The Battleship Auschwitz is still
sinking after all -- if it has
not been sitting, just upright,
on the sandy bottom ever since
1988, already mortally torpedoed
by Fred Leuchter: just like the
battleship HMS Queen Elizabeth in
Alexandria, holed in 1942 by an
Italian Navy one-man-torpedo team

13, 2002 (Tuesday) Key
West (Florida) A LONG rambling call in German from
Anneliese in Victoria, BC: her hip
operation failed, has had to be
re-operated etc. And in what name to make
out the regular Money Orders. It is
however nice to talk in person with these
dear old supporters of mine. In the mail is a photocopy of a
learned paper tucked away in
Osteuropa's issue for May 2002, a
respected German journal on eastern
Euroepan history (DVA), Fritjof
Meyer, a leading editor of Der
Spiegel, quietly abandons Krema II at
as a gas chamber, saying -- on the basis
of Pelt's latest research finds --
it was never used, and only being prepared
for possible use as one (yeah, right);
until now, it was claimed that a million
souls perished in that underground
mortuary, with cyanide dropped through
holes in the roof. We even had video,
which I showed in court, of Professor
Robert Jan Van Pelt sobbing on the
roof of Krema II and calling this building
the epicenter of the world's genocide
history. Now Meyer writes that all the killings,
such as they were, were done off site in
the two "bunkers" (i.e. the converted
peasant cottages of which the Auschwitz
officials Aumeier and
Höss both talked, and which I
freely agreed at the trial may have been
used on a modest scale for gassings). That
is, unless I have read the paper
completely wrongly. Meyer also cuts the
number killed there from 4,000,000 to not
much over 300,000, which is close to what
the Kraków Trial found in 1947.
2.6MB, Avi] In delicious vignettes, Meyer reveals
too that - until the Soviet collapse in 1989
Auschwitz staff were promised instant
dismissal if they publicly doubted the
figures: but he himself still goes on
to quote as an authority the very
Auschwitz official, Franciszek
Piper, a communist (and Jewish)
"historian", who issued the threats of
dismissal; and that
- my old enemy and rival, the late
Martin Broszat, quietly deleted
from his "scientific" publication of
the Rudolf Höss memoirs all the
blatantly phoney figures which might
otherwise have aroused scepticism.
Gradually the ducks are waddling into a
row. Of course it would be nice if Pelt
had admitted this in the Lipstadt trial:
Mr Justice Gray could surely not
have then found
against me. But his paymasters
would have been none too happy, I
suppose. I don't recall seeing this May article
blazoned in headlines around the world the
same way that my financial devastation and
eviction that month were. August
14, 2002 (Wednesday) Key
West (Florida) I sit up until long past midnight
scanning, correcting and posting the
German-language article by Fritzjof Meyer
my website, with a user-friendly
annotations system. I alert Mark
Weber at the IHR to the posting, and
he replies overnight: "This is terrific --
amazing even. We are all in your debt for
scanning and posting this latest
revisionist breakthrough." I agree. Another breakthrough. The
Battleship Auschwitz is still sinking
after all -- if it has not been sitting,
just upright, on the sandy bottom ever
since 1988, already mortally torpedoed by
Fred Leuchter: just like the battleship
HMS Queen Elizabeth in Alexandria, holed
in 1942 by an Italian Navy one-man-torpedo
team (a feat which Bill Clinton
would nowadays have called "cowardly and
despicable"). I write this introduction to the Meyer
article on my website, tacking on to it my
rare logo: So who's right then? THIS
was precisely the position that I
adopted in the Lipstadt Trial: that
there had been NO mass killings in
Krema II, and any gassings that did
occur were in the so-called "bunkers"
outside the camp. It is a pity
that Meyer lacks the courage of his
convictions. Having attacked me
gratuitously in his opening paragraphs,
in order to earn the right to probe
into the taboo subject of the Auschwitz
death-toll at all, he approvingly
quotes Mr Justice Gray's perverse
Judgment, on the absurdity of even
questioning the homicidal nature of
Krema I and II, -- and then proves
quite brilliantly that (contrary to
what Prof Van Pelt argued in his expert
witness report and during the Lipstadt
trial) I was in fact right: The
killing, such as it was, was done
off-campus in the two Bauernhäuser
outside the camp perimeter, and not in
the big concrete state-of-the-art
crematorium (Krema) buildings.
I have always
argued that the original Holocaust
figures are probably exaggerated by a
factor of ten, and Meyer's article also
supports this proposition. Published
without any fuss in May 2002, Meyer's
paper is nonetheless a noteworthy
breakthrough, and a victory for
revisionism and Real History (but won
at what a price...)
Somebody in Finland tells me that all
the trial transcripts have vanished from
the Internet website where we posted them.
That will be my next task. Putting them
back. . -
Radical's Diary