HOLOCAUST DENIAL LITERATURE A BIBLIOGRAPHYby John A. Drobnicki. Carol R. Goldman, Trina R. Knight, Johanna V. Thomas
| The Nizkor Project [email protected] Director: Ken McVay OBC HTML: Ken McVay December 16, 1998 |
| Last-Modified: 1994/09/04 Archival Note: In reformatting this document, which was provided by one of the authors, I may have inadvertantly scrambled research data. (I don't think I did, but anything's possible...) -- if in doubt, contact [email protected], the first co-author.--Ken McVay, September 4, 1994Professor John Drobnicki, Assistant Professor & Reference Librarian at York College/CUNY, asks that we provide a link to the relevant Nizkor original source; and we are also happy to provide links to his web site, where he has a different version that first appeared in The Bulletin of Bibliography, Vol. 51, No. 1 (Mar. 1994), pages 17-24 [Copyright © 1994 by Greenwood Publishing Group] and an additional bibliography originally published in Vol. 53, No. 4 (Dec. 1996) at pages 359-368. -- FPP Website, December 22, 1998. The authors would like to thank Phyllis Poses and Paul Tallarico, Information Services/Interloan Division, Queens Borough Public Library, for their assistance in obtaining materials essential for this bibliography. Holocaust Denial Literature: A Bibliography Holocaust-denial is a body of work that seeks to prove that the Jewish Holocaust did not happen. Although not all of the deniers, who prefer to call themselves "revisionists" in an attempt to gain scholarly legitimacy, make the same claims, they all share at least one point: that there was no systematic attempt by Nazi Germany to exterminate European Jewry. Those who deny the Holocaust believe that the Jews themselves, usually referred to as "Zionists," fabricated the "Big Lie" in order to gain sympathy for a homeland and to extort money, in the form of reparations payments, from Germany. The Nazis themselves can be thought of as the first Holocaust revisionists, for they tried to conceal their extermination program behind euphemisms such as "special treatment" and "final solution to the Jewish problem." Present-day revisionists all share deep-seated anti-Semitic feelings, a hatred of Israel, and a need to rehabilitate and glorify Germany, fascism, and the Third Reich. This bibliography includes both works about Holocaust revisionism and works of Holocaust revisionism. Although those who deny the Holocaust write in many languages and in many countries, the scope of this project has been limited to works in English, except in the case of Robert Faurisson, because of his notoriety, and a French journal. While this bibliography has been divided into many subject areas, it is acknowledged that many of the entries cross several categories, especially the works in the "general overview" section. This bibliography grew out of the authors' Master of Library Science research project at the Queens College Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, a study of Holocaust-denial literature in public libraries, under the direction of Dr. Marianne Cooper. | I. OverviewII. Holocaust Revisionism in America III. European Revisionists IV. Canadian Revisionists V. Asian Revisionists VI. Revisionism in Oceania VII. Revisionism in the Middle East VIII. Revisionism in South America IX. Legal Aspects of Holocaust Revisionism X. Revisionism Materials in Libraries XI. Examples of Holocaust Revisionism XII. Reviews/Critiques/Refutations of Holocaust-Revisionist Books XIII. Revisionist Videocassettes |  | I. GENERAL OVERVIEW Antisemitism World Report. London: Institute of Jewish Affairs, 1992- . A country-by-country survey of antisemitism around the world; includes a section on "Denial of the Holocaust" for most countries Aronsfeld, C. C. "Denials of the Holocaust: After the Murders-- The Lies." Jewish Frontier 46 (Apr. 1979): 24-27 Barnes, Ian. "Neo-Nazi Attempts to Rewrite History." Jewish Chronicle, 1 Oct. 1982, p. 20 ________. "Revisionism: The Lessons For Britain." Jewish Chronicle, 8 Oct. 1982, p. 21 Bauer, Yehuda. "'Revisionism'--The Repudiation of the Holocaust and its Historical Significance." In The Historiography of the Holocaust Period: Proceedings of the Fifth Yad Vashem International Conference, Jerusalem, March 1983. Ed. Yis- rael Gutman and Gideon Greif. