off, it Mr Longerich! We already
have millions of lines in the
archives, so why read between

January 30, 2002 (London, England) A FRIENDLY U.S. bookseller asks, "Are
you aware of this book written by Peter
Longerich called The Unwritten
Order: Hitler's Role in the Final
Solution"? Indeed I am, it was
published first in German (his English is
not very good, but he is a conformist
historian who teaches at a minor British
university); it is evidently his own
exploitation, i.e. double-dipping, of his
expert witness report for the Lipstadt
trial (for which he was already paid
in fees). Amazon
says it is due out in May. This
is a minor scandal. Longerich is the
author of the lesser work Politik der
Vernichtung, which he and his fellow
conformists make required reading for
their luckless students; he confesses in
lectures that he has found no documentary
evidence of Hitler's role in the
Holocaust, but in this new book he once
again hastens to claim
that such evidence is "there," between the
Come off, it Mr Longerich! We already
have millions of lines in the archives, so
why read between them? If there is no
explicit documentary evidence even now,
sixty years on, even the dimmest academic
can surely guess at the reason why? Or
should I write, even the most
intellectually corrupt? And that is the reason for my beef.
Van Pelt, Browning, Longerich,
Evans, have all subsequently published
books on the trial, rehashing their paid
neutral expert evidence. So their evidence
was influenced by commercial
considerations. It was not neutral after
all, or am I missing something? If
Longerich had titled his book: "Still no
proof for Hitler's role in the Holocaust,"
he would have been on to a loser. Madison
Avenue and its British counterparts would
have looked the other way. (Under
cross-examination, Van Pelt actually
on oath that he intended to publish
his expert evidence as a book. He has now
so). This is the same Peter Longerich who
admitted under cross examination that he
had omitted all reference to the 1942
memorandum ("the Führer has
repeatedly stated that he wants the
Solution of the Jewish Problem postponed
until the war is over") from his history
books. The
publisher's illiterate, ungrammatical, and
misspelt blurb for the book puffs it as "a
compelling account of how Hitler came to
take the decision to kill the Jews," but
then I see that this impressive quote is
from Longerich's friend and fellow witness
Prof. Richard ("Skunk") Evans, whom
Lipstadt's gang paid a fat fee of
at least £70,181
for giving his neutral evidence in
the way he did.
These neutral expert witnesses all know
which side their bread is buttered on.
Thank god for Real History. [Previous
Radical's Diary]Relevant
items on this website:
Longerich index
a 1998 London lecture, Longerich tells
the Chairman in advance that he will
refuse to answer any questions put in
Question Time by Mr Irving (--Some
"Ein Führerbefehl war nicht
of Lipstadt trial |