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Carl Hamilton writes about Mr Irving's many books
A book fan and insomniac writes
THANK you for your wonderful web site. I have spent many hours browsing. I am always enraged at the amounts of misrepresentation I read on you. I have read Goebbels, Göring (3 times) the Memoirs of Keitel and I am currently working on the Dresden Book. (Thanks for the downloads).
All have kept my wife complaining about how little sleep she can get with my reading in bed. Thank you. I have 2 questions:
I have read the book twice and have read some comments by the author that it all is true. Do you have any information or opinion? Along with your Göring book, it is my favorite WW2 book. Thanks for your time and I hope to be making a donation in the near future.
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David Irving comments:
I CEASED to do any more on the Deborah Lipstadt front than follow that noxious person's movements and career, both past and present; no doubt to the annoyance of my enemies, I have moved on.
Yes, the website is an important weapon, currently being visited by about 70,000 people daily. It all costs a lot of money to maintain. As it grows in size, more people will join this interesting two-front battle -- against the traditional enemies of the truth, and for Real History. Now go get some sleep. For both of us.
Jocelyne Demers of Toronto writes (Wednesday, September 10, 2003): "Since you do not refer to Mr. Hamilton's Guy 'Sader' and his Forgotten Soldier in your published answer to him, here goes just in case. The author's name is Guy Sajer, and the book was initially published in French, as Le soldat oublié. I have no idea whether that work was also published in English. The book is about men of conscription age born Germans in Elsass-Lothringen before the end of 1918 or French later in the French départements of Haut-Rhin, Bas-Rhin or Meurthe-et-Moselle, who were mobilized in the German armed forces after the late 1940 reannexation of that territory by the Reich, and a number of whom endured a prolonged captivity in a vast Soviet concentration camp in the region of Tambov."