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A Reader has advice to Windows users on how to download Mr Irving's free books, Thursday, February 26, 2004




How to download the free books

I HAD contacted you about having an unnecessarily clumsy and objectionable procedure for Microsoft Windows users.

Today I took another look and found that using Windows XP Professional with Acrobat Viewer installed, I could open the PDF files of "Churchill's War", vol. ii: "Triumph in Adversity" on your site and download everything in just a few seconds (using a cable modem connection with my local cable TV provider).

It would be helpful -- to Windows users, i.e. most of the world -- if you would make the first volume available in PDF file format as well. An option of downloading a single PDF file for each volume would be similarly preferable if that choice comes up for you at some later date.

Your Acrobat Reader upgrade notice is promoting version 4.0 (in two places) when I'm sure that at least version 5.0 is freely available.

A Reader


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David Irving

David Irving comments:

YES, I declare myself an unabashed Mac user, and do what I can to help those unfortunates using that bug-ridden, virus-prone, hacker-fodder Microsoft Windows.

So I am glad to post the above letter. In future I will upload books as both zip files and the original pdf. For others with difficulties, I have this advice:

First: READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! A .sit file is StuffIt compressed file.

Do you have, as well as Acrobat Reader installed, also StuffIt Expander? It is a free tool and you obtain it by using my pulldown menu (it is right at the bottom of the menu). It is also at


 © Focal Point 2004 David Irving