at the
appropriately named Temple de la Gloire in
Paris. Hollinger's Telegraph even
allows itself a sneering cartoon, of
jackbooted mourners bearing a wreath.
(Which inadvertently reminds me of the
that Lipstadt's lawyers arranged to be
sent to me on the day of my daughter's
funeral, before the Lipstadt trial.) Viel Feind, viel Ehr', the
German proverb goes: many enemies -- much
honour. With enemies like these, Lady
Diana led an honourable life
indeed. [Previous
Radical's Diary] 
Telegraph obituaries of Lady Diana