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 1988, pp. 697-708 Bolton, Judith. "Holocaust Revisionism: Editing the Past." Congress Monthly 59 (July/Aug. 1992): 9-12 ________. Holocaust "Revisionism": Reinventing the Big Lie. ADL Research Report. New York: Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1989 Braham, Randolph L. "Historical Revisionism and the New Right." In Remembering for the Future: Working Papers and Addenda Ed. Yehuda Bauer et al. New York: Pergamon Press, 1989, 2:2093-2103 ________. "Revisionism: Historical, Political and Legal Implica- tions." In Comprehending the Holocaust: Historical and Lit- erary Research. Ed. Asher Cohen, Joav Gelber, and Charlotte Wardi, New York: Peter Lang, 1988, pp. 61-96 Caplan, Marc. Hitler's Apologists: The Anti-Semitic Propaganda of Holocaust "Revisionism." New York: Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1993 Carb, Alison B., and Alan M. Schwartz. Holocaust "Revisionism": A Denial of History. An Update. ADL Facts. New York: Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1986 Dawidowicz, Lucy S. "Lies About the Holocaust." Commentary 70 (December 1980): 31-37 Dreisinger, Batsheva. "Dealing With
Denial: The Book Behind the Fight to Expose Revisionism." QC Quad, 22 Feb. 1994, p. 3 Dreisinger, Rebecca. "Speaking Out Against Denial: Hillel Packs the House For a Talk About the Holocaust." QC Quad, 22 Feb 1994, p. 12 Drobnicki, John A. "This They Can't Deny." New York Newsday, 24 Mar. 1994, p. A48 ________. "Untruth in the Classroom." OAH Magazine of History 8 (Winter 1994): 56, 64 Eatwell, Roger. "The Holocaust Denial: A Study in Propaganda Technique." In Neo-Fascism in Europe. Ed. Luciano Cheles, Ronnie Ferguson, and Michalina Vaughan. New York: Longman, 1991, pp. 120-146 Edelman, Sylvia. Attempts to Deny the Reality of the Holocaust With an addendum by Lucy Dawidowicz. New York: American Jewish Committee, 1977 Felberbaum, Jacob. "Revisionism Pains Spirit of Holocaust Sur- vivors." Martyrdom and Resistance 20 (Sept.-Oct. 1993): 5 Foster, Arnold. "The Ultimate Cruelty." ADL Bulletin 16 (June 1959): 1-2, 7-8 Gutman, Israel. "The Denial of the Holocaust and its Consequen- ces." In Remembering for the Future: Working Papers and Addenda. Ed. Yehuda Bauer et al. New York: Pergamon Press, 1989, 2:2116-2124 ________. Denying the Holocaust. Jerusalem: Shazar Library, The Institute of Contemporary Jewry, Vidal Sassoon Intenational Center for the Study of Antisemitism, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1985 ________. "Holocaust, Denial of the." In Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. Ed. Israel Gutman. New York: Macmillan, 1990, 2:681-687 Haupt, Peter I. "A Universe of Lies: Holocaust Revisionism and the Myth of a Jewish World-Conspiracy." B.A. thesis, Williams College, 1987; shortened version in Patterns of Prejudice 25 (Summer 1991): 75-85 Herman, Edward S. "Holocaust Doers and Deniers." Z Magazine (Nov 1993): 7-10 Hitchens, Christopher. "Cultural Elite: Whose History Is It?" Vanity Fair 56 (Dec. 1993): 110, 117-118 "Holocaust 'Revisionism': Denial of History." ADL Special Edition (Oct. 1990): n.p "Holocaust 'Revisionists': They Keep Trying." ADL Bulletin 43 (Mar. 1986): 3-4 John,
Barbara J. "Holocaust Revisionism: An Illustration and Evaluation." M.A. thesis, University of Wales, 1992 Kakutani, Michiko. "When History is a Casualty." New York Times, 30 Apr. 1993, pp. C1, C31 Kopecky, Lilli. "Holocaust Denials, Neo-Nazism, Anti-Semitism, Radicalism, and Terrorism." In In the Shadow of the Flames: Six Lectures on the Holocaust, by Lilli Kopecky. Atlanta: Center for Research in Social Change, Emory University, 1982, pp. 54-73 Levin, Nora. "Assaults on Holocaust History." Midstream 35 (April 1989): 17-21 Lipstadt, Deborah E. "Deniers, Relativists, and Pseudo-Scholar- ship." Dimensions 6 (April 1991): 4-9 ________. "Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth." Jewish Spectator 56 (Spring 1992): 65-66 ________. Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory. New York: Free Press, 1993 ________. "The Evolution of American Holocaust Revisionism." In Remembering for the Future: Working Papers and Addenda. Ed Yehuda Bauer et al. New York: Pergamon Press, 1989, 3:2579- 2593 ________. "Holocaust-Denial and the Compelling Force of Reason." Patterns of Prejudice 26, nos. 1-2 (1992): 64-76 May, Michael. "Denying the Holocaust: The Background, Methods and Motives of the 'Revisionists.'" Index on Censorship 14 (Dec 1985): 29-33 Perry, Marvin. "Denying the Holocaust: History as Myth and De- lusion." Encore American & Worldwide News 9 (Sept. 1981): 28-32 Pois, Robert A. "Ghosts Do Not Bleed: An Analysis of Holocaust Revisionism." Jewish Frontier 56 (Sept./Oct. 1989): 17-23, 34 Reich, Walter. "Denying the Holocaust: Prelude to What?" Wash- ington Post, 3 May 1981, p. C3 ________. "The Enemies of Memory." New Republic 186 (21 Apr 1982): 20-23 ________. "Erasing the Holocaust: Two Historians Untangle the Perverse Ingenuity That Says It Never Happened." New York Times Book Review, 11 July 1993, pp. 1, 31, 33-34 Rubinstein, W. D. "The Rape of the Holocaust." Melbourne Chron- icle, no. 26 (Apr./May 1981): 2-8 Schwartz, Alan. Holocaust
"Revisionism": A Denial of History ADL Facts. New York: Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1980 Seidel, Gill. The Holocaust Denial: Antisemitism, Racism, and the New Right. Leeds: Beyond the Pale Collective, 1986 Shapiro, Laura, Mark Miller, and Marcus Mabry. "Denying the Holo- caust: Pseudo-Scholars Claim the Gas Was For Delousing, and the Final Solution a Zionist Myth." Newsweek 122 (20 Dec 1993): 120 Siano, Brian. "False History, Gas Chambers, Blue Smoke, and Cracked Mirrors." The Humanist 53 (July-Aug. 1993): 31-33 Stern, Kenneth S. Holocaust Denial. New York: American Jewish Committee, 1993 Vidal-Naquet, Pierre. Assassins of Memory: Essays on the Denial of the Holocaust. Trans. Jeffrey Mehlman. New York: Colum- bia University Press, 1992 Wiesel, Elie. "What Really Happened to Six Million Jews." Jewish Digest 23 (Apr. 1978): 36-38 Will, George. "Trying to Deconstruct the Holocaust." New York Newsday, 29 Aug. 1993, p. 33 Return to Index 
| II. HOLOCAUST REVISIONISM IN AMERICA Aronsfeld, C. C. "Hoax of the Century." Patterns of Prejudice 10 (Nov.-Dec. 1976): 13-16; condensed version in Jewish Digest 22 (June 1977): 23-28 ________. "The Institute for Historical Review: 'Revisionists' Who Whitewash Nazism." IJA Research Reports, no. 4 (May 1982): 1-8; repr. in C. C. Aronsfeld, The Text of the Holo- caust: A Study of the Nazis' Extermindation Propaganda, 1919- 1945 (Marblehead, MA: Micah Publications, 1985, pp. 90-96 Beck, Melina, Jeff B. Copeland, and Zofia Smardz. "Footnote to the Holocaust." Newsweek 98 (19 October 1981): 73 Bishop, Katherine. "Ads on Holocaust 'Hoax' Stir Debate at Col- leges." New York Times, 23 December 1991, p.
A12 "Bradley Smith: A Man and His Myth." ADL Special Edition (Feb- ruary 1992): n.p Branscum, Deborah. "WWII: Just a Bad Dream." Mother Jones 6 (July 1981): 7 "The Butz Hoax." Patterns of Prejudice 11 (Mar./Apr. 1977): 12- 13 Campbell, Linda P. "Liberty Lobby in the Spotlight with Duke, Buchanan in Race." Chicago Tribune, 12 January 1992, Sec. I, p. 4 Cashman, Greer Fay. "'US is Center of Holocaust Revisionism.'" Jerusalem Post, 7 Aug. 1993, p. 23 Collins, Ronald K. L. "Tort Case as Gag Device." National Law Journal, 15 June 1992, pp. 15-16 Cooper, Mary H. "The Growing Danger of Hate Groups." Editorial Research Reports, no. 18 (12 May 1989): 262-275 Corn, David. "Congressman, Take Hitler's Monetary Policy...." The Nation 249 (11 December 1989): 708 Crawford, Fred R. "The Holocaust and the Big Lie" [2 parts] Martyrdom and Resistance 8 (Jan.-Feb. 1982): 6, 12; and 8 (Mar.