Unless correspondents ask us not to, this Website will post selected letters that it receives and invite open debate. |
Paul W writes from Hamburg,
Germany, July 4, 1998:
YESTERDAY I went onto the US Holocaust Museum site and looked at their photos. The first photo that came up under the search word GAS CHAMBER was a door to a gas chamber in Auschwitz where the sign on the door says Harmful gas, entering endangers your life.
That sort of ruins their 'Everybody believed they were going to be showered' story does it not??
My mother was right. If you want to be a good liar you must have a good memory!!
Paul W, Hamburg
Note however the disclaimer which they display prominently on their front page, perhaps as a result of the hoots of disbelief from Revisionists:-
THIS correspondent has produced a CD-Rom with thousands of first-class photographs of the Nazi concentration camps, then and now: Auschwitz Stammlager-Birkenau, Bergen Belsen, Dachau, Neuengamme, Sachsenhausen, Haus am Wannsee, etc. He gives this technical note on the JPEG scans: "I use PSP 4.0 Paint Shop Pro from JASC which, when you click on a folder, will open up a browser where all the photos in that folder will be put on the screen in thumbnails." He will be updating the photos as soon as he has been to the other camps Mauthausen and Buchenwald (or what's left of them). He has undertaken this immense task for the benefit of those interested in the facts about the Holocaust.