StatementI am DAVID JOHN
CAWDELL IRVING, a professional
historian of British nationality, of 81
Duke Street, London, W1M 5DJ.
was born in Hutton, Essex on March 24,
1938. My mother was a Slade School of
Art commercial illustrator (children's
books, The Radio Times, Nursery
World, etc), my father
a naval officer whose service spanned
two world wars including the Battle of
Jutland (1916) and the North Russian
convoy actions. My twin brother is an
ex RAF officer, now a civil servant; my
older sister, now retired, was public
relations officer to a Tory Cabinet
minister; my older brother was a career
RAF officer (wing commander), later a
Regional Commissioner in Civil Defence,
and is now a senior councillor
(Liberal-Democrat) on Wiltshire County
3. My mother was very poor. I was
awarded a free place at Brentwood
School and educated there 1949-56 to
"A" Level and Scholarship Level
standard, attaining seven O-levels and
three A-levels, to which I added four
more A-levels in the next year at
Imperial College, University of London
(a transfer course from the arts to the
sciences, for which I won a one-year
ICI scholarship), and three more
A-levels required by University College
as their entry requirement. Since I was
unable to pay tuition and boarding fees
at the university from 1958-9 I worked
my way, with a manual labouring job at
John Laing Ltd.
4. On leaving Imperial College in
1959 I volunteered for a three-year
short service commission with the Royal
Air Force; I passed the entrance
examinations, but was rejected on
medical grounds.
5. To perfect my knowledge of spoken
German in 1960 I worked as a
steelworker in the Ruhr in Germany; to
perfect my spoken Spanish, I worked
with the US air force Strategic Air
Command on a base in Spain; while
attending University College, studying
political science and economics, in
1961 I started a career as a freelance
author, writing a series of articles
for the German illustrated magazine
Neue Illustrierte.
Simultaneously I started research at my
own expense into the history of the
Allied bombing raid on Dresden of
February 13-14, 1945 about which I had
now heard for the first time.
As a product of this research I
produced the book UND
NICHT (Germany's cities did not
perish) published in German by a major
Swiss publishing house; and I wrote the
DRESDEN, which was published on
April 30, 1963 by William Kimber Ltd
and since then by the leading
publishing houses of many countries
around the world and in many languages.
The latter book earned two private
handwritten commendations in letters to
me from Marshal of the Royal Air Force
Sir Arthur Harris. I published
an updated edition of this book in
1996, under the title
7. Immediately following publication
DRESDEN, a short-lived campaign
of harassment began, directed by bodies
close to the Board
of Deputies of British Jews. A Mr
Gerald Gable and two accomplices
were caught
red-handed by police while burgling
my North London apartment on November
27, 1963, and subsequently convicted
for that and for using a stolen GPO
identity card. Gable has spent the last
thirty-six years smearing me in his
publication Searchlight; several
of his products are among items
introduced by the Defendants in their
discovery. While Gable and his
accomplices were awaiting trial, there
was a failed
attempt by a Mr Franz Davis
to entrap me in committing an act of
terrorism, which I reported at once to
Special Branch.
8. Writing
career: since 1961 I have
published thirty or more works of
history and biography (some of them
written and published only in German).
The Widener library at Harvard
University lists as of August 8 this
forty-seven of my books as being
available in their shelves. Most of my
books have been published and
republished by world's leading
publishers, with translations into many
9. No book that I have written has
ever been banned by any country on any
ground whatsoever: not by the former
communist powers; not by Germany's
notorious "Office for the Protection of
Children from Dangerous Writings"; not
even by Canada Customs, which exercises
a startling degree of censorship.
10. My books have received high
praise from established academic,
official, and government historians in
every country in which they have been
published, including (in the UK):
Professor Hugh Trevor Roper (now
Lord Dacre); A J P Taylor; Professor
M R D Foot; Captain Stephen Roskill;
Professor Norman Stone; Professor
Donald Cameron Watt. In recent
years each new book of mine has
received first-place review status in
major Sunday newspapers -- GOEBBELS.