-Apr. 1982): 6 Degler, Carl N. "Bad History?" Commentary 71 (June 1981): 17 Delloff, Linda Marie. "Revising Holocaust History: Malice in the Mails." Christian Century 97 (16 July 1980): 724-725 Downey, Dennis B. "Conference Report: Revisionism and the Holo- caust." OAH Newsletter 21 (Feb. 1993): 9, 11 Drobnicki, John A. "Execution and Extermination." New York Times Book Review, 27 Dec. 1992, p. 4 ________. "The Holocaust Did Happen." The Polish-American Journal, June 1993, p. 12 ________. "Seeing Revisionists Clearly." New York Newsday, 30 April 1993, p. 63 Eringer, Robert. "The Force of Willis Carto." Mother Jones 6 (April 1981): 6 Folkart, Burt A. "David McCalden; Failed to Disprove the Holo- caust." Los Angeles Times, 25 October 1990, p. A35 "Fred A. Leuchter, Jr." ADL Special Edition (January 1991): n.p "From Supreme Court to Campuses: Truth and Consequences." Response 12 (Summer 1992): 5-6 Genn, Rowel. "Judgment Entered Against Institute for Historical Review in Holocaust Denial Case." Patterns of Prejudice 19 (Oct. 1985): 43-44 Greenberg, Sally J. "Execution 'Expert' Joins Holocaust
Deniers." ADL Bulletin 48 (Apr./May 1991): 3-4 Harlan, Heather. "Holocaust Ad Leads to Campus Protests." New York Times, 9 Jan. 1994, Sec. 4A, p. 6 Hayes, Peter. "A Historian Confronts Denial." In The Netherlands and Nazi Genocide: Papers of the 21st Annual Scholars' Con- ference. Ed. G. Jan Colijn and Marcia S. Littell. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1992, pp. 521-529 Hentoff, Nat. "An Ad That Offends." The Progressive 56 (May 1992): 12-13 Hosenball, Mark. "Spotlight on the Hill." New Republic 185 (9 September 1981): 13-14 Huerta, Carlos C. "Revisionism, Free Speech, and the Campus." Midstream 38 (Apr. 1992): 10-11 "Inside Revisionist Conference." Response 13 (Winter 1992): 13 Kazin, Alfred. "Americans Right, Left and Indifferent: Responses to the Holocaust." Dimensions 4, no. 1 (1988): 9-14 Keeler, Bob. "Assault on History." New York Newsday, 17 Mar 1994, pp. 64-65, 102 ________. "Free Speech vs. History: College Ire Over Holocaust Ad." New York Newsday, 10 Feb. 1994, pp. 8, 115 ________. "Rewriting History 101: Bradley Smith's Campus Cam- paign." New York Newsday, 17 Mar. 1994, p. 65 King, Dennis. Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism. New York: Doubleday, 1989 King, Seth S. "Professor Causes Furor by Saying Nazi Slaying of Jews is a Myth." New York Times, 28 January 1977, p. A10 "Lawsuit Over Proof of Holocaust Ends With Payment to a Survivor." New York Times, 25 July 1985, p. A12 "Leuchter--'A Fraud.'" Response 12 (Fall 1991): 15 Lipstadt, Deborah E. "Academe Must Not Legitimize Denials of the Holocaust." Chronicle of Higher Education, 28 July 1993, pp B1-B2 ________. "False 'Reasoning' on the Holocaust." New York Newsday, 26 July 1993, p. 35 Littell, Franklin H. "Dangers of Revisionism." Martyrdom and Re- sistance 16 (Jan.-Feb. 1990): 12-13 ________. "Holocaust Revisionists Offer Recurring Themes." Martyrdom and Resistance 9 (Mar.-Apr. 1983): 10-11 Lowe, David E. "The Make-Believe World of the I.H.R." ADL Bul- letin 40 (Nov. 1983): 1, 5-6 "A Man and
His Lies." QC Quad, 22 Feb. 1994, pp. 3, 11 Maxwell, Bruce. "Populism Takes a Sharp Right." Mother Jones 10 (April 1985): 8-9 Mermelstein, Mel. "The Revisionists." In Holocaust Education: A Resource Book for Teachers and Professional Leaders. Ed Marcia Sachs Littell. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1985, pp. 107-112 "Middle America Responds to Holocaust Deniers." Response 11 (Aug 1990): 19-20 Mintz, Frank P. The Liberty Lobby and the American Right: Race, Conspiracy, and Culture. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1985 Morton, Roger. "Truth Not Freedom." School and College 31 (March 1992): 42 Nelson, Lars-Erik. "Revisionist 'Truth' a Perversion." New York Daily News, 15 October 1990, p. 29 "N.Y. Times Gives Revisionism 'Respectability.'" Martyrdom and Resistance 20 (Sept.-Oct. 1993): 3 Oesterreicher, John M. "Hoax or an Orgy of Hate?" America 166 (7 March 1992): 184 Pierard, Richard V. "It Happened." Christianity Today 36 (9 March 1992): 20 Radzilowski, John. "Holocaust Revisionists Are Polonia's Worst Enemies." Polish-American Journal, Dec. 1993, p. 8 "Respected New York Review of Books Runs Revisionist Ad." Response 12 (Winter 1991): 11 "Revising Revisionism." QC Quad, 22 Feb. 1994, pp. 1-3 "Revisionism in Classroom." Martyrdom and Resistance 16 (Mar.-Apr 1990): 12-13 Rosen, Jerry, and Jeffrey Ross. "Ithaca Copes With Revisionism." ADL Bulletin 43 (Mar. 1986): 7-9 Rosen, Ruth. "Hate Ads and Free Speech: Journals Don't Have to Accommodate Groups That Deny the Holocaust." Christian Science Monitor, 16 Jan. 1992, p. 19 Schwendener, Peter. "The Holocaust Didn't Happen." The Reader 12 (4 Feb. 1983): 8-9, 26-29 Silk, Mark. "Examining the Rise of Holocaust Revisionism." Atlan- ta Constitution, 2 January 1992, p. A13 Stanley, Jerry. "History on Trial." Midstream 34 (Apr. 1988): 22-23 "Storm Over Northwestern: A University Professor Writes His Own Version of the Nazi Era." ADL Bulletin 34 (Feb. 1977): 4-5 Suall, Irwin, and David Lowe. The 1989 IHR Conference: White- Washing
