Article Far
right's opposition to war is no
surprise Bombing
of Kosovo has whipped extremists into fury
by Warren
Kinsella IT
IS not merely the far left, the New
Democratic Party, and assorted tenured
university professors who oppose the war
against Slobodan Milosevic. The far
right -- neo-Nazis, white supremacists,
Holocaust deniers and their apologists --
strenuously object to the conflict, as
well. Given the latter group's
well-documented fondness for destabilizing
conflicts, and the usage of force, this
may come as a surprise.
But it should not, as we will see. A quick tour through some of the 1,600
Web sites that far-right groups maintain
on the World Wide Web shows near-total
unanimity on Nato's action. From far and
wide, skinheads and Klansmen and their ilk
have been whipped into an indignant fury
about the war. Ernst Zundel, for example, is a
Toronto-based pro-Nazi publisher. On his
much-visited Web home -- called the
"Zundelsite" and maintained for him by a
follower in California -- Zundel recently
offered up his views on the conflict:
"[The war is] a chance for the
proponents of multiculturalism to enforce
their liberal chimera with guns and bombs
. . . If Nato wins, the
military-industrial complex can rub its
blood-stained hands with glee, while the
mothers weep and babies die." Zundel's Web site manager struck a
similarly melodramatic tone,
sympathetically likening Milosevic's
position to that of Hitler, and
referring to Nato as "the warlords of the
New World Order." As was the case with
Nazi Germany, the Zundelsite proclaims,
the Serbs merely wish to fashion "policies
according to their own cultural traditions
and needs, not the needs of liberal pipe
dreamers and one-world globalists!" David
Irving, a British Holocaust denier
who refers to himself as a
has frequently used his
Web site to
denounce the war. Just last week, for
example, Irving reproduced
column by
Canadian journalist Michael
Harris, stating that it highlighted
what he called "Nato's half-truths,
lies and bloody murder in the
Balkans."[2]Elsewhere, between
advertisements for posters
and Irving's much-reviled
books, the British writer provides a
direct e-mail link to the "Letters to
the Editor" section at the National
Post. Irving's followers are encouraged
to write to the Post, applauding an
column that
appeared here by Prof. Michael
Bliss, and supplied with tips on
how to compose their
letters. The principal Web address for Canadian
neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups such
as the Heritage Front is called the
Freedom Site. At the four-year-old Web location,
former Armed Forces reservist Marc
Lemire provides a platform for the
like-minded to heap opprobrium on
multiculturalism, immigration, the
Holocaust and "censorship" of the
Internet. (Parenthetically, Messrs. Zundel
and Irving have expressed tremendous
affection for the CRTC's recent decision
to refrain from preventing the circulation
of hate propaganda in
cyberspace.)[4] A very recent essay on the Freedom Site
is headlined: "Why Christians should
oppose the War on Serbia." Among other
things, the correspondent objects to the
fact Nato is "bombing Christian women and
children on behalf of Muslims!" If anyone
deserves to be bombed, the Freedom Site
columnist suggests, it is the Muslims for
their faith. There is much more of this sort of
offal for those with the stomach for it.
But, suffice to say, the far right remains
steadfast in its opposition to the war in
the Balkans. Why so? The war against Milosevic's regime,
most agree, is a long-overdue and
co-ordinated international response to a
humanitarian crisis. The fact Western
leaders have pointed to the lessons of the
Holocaust as a historical rationale for
the Nato effort has rendered the far right
apoplectic. Just as they know the
reputation of National Socialism cannot be
rehabilitated while a crime as monstrous
as the Holocaust continues to be
associated with Naziism, the leaders of
the far right are certainly aware that
oratory that draws parallels between Adolf
Hitler and Slobodan Milosevic is unhelpful
to their cause. Similarly, the far right generally
supports the genocidal program devised by
Milosevic, and called ethnic cleansing:
The forced separation of certain races,
creeds and ethnic groups has been a core
belief of the far right, after all, since
the establishment of the Ku Klux Klan in
Tennessee in 1865. As the passage from the
Zundelsite makes clear, the far right also
possesses a lively paranoia about "One
World Government" and its assorted
manifestations -- the United Nations, the
global banking system, gun control and
black helicopters. On the rare occasions when the
international community actually joins
forces to prevent a pogrom -- as was the
case eight years ago during the Persian
Gulf War -- the far right (like the far
left) will be seen agitating against the
effort. To the adherents of the Freedom
Site, the Serbs are regarded as modern-day
Christian Crusaders, once again ridding
Europe of unwanted ethnic impurities. If a cause may be judged by the
character of those who support it, so too
may it be judged by the quality of those
who do not. By that measure, the war against the
regime of Slobodan Milosevic is a very
noble cause, indeed. Warren Kinsella is
a Toronto lawyer, and author of Web of
Hate: Inside Canada's Far Right
Network. |