image for enlargement Index"The Bischoff
A key defence document in the three-month 2000 Lipstadt
libel trial was a table (right) by the chief SS architect
for Auschwitz, Bischoff, allegedly dated June 23, 1943,
setting out cremation capacities at the Auschwitz slave
labor camp. Mr Irving pointed to discrepancies in the
document and its layout which raised reasonable doubts as to
its authenticity. In his judgment, Mr Justice Gray dismissed
these doubts as unreasonable. In his view Mr Irving was subsequently joined by other
authorities, for example Der Spiegel managing editor
Fritzjof Meyer, who wrote in Die Welt, September 9, 2002:
"Den Brief des SS-Bauleiters Bischoff über die
Leistung" der Krematorien" nennt Pressac eine
interne Propaganda-Lüge der SS". Ich habe Zweifel
an der Echtheit des Dokuments für zulässig
erklärt. Dafür gibt es mehrere Gründe, vor
allem die Existenz von drei unterschiedlichen
Faksimile-Versionen." Under