International Campaign for Real History

Richard Evans "Lying" book will not be sold in U.K.
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Rosevale Business Park, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire ST5 7QT
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David Irving
Focal Point Publications
81 Duke Street


12 February 2002

Dear Mr Irving

Thank you for your letter dated 8 February, concerning the book Lying About Hitler, published by Basic Books ISBN 0465 021 530.

We had two proposed editions of the title on our system, one from Random House and the same book from Granta, both these editions are now reporting as Publication Cancelled and are status deleted on our file. We do not have any record of the U.S. edition quoted above on our files and we are not taking advanced orders.

Yours sincerely

Gaynor Oldbury
Buying Manager - Books


Website note: THE is one of the country's largest book distributors. Other distributors made the same report to Mr Irving, who had written advising them of the problems, the Richard Evans book having already been abandoned by two of the professor 's own publishers on internal legal advice (it is highly libellous). Purporting to be a neutral and objective witness, he gave the principal evidence in the High Court action on behalf of Prof. Deborah Lipstadt. He turns out -- on the evidence of his own book -- to have been neither neutral nor objective, and as for his expertise, that too is a matter of controversy.
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© Focal Point 2002 F Irving write to David Irving