v - Penguin
Books Ltd and Deborah
1993 American scholar Deborah
Lipstadt published
product of a research contract
funded by an Israeli
agency. British
writer David Irving
that it libels him. | |
| Spellings and punctuation are as in
original | Witness
Statement of Daniel LevitasI, DANIEL LEVITAS
of [address
withheld by Website]
Atlanta, Georgia, USA, WILL SAY
as follows- 1. I am presently self-employed as a
writer and researcher. The areas on
which I focus are the Ku Klux Klan, the
Skinhead movement, the Aryan Nations,
white racist prison gangs,
crossburning, hate-motivated violence,
Holocaust revisionism, and the rural
Posse Comitatus. 2. Since 1989, I have testified as
an expert witness, or provided
pre-trial consulting in 10 different
States in the U.S and in Canada (for
example; US. - v- McDermott 1993 and
US.-v- J.H.H 1993). I have also drafted
legislation and contributed to Amicus
briefs submitted to the U.S. Supreme
Court and the Georgia Supreme Court on
crossburning, mask laws and the First
Amendment. 3. During my career I have also been
cited as an expert on hate groups by
several newspapers including the New
York Times, the Chicago
Tribune, and the Wall Street
Journal and have also appeared as
an expert on national news programs
broadcast by ABC, CBS, CNN, and
National Public Radio. 4. From 1989 to 1992. I served as
executive director of the Atlanta-based
Center for Democratic Renewal and
Education, Inc. ("CDR"). CDR is a
national, non-profit, civil rights
agency dedicated to monitoring the
activities of hate groups and incidents
of bias crime, providing victim
assistance, and offering training and
education to, for example; schools,
churches, synagogues and law
enforcement agencies. The CDR was
founded in 1979 as the National
Anti-Klan Network. In addition to my
managerial duties at CDR, I supervised
and conducted research on my focus
areas. 5. Sometime after 1 October 1992 but
prior to 15 October 1992 (while serving
as executive director of CDR), I
received by mail a copy of an
invitational flyer announcing that
David Irving would be the
keynote speaker at an event sponsored
by the "Atlanta Committee for
Historical Review" on 20 October 1992
at the Community Center in nearby
Smyrna, Atlanta (please see Appendix,
page 1). The flyer promoting this event
inaccurately describes Mr. Irving as
"the most widely read historian on
World War Two in the English language
today". 6. The Atlanta Committee for
Historical Review, is a group that
organises public and private meetings
to promote the idea that the Holocaust
of European Jewry that occurred during
World War II never happened. The
group's founder and its chairman at the
time of Mr Irving's visit was Sam
Dickson, an attorney. 7. Since at least 1985, Dickson has
sponsored and helped organize
international meetings of Holocaust
deniers such as Mr Irving and white
supremacists, for example British
National Party leader John
Tyndall (please see Appendix, pages
2 to 4). In 1990, Tyndall had sought to
enter the United States but American
immigration officials denied him
admission, citing Tyndall's criminal
record in Britain. In a letter dated 7
May 1991 (Appendix, page 4) that
Dickson sent to his supporters in
Georgia, Dickson promoted a meeting
that he organised for Tyndall in
Atlanta. Dickson advertised the meeting
as "a rare opportunity to learn how our
race is faring in our Mother Country
and learn the lessons of the fight".
Tyndall held several meetings
throughout the United States in 1991,
when he shared the podium with
prominent leaders of the Ku Klux Klan.
The meeting organised by Dickson in
1991 was also attended by Klan leader
Dr Edward R Fields and a crowd
of 200 other white supremacists and
neo-Nazis (I have this information from
the reports of those who attended on
behalf of the Centre for Democratic
Renewal). The meeting that I attended
on 20 October 1992 attracted a similar
crowd of well-known Klan leaders, hate
group activists and others. 8. Sometime after 15 October 1992,
but before 20 October 1992, I received
a copy of a letter dated 15 October
1992 addressed "Dear Patriotic Friend"
(see Appendix, page 5) and signed by Dr
Fields. Dr Fields, besides being a
chiropodist, is the editor of "The
Truth at Last", an anti-Semitic,
anti-black tabloid newspaper. The fact
that Dr. Fields was promoting the
Irving event was significant, given his
involvement, since 1946, in
anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi and white
supremacist organizations, including
being a leader, in the early 1980s, of
the New Order Knights of the Ku Klux
Klan. In addition to his involvement
with the Ku Klux Klan, six years prior
to the meeting on 20 October 1992, on
15 October 1986, Dr. Fields delivered
the opening remarks at a similar
meeting organized for Irving and held
in Marietta, Georgia, near Atlanta. 9. Upon receiving the letter of
invitation from Dr. Fields, I examined
the archives of the CDR and reviewed
files containing the articles and
publications of Dr. Fields, among them
a 1992 article written by Dr. Fields
and published in "The Truth at Last",
titled "My Awakening" (see Appendix,
pages 6 to 13). 10. In another article written by
Dr. Fields, titled "The Dangers of
Interracial Marriage", he states that
"History proves Negroes Are an Inferior
Race (sic)", and declares that "two
main groups...the Communists and the
Zionists...work for a mongrelized (sic)
America" (see Appendix, pages 14 to
19). 11. Upon receipt of the invitational
flyer produced by the Atlanta Committee
for Historical Review and the 15
October 1992 letter of Dr. Fields I
examined the archives of the CDR and
retrieved information about Mr Irving;
his beliefs, writings, speeches and
associates. I also consulted with
colleagues and experts in the field of
Holocaust revisionism. As a result, I
prepared and disseminated a news
release (Appendix, pages 20 to 21) that
reveals that Mr Irving was a speaker at
the 1990 annual conference of the
Institute for Historical Review
("IHR"), the largest distributor of
Holocaust-denial literature in the
United States. |
| 12. On 19 October 1992, I prepared and
disseminated a second news release (Appendix,
page 22) announcing that a "community-wide
protest" would take place at the Smyrna
Community Center, the site of the planned
meeting of the Atlanta Committee for Historical
Review featuring David Irving. Consistent with
the mission of the Center for Democratic
Renewal, which is to call attention to and
protest bigotry, racism and anti-Semitism, I
announced our intention to "peacefully protest"
Mr. Irving's appearance because it was an
"insult to the memory of the six million Jews
and all others who died as a result of the Third
Reich's deliberate policy of murder". 13. On 20 October 1992, I travelled to
Smyrna, Georgia. Arriving there around 6 p.m., I
met with representatives of trade unions, Jewish
organizations, civil rights groups and others
who had gathered with signs outside the Smyrna
Community Center to peacefully picket the event.
