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on "Hitler's War" (Millennium Edition, 2002)
I'VE just finished reading one more of your outstanding works. Hitler's War: I am still almost trembling. It is really great. Now I cannot find the right words to express my feelings. Thank you, sir. That is all I can say.
Once again I venture to draw to your kind attention a few modest remarks.
P.7. Referring to Armenians it is useful to look up at www.turkishembassy.org.
P.21. The figure of 8,000 unemployed in Frankfurt in 1932 sounds too small. Maybe it was 80,000?
p.27. What was the British ambassador's name? The text suggests that it was François-Poncet.
p.75. Perhaps the predominance of the army is explained by the very nature of Germany's position in the centre of Europe.
p.165. Maybe it would be proper to add that it was the 18th Communist Party congress. It was a practice to number them (congresses), the first having been actually a Zionist one and held in the town of Minsk in 1898. When I was indoctrinated in this stuff we began studying The History of the Communist Party of the USSR (an obligatory course in every Soviet school) only from the second one which took place in London in 1903.
p.166. Along with four other men Voroshilov had been promoted to Marshall in 1935.
p.p.363,372. At that time the former OGPU was already called NKVD.
p.p.379,380. It is noteworthy that No. 800 Brandenburg Regiment was mainly made up of Galician Ukrainians who enlisted in the outfit on the former territory of Poland.
P.417. There is no documentary evidence concerning the existence of a 100-ton tank in the Red Army in 1941 (and in later years).
p.438. In 1941 Stalin was in his sixty-second year.
P.492. Evidently Trans-Caucasia was meant (after the words "North Caucasus").
p.502.It would be more proper to call Reinhard Heydrich the Chief of SD .
Colonel Reinhard Gehlen (right) was indeed not far
from the truth. The main Soviet offensive (Operation Mars)
was planned and subsequently carried out against Model's
Ninth Army. The "Butcher" Zhukov commanded there and,
as always, failed.
p.531. It seemed that the Qattara Depression was to the right of Rommel.
p.560. General Vlasov's formation was called the Russian Liberation Army.
p.573. To be more exact it was the fourth battle over Kharkov. The fifth took place in August that same year.
p.575. Ferdinand (or Elephant) was not a tank, but assault gun.
p.576 and in other places. The Bulgarian monarch's official title was Tsar.
p.597. They were mostly of PzKpfw IV type.
p.598.The Soviet High Command knew about the coming onslaught from different sources. A direct warning came from a team of captured German combat engineers who were engaged in clearing mines a few hours before the attack.
p.608. In the SS Sturmbannführer corresponded to Major.
p.639. If the A-4 missile was "backward" what was an advanced rocket then. Perhaps it should have been more proper to call it "raw"? Also, "a million-ton dome of concrete" sounds somewhat astronomical.
p.650. On February 6, 1944 the Red Army was not yet fighting on Polish soil.
p.734. A-4 "mobile launching sites". What does it mean - "mobile"?
p.804. A lesson "learned from the Americans" (with the main battle line) was in use in WWI at least.
Dear Mr.Irving, thank you very much once more for this work of brilliance which is going to become the main academic source on the subject.
With all the best wishes I remain your very obedient servant,
("former military person") .
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Irving replies:
THANK you very much indeed; I shall incorporate these suggestions in the future edition which we are already planning. Your cooperation is very helpful indeed and we shall be in touch with you again. Please provide more such suggestions.
I WELCOME all letters with corrections and comments on my books; when new editions are published, we will endeavour to incorporate these, although it will usually take some time before the corresponding pdf file is updated in our "free download" section.