WE ARE often asked for questions to put
to Professor Lipstadt in her well-funded peregrinations
around the world.
. . . here are just a few: - Prof. Lipstadt - why were you afraid to go into the
witness box and expose yourself even to the questioning
of an amateur like Mr. Irving? You effectively pleaded
the Fifth Amendment, which is the traditional route of
those with something to hide. (Mr. Irving subjected
himself voluntarily to three weeks' cross examination by
one of the world's leading trial lawyers, and he
voluntarily made available to you his entire private and
public papers.)
- are you aware that one of your main researchers, Dr.
David Cesarani, said that Mr. Irving gave the defence
some scary moments, particularly when their chief expert
witness on the architecture of Auschwitz, Prof. Van Pelt,
proved unable to explain what had happened to the bodies
(i.e. the logistics of disposing, for example, of 450,000
Hungarian Jews' bodies in three weeks - around 50,000
tons of corpses, by a small Sonderkommando in one
crematory building) [Internet link: see http://www.fpp.co.uk/docs/trial3/DieZeit120400e.html]
- why did you not accept David Irving's challenge, made
three times publicly in the courtroom, that he would halt
the case in mid-trial if you could find any evidence of
the holes
in the roof slab of Crematorium II at Auschwitz -
which still exists - through which "eye witnesses" in the
pay of war-crimes prosecution teams claimed to have seen
SS officers tipping the Zyklon B granules? Your own chief
witness Van Pelt said
there are no such holes in the slab, so somebody lied,
- why are you afraid of free debate? You have said
there is no debate, but when push came to shove your
highly paid Queen's Counsel felt it necessary to fill the
courtroom every day for three months with over thirty
lawyers, counsel, barristers, assistants, historians, and
researchers, just to stand up against Mr. Irving, who
appeared in court alone. Was your case really that
- why have you and your friends done all you can to
muzzle Mr. Irving - by putting pressure
on publishers, broadcasters, television companies,
and governments not to allow him to speak or to publish
his widely acknowledged books? What are you scared
- in a trial which was about a very serious matter, why
did you instruct your counsel to resort to smear tactics,
branding Mr. Irving as an anti-Semite and a racist
(although he, unlike your Counsel, frequently employs
ethnic minorities as his personal staff), and
although neither allegation was made in your book or
pleaded in your initial Defence? Were you frightened of
fighting the case on the facts of history?
- how much money have you made out of this trial
(articles, speaking fees, etc.) already? That's what it's
about, isn't it - money?
- do you think it right that your lawyers paid some of
your so called "neutral" expert witnesses a quarter of a
million dollars in inducements to testify in your favour?
Those six million dollars put up by Steven Spielberg -
you are a religious scholar: Have you never heard the
Bible say, "Good wine needs no bush"? If your case is
rock solid why was so much money swilling around that
London courtroom? [Internet link: http://www.fpp.co.uk/Legal/Penguin/experts/payments.html]
- a new Zealand academic tribunal has just found that
Prof. Richard Evans, your chief witness, was guilty of
grossly distorting, misquoting, exaggerating, and
polemicizing in his similar "expert report" on Dr. Joel
Hayward, and totally lacking in the objectivity that is
expected by a court of an expert witness. How do you feel
about Evans now? [Internet link: http://www.fpp.co.uk/Legal/Penguin/experts/Evans/NZReportExtract.html]
- have you read Norman
Finkelstein's book, The Holocaust Industry. Is he a
racist and anti-Semite too?
- you have argued in your books and articles that Jews
should never stoop to marrying outside their religion and
race. Is that not racism in its purest and most evil
- who paid your own multi-million dollar legal
expenses, and why did the British High Court, unusually,
not allow you to reclaim them?
- Judge Gray found in his Judgment that three of the
statements you made in your book against Mr Irving are in
fact serious lies just as he claimed
(the Stockholm terrorist conference, the Hitler painting
"above his desk", the stealing or damaging of the
Goebbels diaries from the Moscow archives. Have you
removed them from the book's latest editions?) (Answer:
You have not).
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