Irving's Witness Statement
Specific allegations:
31. In 1988 I was asked by defence
counsel for the German-Canadian
Ernst Zündel whether I
would be willing to testify on
historical matters in the latter's
trial in Toronto. I agreed to do so,
flew to Toronto on April 21, 1988 and
after examination by the Court was
accepted as an expert witness.
32. It was on this occasion, and no
earlier, that I first met Frederick
the Massachusetts inventor and
execution technology consultant, of
whom I had never heard before. (I had
no part whatsoever in the defence
counsel's decision to secure Mr
Leuchter's expertise). I read his
affidavit, and was impressed by the
conclusions reached by the US forensic
laboratory which had tested samples he
had purportedly removed from the fabric
of certain buildings at Auschwitz.
Until that moment it had never occurred
to me that any of the famous buildings
there could have been faked or
reconstructed. Even with my own very
limited knowledge of chemistry, it was
clear that the quantitative analysis of
those samples established beyond doubt
that they had not been subjected at any
time to massive exposure to cyanide
For legal reasons Leuchter's affidavit
on his tests was not accepted by the
court as an exhibit. In June 1989 I
published a printed
version of its main conclusions, to
which I appended an Introduction in
which I expressed some reservations
about his methodology and peripheral
conclusions. Anticipating that the
report would have the same stimulating
effect on others that it had on my own
beliefs, I also arranged for its free
circulation to numbers of people,
including members
of the House of Lords prior to
their debate on the war crimes
34. On April 21, 1990 I stated to an
audience of Munich citizens at a
lawfully permitted assembly that the
gas chamber shown to tourists in
Auschwitz is a fake, built after the
war; and I mentioned that this meant
that this element of reparations,
amounting to several billion
deutschmarks, had been paid for a fake.
For making this statement, which the
Polish authorities have now several
times confirmed
to be true, I was fined
by the Munich court first seven
thousand marks, then on appeal ten
thousand marks, and on further
thirty thousand marks, for the
offence (known only to German law) of
defaming the memory of the dead. The
courts did not permit us to call any
defence witnesses or introduce any
defence documents establishing the
truth of what I had said.
35. On September
4, 1990 I had a private conversation at
the Freiburg home of my friend and
colleague Professor Dr Bernard
Martin, head of the university's
history faculty, on which I that same
day typed a note. He informed me that
he had visited Auschwitz several times,
and that the local authorities had
confirmed to him that the gas chamber
shown to tourists was not authentic. It
is symptomatic of the atmosphere of
terror in modern Germany that when I
made public in an interview what
Professor Martin had told me, he wrote
me a letter formally breaking off our
36. In October 1991 I lectured again
in Canada. On this occasion I was the
victim of a calculated smear issued as
a press release by a Canadian
government minister, Mr Gerry
Weiner, against whom I issued
immediate libel proceedings in British
Columbia, one of the provinces in which
the cause had accrued. The minister
successfully applied for the action to
be moved to Ontario, three thousand
miles from the offices of the counsel
whom I had instructed; since the courts
in Ontario were less likely to be
favourable, and since Weiner could
obtain in Ontario (but not in British
Columbia) a possibly crippling order
for security for costs in that
province, I abandoned the action. Mr
Weiner had made no attempt to justify
his smears.
37. In about September 1990 the
Italian publishing company Alberto
Mondadori Editore commissioned me to
read, authenticate, transcribe, and
edit the 1938 diary of Dr Joseph
Goebbels, of which they had obtained a
complete photographic copy from a
secret Soviet source; the agreed
initial fee was $10,000. It took
eighteen months to learn the
peculiarities of the Goebbels
handwriting, which was his own mixture
of the Sütterlin and Latin
In May 1992 Professor Broszat's widow,
who is Europe's principal editor of the
Goebbels Diary fragments, disclosed to
me privately that she had established
that the long lost diaries of Dr Joseph
Goebbels, for which we had all been
looking for many years, were in a
certain Moscow building where she had
seen them. Her own institute had
refused to raise the necessary funding
to exploit and obtain them. While
asking me not on any account to make
her own name public, for professional
reasons (which no longer obtain), she
advised me to raise a sum of dollars --
I suggested twenty thousand -- stating
that she knew for a fact that the
archives director would be willing to
sell me those diaries, which were on
hundreds of glass plates; since they
had never been identified as such, they
were not listed on the archive
inventories, and he could sell them
without problem. She gave me the
director's visiting card as an
introduction, and subsequently
contacted him directly on my behalf to
smooth my path.
