Generali In Bed With Foxman FROM THE APRIL 8, 2003 issue
of the New York Times. Scraping by
on relief agency handouts, Mr.
Weiss, his sister and three brothers,
who had also survived concentration camps,
remembered that their father, who was
killed at Auschwitz,
had taken out a life insurance policy from
a big Italian company, Assicurazioni
Generali. In the late summer of 1945, they
contacted the insurance company. But when
they could not produce a death certificate
or policy, they were turned away. "Of course you couldn't get a death
certificate from Auschwitz, " said Mr.
Weiss, who is now 75 and living in Toronto
and Los Angeles. "And how could we have
the policy? They took everything from us
when they took us away. The company gave
us the runaround, and after a while we
just gave up." Now, nearly 60 years later,
Mr. Weiss, a retired watchmaker, is again
trying to have Generali pay the old claim.
He and seven other Holocaust survivors
have filed a suit against Generali for the
value of their policies, which their
lawyer, William M. Shernoff,
estimates may now be worth hundreds of
thousands of dollars each, perhaps even
millions of dollars, with punitive damages
included.  | FPP
Website note: Abraham
Foxman, wealthy and
controversial chief of the Anti
Defamation League, likes to refer
to himself as a "Holocaust
survivor." As a biography
on this website shows, he was not
even born when Hitler invaded his
native Poland, and he was looked
after by Polish Catholics
throughout the war; his parents
also "survived". | Abe Foxman of the ADL was the
first to say the legacy of the Holocaust
should not be about money, when he
appeared on Sixty Minutes. So- why did his Anti-Defamation
League accept a $100,000 gift last
year from the Italian insurance giant
Assicurazioni Generali, without
fanfare, and in the midst of Generali's
negotiations with survivors seeking
compensation for life insurance
policies it has refused to pay?
- why did the ADL, which released a
statement praising Generali when it
agreed to a $100 million settlement
with survivors, remain mum when the
company withdrew it?
Those questions were raised after an
Israeli business publication,
Globes, reported the $100,000
gift." If anybody thinks we can be bought
for $100,000, that's pretty sad, " says
Foxman. Well just how much would it take
to buy the ADL? How much would Foxman take
to sell out Jewish lives? Dishonest Abe adds that he wished
Generali had not withdrawn the offer.He
says the ADL accepted the $100,000 because
"when Generali came to us and said it
wanted to repair the past, was there
anything it could do with us, I said,
"Since you are Italian, I'd like to focus
on honoring Italians who stood up against
nazism and hatred. If you want to fund
our: educational Programs dedicated to
that, I'd be delighted." Generali maintains that it has no more
than 100,000 unpaid policies that could
have belonged to Holocaust victims.
However, officials at Israel's Holocaust
memorial museum, Yad ashem, reportedly
believe that figure is low, based upon
records Generali has provided. Generali
has said it would cooperate in an
independent review of its pre World War II
files and contribute to a humanitarian
fund for survivors. FOXMAN,
-5 P.M. EST
As was reported in the
Forward, November 8, 2002, in an
article, "Europe's Jews Fear Effects of US
Attack on Baghdad," a number of Jewish
Establishment leaders from around the
world openly voiced their predictions of
what the Moslem terrorists would do once
America legitimately attacks Iraq. These
Jewish Establishment leaders from France
to England to USA, many not in the ADL,
were attending an ADL conference on Global
anti-Semitism. All agreed that the danger
of attacks against Jews is real. All except for one, except
for the professional con man and hired
liar by the name of Abe Foxman, the half a
million dollar man. Now, what do you think
"Dishonest Abe" said? Guess, and we will
give our reader one hint. He didn't tell
Jews to get legally armed and set up
volunteer security teams. We will now
quote verbatim from the article "The ADL national director
Abraham Foxman downplayed community
leaders concerns...he had no specific
information about any Jewish sites
being targeted, and was counting on law
enforcement to prevent any attacks." Even after Al Qaeda has
bombed a synagogue in Tunisia, after a
group of Moslem extremist terrorists
snipers shot up a synagogue in Washington
State, after Moslem terrorists firebombed
a synagogue in Riverdale, Foxman is still
refusing to tell Jews to defend
themselves! In fact the quotes above
reflect two lies that Foxman is trying to
sell: That Jews do not need to defend
themselves because they have not been
targeted. Further, the second lie is that
Jews can sit back and rely on law
enforcement. This is contradicted daily by
Foxman's own hypocritical behavior. First
the ADL building has armed paid guards.
They do not rely on the police but to
protect their building and higher ups, but
have hired armed guards. Further Foxman the fraud has
his own armed bodyguards. They are not
"police" but hired guards. Now how come
hypocrite Foxman, and his other ADL
leaders are not willing to put their lives
in he hands of the police, and dial 911 if
there is an attack? Like Foxman tells
other Jews to do, let this Jewish Charity
dollars made millionaire practice what he
preaches. Of course in his own eyes
his life is worth more than that of 6
million other Jews living on America, who
can't afford to pay thousands of dollars a
week for armed guards to protect their
synagogues and homes from groups pledged
to slaughter them. This reminds us of how
in Hollywood a number of entertainers
claim to support banning guns, and think
no one not even a shopkeeper needs a legal
gun license to protect their store. But
sometimes the names of these actors and
entertainers who preach gun control for
everyone else makes the tabloids, and it
is exposed that through "connections" they
managed to skim of a concealed weapons
permit for themselves. Maybe Foxman,
learned acting from them because this
ever-deceitful man is one heck of an
FOXMAN IS A FAILURE Abe Foxman, who prevented
Jews from putting up Menorahs on public
property, has come out against the General
Motors Corporation from sponsoring a
Christian Rock Tour. "They have the right
to do it, but I'm a little uncomfortable
with a major commercial venture going into
propagating religion." In a phone
interview from Jerusalem, he added,
"Evangelical Christians believe they have
the truth, so are they selling a product
because it's G-d's product? I find it
troubling." These people are not
missionaries - they are not trying to
convert Jews - and they have the right to
practice their religion without Foxman's
complaints. It this petty stuff the ADL
concentrates on - while downplaying
domestic Nazis. FOXMAN IS A
FAILUREJews are more vulnerable to
anti-Semitism today than at any time since
World War II, Anti-Defamation League
national director Abe Foxman said Monday.
