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Letters to David Irving on this Website







Unless correspondents ask us not to, this Website will post selected letters that it receives, and invite open debate.

Don Bloser of Tasmania wants to download a free David Irving book, Tuesday, June 7, 2005, but prefers Zip compression



Got the wrong compressions

I READ your book The Virus House back in the 70's when I was operating the HIFAR Reactor in Australia, and have again read it as a PDF file compressed as a Zip file. Great Book.

I was about to read The Mare's Nest when trouble started. Downloading 'StuffIt expander' is a 'name.sit' file and there is no way to open it in Windows XP.

I have now to download a futher stuffit program at cost to open the expander.

Is it possible for you to revert to Zip or Rar Files so that we are not locked it to commercial companies? Ta very much

Don Bloser Rtd, RN, RAF



Free download of David Irving: The Virus House
Free download of David Irving: The Mare's Nest

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David Irving

David Irving comments:

SORRY to say I get a lot of complaints from non-Macintosh users about this, and since Macs can also use Zip I shall re-upload all the book in Zip compression when I have time -- say in the next three months. Meanwhile I have this morning uploaded a Zip file of The Mare's Nest for your delectation.
© Focal Point 2005 David Irving