THE LAST BATTLE (1997) were
given the front page of The Sunday
Times book review sections, no mean
achievement for works of
"self-publishing", as my less
benevolent critics describe my
11. My works are also cited by other
historians around the world, and by the
official historians like the late
Professor Sir F H Hinsley.
12. Recognised experts have also
praised my writings. Difficult though
the subject of German uranium research
in the war was, my book on that topic
received a glowing half-page review
from no less than the physicist
Professor Werner Heisenberg
(Nobel-prizewinning discoverer of The
Heisenberg Principle) in the
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung;
I found that Lieutenant-General
Leslie Groves, chief of the US
army's Manhattan Project, had also
reviewed this book THE
GERMAN ATOMIC BOMB magnificently
in a manuscript in his private
13. I shall introduce many of these
printed reviews during the trial of
this action; here I will quote only
what John
Keegan, Defence Correspondent of
The Daily Telegraph, has written: "Two
books in English stand out from the
vast literature of the Second World
War: Chester Wilmot's The Struggle for
Europe, published in 1952, and David
Irving's HITLER'S
WAR, which appeared three years
ago." The latter book was as recently
as 1997 a best-seller in Poland, of all
countries, leading to wry comments from
Poland's neighbour, Germany, where, as
the Frankfurter Allgemeine
Zeitung observed, I am now banned
from setting foot.
14. Russian editions of my books
were sold in the former Soviet Union; I
researched there twice during the
Soviet regime, and in official
Hungarian and East German communist
archives in the 1970s and 1980s.
When the German edition of
published by the prestigious Ullstein
publishing house in 1975, I had to halt
its further sale within a few days
because I discovered that their chief
editor Wolf Jobst Siedler had
made unlicensed changes to my text.
(Notwithstanding which, Siedler, who
latterly published Daniel
Goldhagen's much-discussed work on
Hitler's Willing Executioners, and I
have remained mutual admirers, and he
recently expressed positive written
interest in publishing my projected
biography of Heinrich Himmler,
despite, as he acknowledged, the
hostile campaign now running against my
16. In about 1975 Adolf
Hitler's private secretary the late
Christa Schroeder, an elderly
lady living in Munich whom I had
interviewed on very many occasions,
gave me a small pencil sketch, a self
portrait of Hitler which she had
retrieved from his desk at
Berchtesgaden on his instructions in
the last days of the war. It is
probably a very valuable object, and I
kept it locked in a case. It was never
displayed over my desk.
WAR was published in 1977. On
June 9, 1977 it was the object of a
famous David Frost Programme on
television (in which Frost produced one
Dr Gerald Fleming as his
against me). Later that year the book
was subjected to an extraordinary
critique by the late Professor
Martin Broszat, the doyen of the
German post-war historians, director of
the Institut für Zeitgeschichte in
Munich. I had researched archives at
that institute since 1964.
18. Underlying this dispute were
personal differences, which are no
concern of the court. They concerned my
earlier personal, but quite proper
friendship, with a research assistant
whom Professor Broszat later married.
He vented his pique in an ill-judged,
unfair, and unbalanced 54-page swipe at
my book, in the Vierteljahrshefte
für Zeitgeschichte, the
quarterly journal of his institute, to
which I have made a full response in my
Reply to
the Defences
served in this action.