"I did not believe in my lifetime that I
or we would be preoccupied on the level
that we are, or the intensity of
anti-Semitism that we are experiencing, "
he said. "The increased level of
anti-Semitism continues to be the main
item on the agenda of the ADL." The most
alarming danger today, said Foxman, comes
from Muslim anti-Semitism, which is more
intense and more violent, tied to the
political conflict in the Middle East.
Foxman cited the issue of Holocaust
denial, which he said took 40 years to
develop into a perverted
pseudo-philosophy. Foxman should resign from
the ADL because he is a failure and a
Holocaust Pimp. He has grown rich from
ignoring the Jews suffering. He is fraud
through and through. It was Foxman who all
these years told Jews not to rally not to
demonstrate against the neo-nazis Klan or
Moslem extremists. It was Foxman that
abandoned Pollard, as well as met Arafat
repeatedly and called him a man of
peace. It was Foxman who has truly
turned Jewish community concerns into a
quick way enrich himself to the tune of
half a million salary a year ! Foxman must
go if there is to ever be a Jewish
establishment who under pressure will
march against US Government pressure on
Israel. Foxman must go if there is to ever
be a Jewish Establishment that sets up
volunteer security teams to guard
synagouges and Jews. Foxman...the most
corrupt Jewish Establishment leader in
America today. Foxman, a snake oil salesman
has most integrity !!To help our campaign
against Foxman and get him out of ADL
write to us at J.D.O. Democracy in Jewish
Life Campaign at JDO PO BOX 159 N.Y .N.Y
10150 . You can also e mail that you want
to be part of DIJEL the JDO Campaign to
make the Jewish Establishment more
democratic and replace either the policies
or people with those who will put Jewish
interests first and last !Part of the
campaign will be to force the status
seeking ADL board members to fire Foxman
now! The good news is the
California Board of ADL passed a
resolution that because of Foxman taking
money from Mr Corrupt Marc Rich
secretly and getting caught that every
four years his job should be subject to
review. Well, that is not good enough for
Jewish Militants. We do not want Foxman to
stay on the job for the next four years or
even for the next four minutes ! Call
Foxman at his office 212-490-2525 and tell
him to quit now, that he has old out Jews
for far too long. Tell him to get a real
job something he has not had in years! To
get more info about this call JDO today at
our National Headquaters 212-252-3383.
DICTATOR HE IS!Now that "Dishonest Abe" has
fired one of the better directors in the
ADL, the regional director of his Los
Angeles office, David Lehrer, many
in the Jewish Community who once blindly
trusted Foxman, including many ADL
supporters, see Foxman for what he is - a
petty dictator who will not allow
democracy or different views or even
opinions to be tolerated in ADL. Although Mr Lehrer is
someone who JDO has surely disagreed with
at times, Lehrer took the neo-nazis very
seriously and joined the ADL to fight
anti-semitism. He, unlike Foxman, has an
open mind and took personal charge to make
sure that the nazis were monitored and
opposed. Mr Lehrer at one time
encouraged Jewish students to hold
peaceful rallies (lawful and legal)
against anti-Israel groups on various
campuses in the West Coast. However,
Foxman fired him. Foxman cannot tolerate
dissent. It's time that all the members of
the ADL National Commission realize they
are only useful for Foxman as a way to get
money. Those board members who disagree
usually get driven out of that once good
organization. Today the ADL, even after
the Rich scandal - that Foxman was central
to - have yet to fire him. Foxman was paid
to help Rich, took a large contribution
from him, and abandoned Jonathan Pollard
Prisoner of Zion. All this speaks for itself,
e mail JDO your statements on Foxman
needing to be fired. It will be forwarded to the
members of Foxman's useless board, those
men and women we call "Abe's Puppets". All
in all Foxman has transformed the ADL from
a Civil Rights organization to a lobbyist
special interests group!
- WE

FPP Dossier on the
Anti-Defamation League
survivor" Abe Foxman's salary nudges up
to half-million, while his organisation
begs for funds
boss of crusade against anti-semitism
confesses to press that his
organisation took huge bribe to
influence US President to pardon
billionaire Jewish fraudster | --
"The guy who gives you $100 doesn't get
as much attention as the guy who gives
you $10,000" | -- admits
ADL took Marc Rich's $100G before
pushing pardon: sees "no connection"
| ADL's
Foxman [left] grovels, March,
2001 |--New
York Daily News assails ADL, "Jewish
Leaders' Unpardonable Role" in Jan.
2001 Marc Rich corruption scandal
|-- Elie
Wiesel denies he Threw Weight into
Campaign to Secure Pardon for
Mega-Fraudster Rich (but he did) |
Rich Linked To $9 Billion Russian
Jewish mafia Money Laundering