Around 7 p.m. I entered the Community Center
Building, and paid an admission fee of $6.00 to
the David Irving meeting. 14. Upon entering the room, I noticed
approximately 75 people in the audience,
including members of the Ku Klux Klan, the
Atlanta Committee for Historical Review, and
neo-Nazi groups, including approximately 5 to 10
individuals, who by their dress, tatoos and
appearance were identifiable as neo-Nazi
Skinheads. Dr. Fields was among those
present. 15. As a result of my observation of Klan
rallies throughout North Georgia prior to the
20. October 1992 meeting, I was able to
recognize a number of white supremacists and
neoNazis in the meeting hall in Smyrna,
including Frank Shirley (a.k.a Marion
Shirley, Frank Johnson). An active
white supremacist, Shirley has had a long-time
association with violent racist hate groups and
been a leader of the Ku Klux Klan, for
example: a) In September 1981, Shirley spoke
at a "unity rally" of four different Klan
groups held in Montgomery, Alabama.b) On 11 August 1984, Shirley spoke to a
crowd of about 55 members of the "New Order
Knights of the KKK" in Forsyth, County,
Georgia. c) In January 1986, Shirley was named as
the defendant in a federal lawsuit alleging
brass knuckles had been used in an attack by
another Klansman on a black teenager in
Cedartown, Georgia, in 1984 (please see
Appendix pages 23 to 27). At the time of the
alleged assault, Shirley had been active in
the Ku Klux Klan. d) On 17 January 1987, Shirley was among a
mob of white racists and Klansmen that
attacked a group of civil rights
demonstrators in Forsyth County, Georgia. e) On 24 January 1987, Shirley was among 60
whites who were arrested, along with former Ku
Klux Klan leader David Duke, while
protesting the presence of civil rights marchers
in Forsyth County. | 6. While attending the David
Irving meeting in Smyrna on 20 October 1992,
I also recognized Klan leader David
Holland. The former Grand Dragon of the
Southern White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan,
Holland was subsequently convicted of perjury in
U.S. federal court in Georgia in connection with
testimony given by him in an attempt to avoid
paying a monetary judgment, (that had been
entered against him in Federal Court) as a
result of his involvement in Klan violence
(please see Appendix pages 28 to 36).17. During his speech, on 20 October 1992, Mr
Irving made the following statements: a) That no gas chambers existed in
the Nazi concentration camps;b) That there was not "a single shred of
evidence that Hitler ordered the death of six
million Jews at Auschwitz"; c) That the "real victims" of World War II
were German citizens who were killed in
British bombing raids; and d) "If the Holocaust collapses. which it
will, if people no longer accept the gas
chambers, then the US. taxpayer will show
increasing unwillingness to pay the $3
billion" to Israel. 18. The October 1992 appearance of Mr Irving
in Smyrna was his fourth such visit to the
Atlanta area since the early 1980s. Prior to
1992, his last visit had been in April 1986.
Like the 1992 meeting, the one in 1986 was
hosted by the Atlanta Committee for Historica
Review and was organized, promoted and attended
by white supremacists. In addition to Dr.
Fields, the 1986 meeting was also attended by
Holland and Shirley. The contents of this statement are true to
the best of my knowledge and belief. Dated: January 20, 1999 Daniel Levitas | 36
pages of poorly reproduced appendices were annexed
by Mr Levitas (right) to the above document,
and are not reproduced here. Apart from a flier for
the October 20, 1992 meeting, they concern John
Tyndall, Sam Dickson, and Ed Fields, and include
press releases by the Center
for Democratic Renewal
dated October
and October
1992. There is also a transcript of an August 20
1986 hearing in the Georgia civil action Carey v
Rudseal et al.