19. Broszat's article was otherwise
provoked by the entirely new research
prospects and hypotheses which my
Hitler biography ventilated. Historians
of right and left have quite rightly
acknowledged that the Broszat article
(a) the
Historikerstreit, the famous
ongoing twenty-year dispute, still
unresolved, between European and
American historians over whether the
Holocaust was a tragedy/atrocity
waiting to happen, or whether it was
deliberately ordered from above; and(b) all of the "academic"
research into the Holocaust, which
until then had been fragmentary and
dilettantish in the extreme. Apart
from Gerald Reitlinger's
The Final Solution, they now
recognise, there was before
no research whatever into the
20. I consider myself to be an
expert on the careers of the principal
Nazi leaders, including specifically
Adolf Hitler, Hermann
Göring, and Dr Joseph
Goebbels; the archival and
documentary evidence for assertions
about those careers, and the part they
played in the Third Reich; the current
state of research into the German and
other wartime persecution and
liquidation of the European Jewish
communities; the conflicting views
which have emerged on that history,
including but not limited to the
so-called Historikerstreit;
further, on the perceived role of
the Jewish people in directing the
Soviet revolution, managing the Soviet
police state, and running the satellite
nations in the Soviet empire until its
recent collapse, with special reference
to their role in the ÁVH
(Álamvedelmy Hatosag),
Hungarian secret police, before the
Budapest Uprising of 1956, on which I
published a well-received history,
partially based on Central Intelligence
Agency materials, in 1981.
21. I have also become perforce an
expert as a writer, international
lecturer, and publisher on the problems
of establishing, publishing, printing,
and disseminating controversial and
often distasteful minority views which
run counter to the prevailing or
received opinions of the majority; and
on the methods used by specific
international organisations to attack
the fundamental, and in many countries
including Canada and the Commonwealth
of Australia, chartered, human rights
of individuals including the rights to
freedom of speech, freedom of
association, and freedom of
My political opinions:
22. As the Defendants have chosen to
refer to these and wrongly categorise
them, I shall set them out:
(a) I belong to no
Political Party or organisation, of
either right or left, and never
have. I believe that my parents, who
died in 1965 and 1967, were
Conservative until the 1945 Labour
landslide. My father stood as a
Labour candidate at Bassetlaw; at
school I stood as the Labour
candidate in a mock election in
about 1954. I have rarely if ever
voted in general elections, having
often been overseas at the time, and
since I regarded Westminster as
being unshakeably in Conservative
hands. I have regarded myself as a
Conservative for the last two or
three decades. At the last election
I entered the polling station
intending to vote Conservative, but
then found that Sir James
Goldsmith's referendum party was
standing Sir Alan Walters,
with whom I had become acquainted
after he attended a dinner lecture I
delivered in Washington two years
ago, so I gave him my vote instead.(b) I regard myself as a
laissez-faire liberal with a strong
personal compassion in the fates and
fortunes of the individual against
the interests of the State or
community. Notwithstanding my own
origins as the scion of a family of
officers and gentlemen, I incline to
put the interests of the working
class above those of the higher
classes, in the certain belief that
a secure and contented working class
is the foundation of a solid and
productive economy. I do not look
down on any section of humanity --
either coloured immigrants (I have
them regularly), or females (my five
children are all daughters), or the
mentally or physically disabled. I
admit to having little patience with
smokers and none at all with drug
abusers. I have a clean criminal
record and driving licence, I do not
smoke, I am a law abiding
This is not to say that I have
applauded the uncontrolled tide of
Commonwealth immigration. Like most
fellow-countrymen of my background
and vintage, I regret the Passing of
the Old England which our armies and
air forces fought to defend in two
world wars. We girded ourselves to
fight off one invasion; then sighed,
relaxed, and allowed the other
without a murmur.
I deprecate too that it has
become politically incorrect to
speak aloud of our regrets at that
Passing; and I regret more still
that laws have been passed to make
the moderate expression of such
public regrets illegal.
By allowing this mass immigration
into this country we have failed to
learn from other countries'
misfortunes. We have shown scant
respect for the achievements of our
fathers and their forefathers. It
has been a tragedy for us, and a
tragedy for the immigrants too. I
blame generations of abdicating
politicians for this British
national tragedy. While my family is
descended, I am told, from Robert
the Bruce, I fear that most of our
post-war politicians' ancestors were
sired by æthelred the
Summary thus far:
23. My reputation as an historian
rests entirely on my published output
of books, and to a lesser degree on my
participation in radio and television
broadcasts in this country and
overseas. The documentary evidence of
that reputation is assembled in 19 ring
binders, some seven linear feet, of
press notices, all of which files have
been introduced into and listed in my
Discovery, but none of which so far the
Defendants have troubled to
24. The contents of those folders
can be summarised as follows: famous
and respected historians saying nice
things about my research and the
readability of my books where it was
not risky to do so; hedging their bets
where it seemed more prudent; and
joining the baying crowd of critics
when it might seem advantageous to them
to do so. I have no problem with that.
