The 2003 Real History Conference in Cincinnati,
by Eric Mueller (speaking at right, behind David
WORD I HAVE just come back from the David Irving Real
History Conference . Again I spoke, this time on
the discrepancies between the Arabic and American
media, the latter, actually rejecting information
and refusing to inform the public in the US. I told
of my own experience in translating for newspapers
here only to find that they never published so much
as one word. Thus, the problem is not that the US
papers are ignorant of Islamic peoples and culture,
or that they don't know Arabic. The problem is that
those who run the media reject information that is
out of step with their "war on terror"
propaganda. RESEARCH
TRUCKS Of all the talks, I thought David
Irving's was easily the best. It dealt with the
negotiations that went on in 1944 between Adolf
Eichmann in Budapest and Jewish
representatives. Eichmann offered to release one
million Hungarian Jews to the Allies if the Jews
could get the British to supply 10,000 trucks. The
British electronic intelligence intercepted the
messages going among the Zionists from the UK
station in Palestine so they knew about the whole
affair even before the Jew arrived in Cairo to try
to work out the deal. Moshe Shertok and Chaim Weizman
then saw Churchill on July 6, 1944 to plead for the
case in the summer of 1944 but he wasn't
particularly interested. Of course, the British
ambassador in Moscow wrote urgently back to London
not to do any such deal because if the Soviets
found out that London had supplied the Nazis trucks
for use on the Russian front (nobody else was
fighting in the area) they would be most upset.
Because London dragged its feet, some Jew
(presumably) broke the story to the London
Times and that was the end of it, though
they had hoped, presumably, to embarrass the
British into carrying out the proposed
agreement. JEWISH
GERMANS Another interesting talk was given by Charles
Provan on Theodore Kaufman. Kaufman, an
American Jew, wrote a book in 1941 calling for the
sterilization of all Germans and the extinction of
the German nation. The book soon became known to
Goebbels who had it translated and reprinted
and distributed to all German soldiers. It aroused
concern at the highest levels in Berlin: Goebbels
and Hitler discussed it on several occasions and
regarded it as world Jewry's plan for the future of
the German people. Several people at the Nuremberg trials after the
War, and Adolf Eichmann later, testified that this
book provoked many incidents of Jew killing and was
responsible for the decisions that the west
identified with the "holocaust" as to the desire to
get rid of Europe's Jews, under a sort of "it's
them or us" conception. WHAT
AMERICA WAS MEANT TO BE Joe Sobran, the noted columnist, gave a
talk demonstrating that the US Constitution was
originally written as a document designating the
role of a federal government to which sovereign
states delegate power. In other words the 13
original states were thought of as 13 countries
that agreed to a loose federation, reserving the
right to split up. One might regard the gradual centralization of
the United States into one country as something of
a historical inevitability, nevertheless, Sobran's
talk definitely demonstrated that the US
Constitution is basically a "dead letter" because
the chief virtue that many American historians and
political scientists ascribe to it - namely that it
is very "flexible" - only means that they can twist
the document to suit their interests. Eric Mueller Texas |