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Richard Evans book reviewed
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 The Jerusalem Report

July 15, 2002, p. 4



By Eric Silver

EvansONLY after a lengthy search for a publisher -- and 15 months after it came out in the U.S. -- has a devastating analysis of David Irving's record of Holocaust denial finally been published in Britain. Six publishers had turned down "Telling Lies about Hitler" by Richard J. Evans, because Irving threatened to sue, and it has been brought out by a small leftist publishing house run by a Marxist and anti-Zionist.

Evans, professor of modern history at Cambridge University, was the chief expert witness for the defense when Irving unsuccessfully sued American author Deborah Lipstadt and Penguin Books in London two years ago for allegedly libeling him in her book "Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory."

His testimony convinced Justice Charles Gray to rule that Irving was an anti-Semite and Holocaust-denier who "treated the historical evidence in a manner which fell far short of the standard to be expected of a conscientious historian." Irving was declared bankrupt this spring [May 21] after failing to pay about $4 million in costs, and in mid-June [May 23] the bailiffs confiscated his Mayfair apartment, estimated to be worth $1.2 million.

To add insult to injury, "Telling Lies" was launched at a party in Winston Churchill's war room under The Mall. Irving has frequently denounced Britain's World War II leader as a war criminal for ordering the bombing of German civilians.

Tariq AliThe six mainstream British publishers who turned down the book feared Irving's threats to sue all over again, despite the fact that most of the material in its 326 pages was on the court record and that Irving no longer had a professional reputation left to damage. Their reluctance, Evans told The Report, "doesn't say much for the moral courage of British publishing or its commitment to freedom of speech."

In the end, "Telling Lies" was brought out by Verso, run by Pakistani-born Tariq Ali (above), an outspoken Marxist and anti-Zionist who made his name as a radical student leader at Oxford in the late 60s.

Gavin Everall, Verso's marketing director, says the book is the first that "substantially demolishes Irving's reputation as a historian. His vile propaganda is still available on the history shelves of mainstream bookshops." As for the threat of litigation, Everall says, "We'll be happy if he does sue. He wouldn't win and we'd get a lot of free publicity."



Polish Studies Newsletter

December 2001


Holocaust Studies

Evans, Richard J. Lying about Hitler: History, Holocaust and the David Irving Trial. Basic Books Publ. 2001. 317p. $27.95. Irving's documentation is superb in all of his work. His books were 'burned' because they were not politically correct. Freedom of the press in the UK was turned on its head with this decision. Historians are now afraid of pursuing the facts about Nazism. For example, Irving shed light on the murder of Gen. Sikorski. It so happened, coincidentally (?) that the Maiisky plane from Moscow landed next to the Sikorski plane at the Gibraltar airdrome. This was a breach in security.

© Focal Point 2002 F Irving write to David Irving