Letters to David Irving on this Website

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Sydney Carton writes from the USA, Saturday, April 23, 1999

I WANTED to alert you to an article, in the May 10, 1999 edition of the New Republic, complaining about amazon.com's sale of books NR classifies as Holocaust Denial Literature.

Alas, the article has yet to be placed on Nexis, and NR's website doesn't have it posted, but I recommend you try to find a copy of it (Holocaust denial for sale, Denial.com by Jeremy Carter.) In the meantime, I'll try to get you a cyber copy of the piece.

It would be the perfect piece to use to identify the more subtle methods the enemies of free speech use to silence their opponents. As you've probably heard, the article mentions Bradley Smith, Art Kleps, Faurisson, Arthur Butz, but not you. This must mean that you're a harder case than others to stereotype.

By the way, I ran into the President of the BBC the other day and tried to ask him why they wouldn't put you on the air. Before I had the chance, his assistant pulled him away. Too bad.

Sidney Carton

 David Irving replies:

 IF somebody will e-mail it to me I will post it on this website. We do not fear the light of day.

 © Focal Point 1999 David Irving