Genocide "Scientifically." ADL Fact-Finding Report New York: Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, n.d Wheelwright, Farley W. "Yes, the Holocaust Happened." Martyrdom and Resistance 8 (Sept.-Oct. 1981): 6-7 Winkler, Karen J. "How Should Scholars Respond to Assertions That the Holocaust Never Happened?" Chronicle of Higher Education, 11 December 1991, pp. A8-A10. Return to Index  | III. EUROPEAN REVISIONISTS Apfelbaum, Erika. "Forgetting the Past." Partisan Review 48 (1981): 608-617 Aronsfeld, C. C. "John Tyndall's New National Front." Patterns of Prejudice 14 (Oct. 1980): 40-43 ________. "Racialism in Sweden." Patterns of Prejudice (July 1980): 31-34 ________. "'Revisionists' At Odds." Patterns of Prejudice 15 (Oct. 1981): 42-44 ________. "Whitewashing Hitler: 'Revisionist' History-Distorters at Work." Patterns of Prejudice 14 (Jan. 1980): 16-23 Barnes, Ian R. "Intellectual Processes on the French Far Right." Patterns of Prejudice 16 (Jan. 1982): 3-12 ________. "Revisionism and the Right." Jewish Echo, 8 Jan. 1982, p. 6 Barnes, Ian R., and Vivienne R. P. Barnes. "A 'Revisionist His- torian' Manipulates Anne Frank's Diary." Patterns of Pre- judice 15 (Jan. 1981): 27-32 Berman, Paul L. "Gas Chamber Games: Crackpot History and the Right to Lie." Village Voice (June 10-16, 1981), pp. l, 37- 38, 40, 42-43 "The Big Lie of Revisionism Surfaces in Yugoslavia." Response 11 (May 1990): 8 Billig, Michael, and Raymond Cochrane. "The National Front and Youth." Patterns of Prejudice 15 (Oct. 1981): 3-15 Bonifas, Aime. "The French Revisionists and the Myth of Holocauste [sic]." In Remembering for the Future: Working Papers and Addenda. Ed. Yehuda Bauer et al. New York: Pergamon Press, 1989, 2:2187-2198 ________. "The Revisionists, or
the Myth of the Nazi Concentration Camps." Trans. Mildred M. Van Sice and Claude R. Foster, Jr In In Answer--The Holocaust: Is the Story True? Why Did the World Community Not Respond? What Are the Lessons? Ed. Frank- lin H. Littell, Irene G. Shur, and Claude R. Foster, Jr. West Chester, PA: Sylvan Publishers, Ltd., 1988, pp. 5-24 Breitbart, Aaron. "Revisionism Combatted Worldwide." Response 10 (Apr. 1989): 7-8 ________. "Revisionists in Quest of Legitimacy: France Rejects Holocaust Denier's Thesis." Response (Aug. 1986): 7 Chomsky, Noam. "His Right to Say It." The Nation 232 (28 Feb- ruary 1981): 231-234 Cohen, Roger. "Book on Nazi Murder Industry Stirs French Storm." New York Times, 28 Oct. 1993, p. A3 Cohn, Werner. The Hidden Alliances of Noam Chomsky. New York: Americans for a Safe Israel, 1988 "Dateline London: What Price Truth?" Response 12 (Fall 1992): 7 "French Professor Fined for Holocaust Remarks." New York Times, 4 July 1981, p. 4 Fresco, Nadine. "The Denial of the Dead: On the Faurisson Affair." Trans. Audri Durchslag. Dissent 28 (1981): 467- 483 Fresco, Nadine, and Nina Farhi. "How History is Being 'Revised.'" Patterns of Prejudice 15 (Apr. 1981): 21-32 Harris, Robert. Selling Hitler: The Story of the Hitler Diaries New York: Pantheon, 1986 Holmes, Colin. "Historical Revisionism in Britain: The Politics of History." In Trends in Historical Revisionism: History as a Political Device. London: Centre for Contemporary Studies, 1985, pp. 4-8 "Holocaust Deniers on the March." Response 12 (Summer 1992): 4-5 Huttenbach, Henry R. "Holocaust Historians and the Hitler Diary Hoax." Martyrdom and Resistance 9 (May-June 1983): 16 "Judgment on the Hitler Diaries." Patterns of Prejudice 17 (July 1983): 26-29 Kaplan, Robert D. "Croatianism: The Latest Balkan Ugliness." New Republic 205 (25 Nov. 1991): 16, 18 Korman, Charles. "Revisionism in Practice--The Faurisson Case." In Trends in Historical Revisionism: History as a Political Device. London: Centre for Contemporary Studies,