That is part of the rough and tumble of
being a published author. Where the
article is not motivated by its
author's personal animus or malice
aforethought, by vested interests, or
by a conspiracy to defame and destroy,
I have no complaint.
The conspiracy to destroy and
25. In about 1992 I began to suspect
that there was a concealed
conspiracy to defame me abroad, and
to destroy my reputation and thereby
injure my professional career. It has
become possible only in retrospect to
piece together how these aims were
achieved or partially achieved. Since
this material is relevant to the issues
before the court, I have introduced it
in evidence.
26. Disturbed by what was happening,
I obtained access, by instructing firms
of reputable solicitors in Canada,
Germany, Australia, and elsewhere, and
by proper use of legal instruments
(e.g. in Canada, the Access to
Information Act) to previously secret
documents about me which astonished me.
Sometimes they even revealed academics
whom I had trusted and with whom I had
co-operated as treacherous characters
who simultaneously but secretly sought
to achieve the suppression of my views,
the failure of my books, the silencing
of my lecture tours, my public
humiliation, expulsion from countries,
exclusion from archives, and even
27. Although a best-selling,
high-profile professional historian, I
have been subjected to a campaign of
boycotting, hounding, persecution and
de facto punishment by organisations
based in the U.K., Australia, and
elsewhere overseas, designed to harass,
vilify, threaten, assault, silence, and
permanently commercially ruin me. I am
aware of other historians who have
similarly suffered. I noticed that the
phrase "Holocaust denier" came into the
common currency of the published media.
I was physically and violently attacked
in the street and in a restaurant in
1992. My family and I have been
subjected to an organised barrage of
obscene, violent, and abusive telephone
calls. The Board of Deputies of British
Jews and its satellite and related
organisations staged violent street
demonstrations, for which they publicly
took the credit, at my place of
residence and at venues where I was to
speak, which required heavy police
reinforcements to protect.
These opponents have furthered their
aims by clandestine means, furnishing
perjured statements about me to foreign
governments and starting whispering
campaigns against me -- spreading for
example the odious
tidings that I had supplied the
trigger mechanism used for the Oklahoma
City bomb in 1995; they have applied
violent and/or psychological pressure
to my reputable publishers (like
Macmillan Ltd in 1989
and again in 1991
and 1992)
to violate fair contracts freely
entered into, and they even forced them
on one occasion (The Sunday Times,
London in July 1992) to refuse to pay
moneys owing to me under such a
contract. Among their methods of
intimidation, which bear a close
comparison with the methods used by the
Nazis in the 1930s, these organisations
have started campaigns of book-burning
and window-smashing
against bookstores in the U.K., and
they have blackmailed printers in
Britain and Denmark, to my knowledge,
to abandon production plans for books
written by me.
29. The Work Complained of,
Denying the
Holocaust, written and
published by the Defendants, was the
principal instrument deployed in the
campaign to destroy me. The author, the
Second Defendant, was financed and
promoted by the same organisations as
lay at the root of the international
campaign, and funded with copies of the
same smear materials that these
organisations had concocted against
30. The Second Defendant, who boasts
of having personally coined the
otherwise meaningless phrase "Holocaust
denier," made no attempt to inquire of
me whether any of the allegations were
true. Despite service of my Writ
on her, which put her on notice that
the contents are held to be defamatory
and untrue, and even more so after
service of the Reply
to her defence, which confirmed that
there was no basis for her allegations,
she and her publishers have continued
to peddle the work unchanged in this
country and in countries around the
world. It is required reading in
several establishments of learning in
the USA.