39. I was aware from press reports
that the Soviet archival system was in
collapse, that records were being
strewn to the winds, that the former
Soviet authorities were in dire
shortage of funds, and that many
learned bodies, including the Hoover
Library in California, and my friend
and colleague the late historian Dr
John Costello, had already done
such deals with Russian and KGB
officials. I obtained the necessary
finance from The Sunday Times,
and made a pilot trip to the archives
on June. Andrew Neil, editor in
chief, expressed in our first
conversation serious misgivings about
the authenticity of the glass plates,
reminding me that his newspaper had
already fallen for the fake Mussolini
diaries and the fake Hitler Diaries. I
told him I was offering him the chance
of rehabilitating his newspaper's
40. I have set
out the salient points of both this
June 1992 visit to the Moscow archives
and the subsequent one in my Reply,
and in my contemporary diary
which is a document in my Discovery. I
need affirm here only that (a) I took
extravagant care of all the archival
goods that were entrusted to me; (b)
none was damaged; (c) none was stolen
or otherwise permanently removed from
those archival collections.
41. On my return to London I signed
an agreement with The Sunday Times,
which is in evidence. In return for
the provision of the Goebbels Diaries
relating to key historical events,
which were listed, the newspaper would
pay me £75,000 plus VAT. On my
second trip to Moscow from June 28 to
July 4, 1992, I obtained copies of all
the remaining items which I had
previously agreed with The Sunday
42. Announcing the serialisation of
the diaries, the newspaper unexpectedly
came under what its editor Andrew Neil
described as the most horrifying
political onslaught he had experienced
in his career. The Board
of Deputies of British Jews
orchestrated a campaign of mass
demonstrations, telephone calls, letter
writing, and cancellations of orders;
Neil told me of the intolerable
commercial pressures his newspaper also
came under. Within days, even while the
serialisation was still running in his
paper and in other newspapers around
the world, he had announced to me and
to the public at large that he was
going to welch on the agreement, under
this outside pressure, and not pay me
under the contract. I was obliged to
sue him for breach of contract in the
High Court. This was another episode in
the global conspiracy which had been
constructed to destroy my name, as a
"holocaust denier," and deprive me of
every legitimate source of income.
43. In October 1992 I visited and
lectured in several cities in North
America. While in Los Angeles I was
handed a letter from the Canadian
government, warning me that I might not
be admitted to their country (which I
had visited scores of times since
1965). Newspaper reports stated that
the initiative for the ban had come
from the Simon
Wiesenthal Centre. I have since
lawfully obtained Canadian government
documents which show that unknown hands
placed on their secret Immigration
dossier on me the statement that I was
a "holocaust denier," and that I have
written books of holocaust denial,
whatever that is. This is of course
quite untrue. The letter proffered two
or three reasons for my exclusion, none
of which was deemed by my legal counsel
to be adequate, and I duly entered the
country unhindered and quite legally in
44. After speaking, on Free Speech,
in Vancouver on October
28, 1992, I was arrested and held
for immigration determination. Since I
was notified that I would be held for
the next five weeks, I sought and
reached agreement with the authorities
that I would voluntarily leave the
country by a specified date -- November
1/2 -- , the legal precondition being
that I had to admit some minor error,
which we agreed should be that I had
not mentioned in Ontario that I would
also be visiting British Columbia.
45. Unknown hands now placed false
information about me in the US
immigration (USINS) computer; when I
tried to leave Canada at the appointed
hour, the USINS -- for the first time
ever -- denied me entry. There is no
doubt that this was an ambush.
League of Human Rights of the B'nai
Brith Canada subsequently publicly
the credit for the shutting down of
all my lecture tours at this time. The
government later apologised to me
for the error, and confirmed that they
had removed the lies from their
computers; they subsequently renewed my
permanent entry visa, and I have
visited the USA at least ten times
46. There was a complicated side
issue which is mentioned here, because
it goes to the issue of credibility:
after the initial amicable agreement
was struck in Vancouver on October 28,
1992 I quite legally left Canada that
same evening for two hours to sign some
pictures for a stranger, a Mr Brian
Fisher, in Washington state, USA; I
had thereby, unwittingly, complied with
the departure notice. When this prior
compliance became a "pivotal" issue
after the unexpected entry-refusal by
the USA of November 1, we produced: my
statements about the side-trip to a
press conference on October 30,
depositions from Fisher
and other sworn witnesses,
telephone receipts for calls I had made
from Fisher's home in Washington state,
and even the contents of the electronic
memory of my typewriter, which had been
impounded on my arrest by the RCMP
after my entry-refusal by the USA.
47. The adjudicator in his summing
up declared however that all my
witnesses had perjured themselves (he
did not explain the typewriter memory),
because these testimonies did not
accord with a US immigration (USINS)
computer which showed a three-hour time
discrepancy in our "concocted story".
The adjudicator was not aware, as we
later learned, that US INS computers on
the West Coast run on East Coast, i.e.