1985, p 10 Lerman, Antony. "The Diary of Anne Frank." Patterns of Prejudice 20 (July 1986): 36-38 ________. "Holocaust 'Revisionism' in France: The Roques Affair." Patterns of Prejudice 20 (1986): 34-36 "Manfred Roeder." Patterns of Prejudice 11 (Jan.-Feb. 1977): 12 O'Conner, Robert. "London Paper Stirs Up New Diary Controversy." Editor & Publisher 125 (12 Sept. 1992): 17 Rabinbach, Anson. "Memories of Assassins, Assassins of Memory: Recent French Struggles With the Past." Dissent 41 (Spring 1994): 253-260 "'Revisionism' Fuels Europe's Extremists." Response 13 (Winter 1992): 5-6 "Revisionist Suspended from Lyons University." Response 11 (Aug 1990): 5 Roth, S. J. "Verdicts on Professor Faurisson." Patterns of Pre- judice 15 (Oct. 1981): 51-55 Schemo, Diana Jean. "Anger Greets Croatian's Invitation to Holocaust Museum Dedication." New York Times, 22 Apr. 1993, pp. A1, A18 Sereny, Gitta. "The Nazi Record on Trial." New Statesman 101 (10 Apr. 1981): 4 Shields, James G. "French Revisionism on Trial: The Case of Robert Faurisson." Patterns of Prejudice 25 (Summer 1991): 86-88 Todorov, Tzvetan. "Racism." Trans. Mary Maxwell. Salmagundi, nos. 88-89 (Fall l990-Winter 1991): 47-53 Weinberg, Henry H. "'Revisionism': The Roques Affair." Midstream 33 (Apr. 1987): 11-13 Wheen, Francis. "How the NF Lost World War II." New Statesman 98 (7 Sept. 1979): 332 "'Willy Brandt Invented the 6 Million.'" Patterns of Prejudice 11 (Jan.-Feb. 1977): 13 Return to Index 
| IV. CANADIAN REVISIONISTS Abella, Irving. "'We've Seen the Enemy and it is Ugly.'" Martyrdom and Resistance 12 (Sept.-Oct. 1985): 12, 14 "Anti-Semitic Teacher Still in His Canadian Classroom." Martyrdom and Resistance 14 (May-June 1988): 10 Bercuson, David, and Douglas
Wertheimer. A Trust Betrayed: The Keegstra Affair. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1985 Butovsky, Avriel. "The Holocaust on Trial in Canada." Patterns of Prejudice 19 (July 1985): 34-36 "Canadian Acquitted in Holocaust Dispute." Washington Post, 28 Aug. 1992, p. A28 Christie, Douglas. The Zundel Trial and Free Speech. Toronto: Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform, 1985 Corelli, Rae, with Susan Soucoup. "The Lessons of History." Maclean's 101 (8 Aug. 1988): 15 Davies, Alan T. "The Queen Versus James Keegstra: Reflections on Christian Antisemitism in Canada." American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 9 (Jan.-May 1988): 99-116 ________. "A Tale of Two Trials: Antisemitism in Canada 1985." Holocaust and Genocide Studies 4 (1989): 77-88 Donnelly, F. K. "The Battle Over Eckville: Prejudice in Canadian Provincial Politics." Patterns of Prejudice 18 (Jan. 1984): 16-22 Gardner, Jigs. "The Keegstra Affair." Midstream 31 (Nov. 1985): 7-9 Harley, Kathryn. "One Teacher's Prejudice." Maclean's 100 (27 Apr. 1989): 17 Hill, Leonidas. "The Trial of Ernst Zundel: Revisionism and the Law in Canada." Simon Wiesenthal Center Annual 6 (1989): 165-219 Hoffman, Michael A., II. The Great Holocaust Trial. Torrance, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1985 Jenish, D'arcy, Terry Gould, John Howse, George Ferzoco, and Glen Allen. "Bigotry's New Face: Anti-Semitism in Canada Has Changed." Maclean's 103 (16 Apr. 1990): 27-28 Lenski, Robert. The Holocaust on Trial: The Case of Ernst Zunde l Decatur, AL: Reporter Press, 1989 Makin, Kirk. "Covering Canada's Holocaust Trial." Columbia Journalism Review 24 (July/Aug. 1985): 14, 16; repr. in Index on Censorship 14 (Dec. 1985): 30-31 Mertl, Steve, and John Ward. Keegstra: The Trial, the Issues, the Consequences. Saskatoon: Western Producer Prairie Books, 1985 Pearson, Allen T. "Teaching and Rationality: The Case of Jim Keegstra." Journal of Educational Thought 20 (Apr. 1986): 1- 7 Roth, S. J. "Curbing Racist Propaganda is Constitutional." Patterns of Prejudice 24
