© Focal Point 2000
Letters to David Irving on this Website
Unless correspondents ask us not to, this Website will post selected letters that it receives and invite open debate.
Peter R. of Louth, Lincolnshire, writes on Wednesday, December 27, 2000
British schoolboys can outwit US SurfWatch Censors
Hi, I would like to register for your newsletter Action Report. My email address is [...] I am currently reading The Trail of the Fox (Wm. Morrow and Weidenfeld) and have so far found it very good indeed.
Yours sincerely
Peter R.
P.S. At my school, King Edward VI Grammar School, Louth, Lincs., it is impossible to access this website via their Internet terminals as SurfWatch blocks it.
I am very sorry to hear that. But most students have enough brains to go home and try again from their home computers, to see what they are being denied access too -- and they see how puerile the whole censorship effort is. If you will give me a mail address I will send you a free Hermann Göring biography too. By the way, several of my books are available as free downloads on the Internet. We shall soon be posting Trail of the Fox and Churchill�s War, vol. i in full.
For more information on Surfwatch and who is behind it [the ADL ->] go to my website at
It seems strange that a fine old British school should allow an American organisation to decide what its pupils should, and should not, read!
A Happy New Year to you all from all of us here
David Irving