US government, time: hence the
48. I was forcibly expelled by
Canada on November 13, 1992. In
consequence of that expulsion and of a
vigorous campaign against me as a
so-called "holocaust denier" by other
participants in the global conspiracy
to suppress my views, I was denied
entry to Australia
for my third lecture tour in 1993, and
other Commonwealth countries declared
that they would follow suit. These bans
have caused me substantial financial
49. On November 17, 1992 I was
informed by telephone by a Norwegian
journalist that it was being announced
that I was to participate in a
"holocaust denial" conference in
Stockholm. Having just been expelled
from Canada, I sent immediate
refutations to the London embassies of
Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, and stated
that I would lecture in their countries
only if I received an invitation from a
properly constituted or academic body.
Stockholm television broadcast my
letter in facsimile. I never
established at the time who had spread
the smear story. As a direct
consequence of it and of the resulting
controversy, I lost all my Scandinavian
publishers and my Scandinavian literary
agent refused to continue to act for
me. I have now seen from documents
produced by the Second Defendant that
the story emanated from the Institute
of Jewish Affairs in London.
I conducted several legal
actions in Australia to overturn
the entry ban. This generated the
disclosure of sets of documents
establishing clearly the links between
the various elements of the global
conspiracy. The full federal court
sitting in Perth duly found that the
minister had acted illegally in denying
me entry; under pressure from local
elements of the global conspiracy, the
government then however changed the
law, specifically to keep me out. My
further applications have fallen fall
of this changed law.
Second Defendant meanwhile had free run
of Australia, where she blackened
my name during July 1994 as a
"holocaust denier" in the newspapers
and on television. This entry ban has
caused me substantial financial loss,
including the effective loss of one ton
of books which I sent down to the
continent in preparation of my lecture
51. I also initiated lawsuits for
defamation against three Australian
Jewish-community newspapers, and their
journalists, which had smeared me among
other things as being a "holocaust
denier," which lawsuits were settled
out of court at no cost to myself after
the defendants, who did not seek to
justify, sought instead to move the
venue of the trial to New South Wales
at the other end of Australia, or to
seek security for costs. Australian and
New Zealand national newspapers
established that the prime movers
behind the campaign to exclude me were
a number of extremely wealthy businessmen.
Photos: the
wealthy Australian Leibler brothers
Mark (left) and Isi.
52. In July 1993 I made my last
research tour of Germany. I had
previously donated most of my remaining
Third Reich archival collections and
research materials to the Institut
für Zeitgeschichte and to the
Bundesarchiv, the Federal Archives in
53. On or about June 30, 1993 I
donated at my own expense a complete
set of the Goebbels Diaries which I had
collected to the archives of his home
town, Mönchengladbach, in Germany.
On July 1, 1993, I donated a second set
of those that I had obtained from
Moscow, to the German federal archives,
the Bundesarchiv.
A few minutes later, still on July 1,
1993, the archives president handed me
a letter formally banning me from the
building, on the instructions of the
German ministry of the interior, "in
the interests of the German people."
This ban is unique. I had worked in
those archives since 1964.
54. On November 9, 1993, when I
arrived in Munich to speak to
university students, I was intercepted
by political-police officers and
formally handed a notice
issued by Munich city authorities
excluding me permanently from German
55. I have been privately informed
by leading German publishers who were
about to sign contracts with me for new
books that they had received word from
the German government that this would
be frowned upon.
56. The campaign to blacken my name
sank to fresh depths in March 1995 when
Newsweek, The Sunday Times, and
other newspapers reported in more or
less detail the allegation
or innuendo that I was connected to
the terrorists who had bombed the
Alfred P Murrah federal building in
Oklahoma City, with appalling loss of
life. Again I was identified in the
press stories as a "holocaust denier",
which made me fair game for such
stories, against which under American
law there is little legal remedy. I
forced The Sunday Times to print
a letter of denial. I have now learned
that the story was generated by a press
release issued by the Jewish
Telegraph Agency and the Institute
of Jewish Affairs, both of which were
primary sources of this and other
materials supplied to the
57. I had meanwhile by legal actions
around the world amassed sufficient
evidence to narrow down the sources of
the poison that was spewing forth
against my name. One of these
wellsprings was the Board of Deputies
of British Jews. In Canadian government
files I found a particularly pernicious
intelligence report on me, which
had been planted by an unknown hand; it
was evidently British, and the
"planting" had been done in 1992. It
took over a year to establish by a
process of elimination that the author
of this report was either the Institute
of Jewish affairs, or Mr Gerald Gable,
or the Board of Deputies of British
Jews. Mr Michael Whine, of the
Board of Deputies of British Jews,
subsequently admitted in an affidavit,
which will be produced in this action,
that he was the culprit, and that he
had secretly supplied the report to the
League of Human Rights of the B'nai
Brith Canada in response to their
equally secret appeal for dirt on me
with which they could block my further
entry to Canada. All of these bodies
secretly funded the Defendants with
materials for the work complained
58. My offer of a conciliatory
agreement, whereby the Board -- caught
out as it had been -- agreed to
withdraw its libellous document --
failed, after their instructed
solicitors drew the negotiations out.