(Winter 1990): 99-100 ________. "Freedom of Speech v. Hate-Mongering: Two Contradictory Judgments." Patterns of Prejudice 22 (Winter 1988): 40-43 Troper, Harold. "James Keegstra, Teacher of Hate." Congress Monthly 53 (Feb. 1986): 6-8 ________. "The Queen v. Zundel: Holocaust Trial in Toronto." Congress Monthly 52 (July-Aug. 1985): 7-10 Underwood, Nora. "Outlawing Hate: A Court and an Inquiry Deal With Propaganda." Maclean's 103 (24 Dec. 1990): 40 Weimann, Gabriel, and Conrad Winn. "The Misperception of Public Opinion: The Canadian Nazi Trials and their Implications." PS 19 (1986): 641-645 ________. Hate on Trial: The Zundel Affair, the Media, Public Opinion in Canada. New York: Mosaic Press, 1986 Return to Index 
| V. ASIAN REVISIONISTS Haberman, Clyde. "Japanese Writers Critical of Jews." New York Times, 12 Mar. 1987, p. A13 Schudrich, Michael J. "Antisemitism in Japan." IJA Research Reports, no. 12 (Dec. 1987): 1-11 Return to Index 
| VI. REVISIONISM IN OCEANIA Ainsztein, Reuben. "Hoaxes Galore." New Statesman 98 (7 Sept 1979): 332 Aronsfeld, C. C. "Australian 'League of Rights' Campaign." Patterns of Prejudice 18 (Jan. 1984): 37-38 ________. "Subversion Down Under." Patterns of Prejudice 14 (July 1980): 34-38 Gardner, Paul L. "Profile: The League of Rights in Australia." Without Prejudice, no. 3 (June 1991): 42-52 Hayward, Joel Stuart. "Holocaust Revisionism in New Zealand: The 'Thinking-man's Anti-Semitism?'" Without Prejudice, no 4 (Dec. 1991): 38-49 Jones, Jeremy.
"Holocaust Revisionism in Australia." Without Prejudice, no. 4 (Dec. 1991): 50-56 Return to Index 
| VII. REVISIONISM IN THE MIDDLE EASTBalinska, Maria. "The Templeton Prize." Patterns of Prejudice 22 (Summer 1988): 35-36 Bard, Mitchell G. "PLO Denies Holocaust." Near East Report 34 (16 Apr. 1990): 72 "Holocaust Article Stirs Harsh Words." Los Angeles Times, 18 Dec 1990, p. A14 "Holocaust Denial: A First for the 'Moderate' PLO." Response 11 (May 1990): 2-3 "PLO Paper Spreads Revisionist Hate: 'El-Istiqlal' Holocaust Denial Cover-Up Fails." Response 11 (Aug. 1990): 12 "PRC Backs Down on Holocaust Denial Article." Response 12 (Spring 1991): 11-12 Pristin, Terry. "PLO Article Endorses Holocaust as Hoax." Los Angeles Times, 16 Dec. 1990, p. A15 "Red Carpet for Neo-Nazis in Iraq." Response 12 (Fall 1991): 6 Santacruz, Daniel. "PLO Article on Holocaust Draws Protest." New York Jewish Week, 20 Apr. 1990, p. 7 Return to Index  | VIII. REVISIONISM IN SOUTH AMERICABrooke, James. "Books From a Pro-Nazi Publisher Cause an Uproar in Brazil." New York Times, 10 Dec. 1989, Sec. I, p. 13 Return to Index  | IX. LEGAL ASPECTS OF HOLOCAUST REVISIONISMCastan, A. R. "Stopping Lies About the Holocaust: The Use of Consumer Protection Legislation."
Patterns of Prejudice 18 (Oct. 1984): 39-41 Elman, Bruce P. "The Promotion of Hatred and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: A Review of Keegstra v. The Queen." Canadian Public Policy 15 (Mar. 1989): 72-83 "German Supreme Court's Decision on Denial of Holocaust." Patterns of Prejudice 14 (Jan. 1980): 32-33 Klingenberg, Eberhard. "German Legislation Against Denying the Holocaust." Jewish Law Annual 6 (1987): 219-222 Roth, S. J. "Canadian Anti-Hate Laws Need Amendment." Patterns of Prejudice 18 (Jan. 1984): 41-42 ________. "Curbing Racism: German Government Moves to Strengthen Law." Patterns of Prejudice 16 (Apr. 1982): 43-45 ________. "Denial of the Holocaust: A Criminal Offence?" Patterns of Prejudice 23 (Summer 1989): 42-43 ________. "Denial of the Holocaust as an Issue of Law." In Israel Yearbook on Human Rights, forthcoming ________. "German Supreme Court's Landmark Decision: Denial of the Holocaust is an Offence Against Jewish Dignity." IJA Research Reports (Nov. 1979): 1-5 ________. "Making the Denial of the Holocaust a Crime in Law." IJA Research Reports, no. 1 (Mar. 1982): 1-12 ________. "Second Attempt in Germany to Outlaw Denial of the Holocaust." Patterns of Prejudice 18 (July 1984): 45-47 ________. "SPD Proposes Changes in Law Against Neo-Nazis." Patterns of Prejudice 14 (Oct. 1980): 47-49 ________. "West Germany Waters Down 'Denial of the Holocaust' Bill." Patterns of Prejudice 19 (Apr. 1985): 41-43 "Shortcomings of Anti-Nazi Laws." Patterns of Prejudice 14 (Jan 1980): 33-35 Stein, Eric. "History Against Free Speech: The New German Law Against the 'Auschwitz'-and Other-'Lies.'" Michigan Law Review 85 (Nov. 1986): 277-323 Stein, Richard A. "The Dutch Penal Code and Antisemitism: Present Practice and Proposals for Amendment." Patterns of Prejudice 17 (July 1983): 39-42 Return to Index  | X. REVISIONIST MATERIALS IN LIBRARIESArbus, Isak. "Don't Tolerate Revisionists." American Libraries 21 (April 1990): 292 Bainerman, Joel. "Report from Academia: A New Anti-Semitism." Martyrdom and Resistance 9 (Nov.