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Frederick Taylor of England disagrees that Hitler was serious abut a ban on bombing, Monday, January 13, 2003

Hitler typewriter

 Hitler speaks

Hitler and a ban on bombing

YOUR energy and determination in tackling Sir Eric Phipps' diaries is commendable.

However, I think that to impute pacifistic motives to Hitler when in 1936 (rather than discuss concrete arms limitation proposals) he insisted that a universal ban on aerial bombing was "much more practical" may be a little naive. It was a tried and trusted technique of the communists, both before and after the war, when anyone attempted to draw them into specific discussions, to refuse to engage with anything less than absolute notions such as "World Peace" or "Total Disarmament" -- wasting everyone's time in pursuit of utopian aims which, as the communists well knew, would never be achieved. Result: the Soviet Union could continue to arm itself to the teeth while at the same time earning brownie points from credulous pacifists the world over.

Certainly the well-known failure of conferences aimed at just such a universal ban on bombing in the period before 1936 -- not to mention Hitler's later activities -- would tend to support one's suspicions that in his conversation with Phipps the Fuehrer was pulling a rather similar kind of stunt.

Frederick Taylor


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