My consequently delayed attempt to sue
the Board in libel failed under the
limitations act, as Toulson J. ruled
that I was out of time; the Board was
not ashamed to pursue me for its legal
costs right into the Bankruptcy
59. Given its secret authors, the
1992 report is significant for many of
its conclusions which I shall emphasise
in this action: notably its praise for
the quality of my research, and its
grudging admission that I can not be
termed anti-Semitic.
By 1995 my manuscript of the biography
of Dr Goebbels was complete. I had
embarked on it eight years earlier. I
had written out the first draft in
long-hand, retyped it on a Xerox
typewriter, then retyped it again twice
on the portable Canon typewriter during
1992/3; and then again, having now
obtained major parts of the missing
Goebbels Diaries -- after the whole
book was complete -- I retyped it again
from September 1993 to the end of 1994.
The manuscript's five versions cover
some twenty thousand pages, and fill
five or six archive boxes (about ten
cubic feet). I had compiled two or
three thousand more index cards,
primarily orange for
61. In Britain I still preferred to
have the book marketed by one of my old
publishers. Mr Alan Brooke,
managing director of Hodder Headline
Ltd., Britain's second biggest
publisher, who had published other
works (and was furious that I took
War, vol. I away from his then firm
Michael Joseph Ltd who had the original
contract on it), made a substantial
offer for it in August 1995; to my
astonishment four weeks later he
withdrew that offer, explaining that he
had been overruled. This was an
unheard-of procedure.
62. We reverted to the plan for my
own imprint
to produce a well-manufactured edition
including many colour photos. My US
literary agent sold the rights to St
Martin's Press, who had published other
works of mine and had frequently
obtained "puffs" from me for other
authors' books. The editor there was Mr
John Douglas. In February 1996
he phoned me to warn that a
poison-campaign had started against me;
he thought they could ride it out, and
when the campaign began at full
strength late in March 1996 St
Martins Press stated in the press
that they would not be intimidated.
On April 6, 1996 however, their
chairman Mr Tom McCormack suddenly
announced that they had abandoned plans
to publish the book. Once again the
press quoted the Second Defendant in
person, and her book, as the reason for
the attack.
64. Doubleday Inc.'s book club had
announced it as their May 1996 History
Book of the Month. They too had to
abandon publication.
65. Many leading historians and
journalists, including our own
Hitchens and Norman Stone roundly
denounced this appalling episode. The
financial consequences of SMP's
violation of its contract with me were
disastrous. Had they gone ahead and
published the work, I would have earned
at least a quarter million dollars in
the USA alone from the hard cover
edition, with further income from soft
cover and subsidiary rights.
66. I sold the entire first edition
Travelling around the country, I
encountered for the first time serious
sales resistance from many bookstore
owners and department heads, the most
frequent allegation being: "You are the
holocaust denier, aren't you." I noted
these statements in my 1996 diary.
67. There is no question but that
this smear has taken root. Through the
reckless conspiracy of which the
Defendants have made themselves the
active agents I have been robbed of my
publishers worldwide, and of my
reputation as a serious and innovative
historian. There has been a substantial
loss of income over the years since the
work complained of appeared. My family
has suffered from the poverty this has
induced. Bringing and preparing this
legal action, which has been necessary
in order to halt the mudslide in
mid-torrent, has resulted in my
inability to bring out the long await
volume of
and it has brought all further research
to a halt.
68. Through the mindless blackening
of my name by the Defendants and by
others I have been excluded from almost
every civilised country in the world,
and from their archives which are vital
to my further research. I have been
deprived of the prospect of being
published by the world's leading
publishers, most of whom are thoroughly
intimidated by the spectacle of what
happened to St Martin's Press (whose
chairman was forced to resign a few
weeks after he abandoned plans to
of my friends and former colleagues had
been forced to turn their back on me,
to protect their own careers and
69. For the price of a twenty-five
cent phone call, the Second Defendant
could have established that everything
she proposed to write about me was
untrue: she could at least have begun
to nurture suspicions that the
information she had been fed about me
needed to be more rigorously
researched. But she did not bother to
lift the receiver and dial my
70. The First Defendant could have
had the American book, the work
complained of, read for libel. Any
qualified British practitioner would
have spotted the dangers straight away.
There is no evidence before the Court
that Penguin Books Ltd ever bothered to
do so; I believe that they are secure
with a solid indemnity against their
American licensor.
71. It is true that the Defendants
are not the only agents and elements in
this global conspiracy. But they are
joint tortfeasors; and they jointly
chose to peddle their work, which has
been a principal weapon in the smear
campaign, within the jurisdiction, and
it is for this reason that I have taken
this action against them.
Irving, Friday, January 22,