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Alan Heath of Warsaw, Poland, has information, Monday, April 25, 2005, on the killing of German SS officers in Czechoslovakia: Kammler may have been one



SS General Hans Kammler was shot?

I WAS interested to see Simon Gunson's interesting letter concerning the fate of SS General Hans Kammler [Himmler's chief construction engineer].

On May 5, 1945 about 170 Germans were summarily shot by the NKVD in Jicin, Czechoslovakia, including Richard Thomalla who was the architect of the Belzec and Sobibor death camps. Some of those shot were normal soldiers, others were SS and functionaries. I had the impression that Kammler could have been of those who died on that day.

I personally feel that Kammler was too big a name to have got away and remain unheard of for so long.

The desire to catch Nazis is not as great, however, as may appear from the popular press. I have tried to trace SS Hauptscharführer Lorenz Hackenholdt -- the person responsible for the gas chambers of the Bug camps and whose name figured on the Stiftung Hackenholdt -- the gas chambers at Belzec. Last month I ascertained that his wife had died, and I went to the address where she had lived ; no-one had apparently even bothered looking.

Alan Heath

Alan Heath is a British publisher and expert on the Reinhardt Camps, who has worked in Warsaw, Poland, for many years. He lectured on the camps at our Real History conference in Cincinnati in 2001.

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