Friday, August 31, 2001 2 pm registration begins 5:30 social hour with welcome and introduction of friends of David Irving (there is a cash bar) 6:30 welcome reception and grand informal dinner 7:30 opening words of greeting by David Irving to the delegates, and a brief talk on: "The Modern Plague: Historical Conformism" 8 p.m. Mark Weber tells us what the files hold on: "Wilhelm Hoettl, triple agent: SS, OSS, CIA." Saturday, September 1, 2001 9 a.m. welcoming coffee in the ballroom 9:30 start: Prof. Philip Supina (Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania): "A comprehensive overview of Nazi Germany's Environmental policy." 11 break 11:30 David Irving delivers a survey: "Hitler and the Final Solution; are we any nearer to the truth?" 12:30 lunch 2 Prof. Peter Kirstein (St. Xavier University, Chicago): "Many Holocausts: The Atomic Bomb as Case Study" (with a brief video), followed by a discussion. 3 A brief introduction to the work of Leni
Riefenstahl 3:30 p.m. film (in German) Triumph des Willens 5:30 p.m. general discussion 6:15 p.m. board buses 7 p.m. board steamer River Queen for formal dinner and a leisurely cruise up-river; during which famed conservative columnist Joseph Sobran talks on "Lincoln, the Democrat Monarch" 10:30 the boat docks, and we board buses back to the convention hotel
Sunday, September 2, 2001 9 a.m. Welcoming coffee in the ballroom
10:30 a.m. Prof. Tony Martin (Professor of Africana Studies, Wellesley College, Boston): "The Controversy Surrounding the Jewish Role in the Trade in African Slaves." 12:30 lunch 1:30 The Great Debate on Auschwitz: "A closer look at the roof of Crematorium II" (Charles Provan, right, who has recently visited the site, leads off and claims that he has found the famed Zyklon-introduction holes on which the truthfulness of the five 1945/46 "eye-witnesses" stands or falls; Brian Renk tries to face him down)
5 p.m. Real History social hour at riverfront restaurant; Topside of this restaurant is reserved exclusviely for us. 6 p.m. Real History informal dinner; followed by a speech by Canadian trial lawyer Douglas Christie (bottom picture) on the fight to preserve free speech and research in his country. 9 p.m. The city's multimillion dollar Labor Day fireworks display begins. 10:30 p.m. we board buses back to the convention hotel.
Monday, September 3, 2001 9 a.m. Welcoming coffee in the ballroom 9:30 a.m. Real History associate Don Bustion: "Hitler's Library"
11 a.m. Former AP correspondent Michael Hoffmann: "Prof. Lipstadt's impassioned call to her people to treat Mr Irving as Amalek: i.e., kill him" [12 noon break for guests to complete checkout and luggage arrangements] 12:45 p.m. David Irving bids Real History's guests farewell until next year
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