-Dec. 1982): 3, 12 Burns, Grant. "Well, Shut My Mouth." New Pages (1985); repr. in Alternative Library Literature 1984G1985. Ed. Sanford Berman and James P. Danky. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Co., 1986, pp. 79-80 "CLA Cancels 'Holocaust Hoax' Publisher." Newsletter on Intellec- tual Freedom 34 (January 1985): 1, 30-31 Donnelly, F. K. "Catalogue Wars and Classification Controversies." Canadian Library Journal 43 (August 1986): 245-247 Drobnicki, John A., Carol R. Goldman, Trina R. Knight, and Johanna V. Thomas. "Holocaust-Denial Literature in Public Libraries: An Investigation of Librarians' Attitudes Regarding Acquisi- tion and Access." M.L.S. Research Project, Queens College of the City University of New York, 1992; shortened version pub- lished in Public Services and Access Quarterly 1 (1994), forthcoming Elliott, Mark, and Michael McClintock. "Holocaust 'Revisionists' and the California Library Association." Midstream 32 (April 1986): 36-38 Gershon, Richard. "The Question of Censorship." Martyrdom and Resistance 12 (Mar.-Apr. 1986): 14 Gleberzon, William. "Academic Freedom and Holocaust Denial Liter- ature: Dealing With Infamy." Interchange on Education 14/15 (1983-84): 62-69 Goldberg, Beverly. "Director Says 'No Thanks' to Unsolicited 'Auschwitz Myth.'" American Libraries 20 (September 1989): 725 Grunberger, Michael. "Controversial Materials in the Jewish Li- brary: Introduction to a Panel Discussion." Judaica Librar- ianship 3 (1986-87): 49-50 Kamm, Susan. "'Holocaust Hoax' Publisher Barred from Annual Con- vention of California LA After Controversy Spreads Through State." American Libraries 16 (January 1985): 5-7 Katz, Jeffrey. "Revisionist
History in the Library: To Facilitate Access or Not to Facilitate Access?" Canadian Library Journal 48 (October 1991): 319-324 Klein, Adaire. "The Handling of Holocaust Denial Literature in a Special Library." Judaica Librarianship 3 (1986- 87): 55-57 LaChapelle, Jennifer R. "The Rights of Access." Canadian Library Journal 49 (February 1992): 12 McCalden, David. "Revisionist Ruckus Revisited." American Libra- ries 21 (January 1990): 20 Peattie, Noel. "Cardinal Mazarin is Dead!" Sipapu 17, no. 2 (1986): 11-17; repr. in Alternative Library Literature 1986/ 1987. Ed. Sanford Berman and James P. Danky. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Co., 1988, pp. 66-69 ________. "'Truth' and Consequences." Sipapu 16, no. 2 (1985): 8-16 Richards, Vincent. "Holocaust Debate Threatens Freedom." CAUT Bulletin (June 1985); repr. in Judaica Librarianship 3 (1986- 87): 52-53 Sowards, Steven W. "Historical Fabrications in Library Collec- tions." Collection Management 10 (1988): 81-88 Swan, John C. "Untruth or Consequences." Library Journal 111 (July 1986): 44-52 Szuchewycz, Bohdan. "New Right Publications: A Survey of Public and Academic Libraries in Metropolitan Toronto." Canadian Library Journal 47 (February 1990): 17-25 Weinfeld, Morton. "The Classification of Holocaust Denial Litera- ture by the Library of Congress." Judaica Librarianship 3 (1986-87): 50-55 ________. "Librarians Have a Role in Holocaust-denial." CAUT Bul- letin (April 1985); repr. in Judaica Librarianship 3 (1986- 87): 51-52 Return to Index  | XI. EXAMPLES OF HOLOCAUST REVISIONISM Attempts have not been made to be exhaustive in this section. Many of the publishers of this literature are very small, and the items themselves are in some instances ephemeral Annales d'histoire
revisionniste. Paris: Nouvelles Messageries de la Presse Parisienne, 1987- App, Austin J. The Six Million Swindle: Blackmailing the German People for Hard Marks with Fabricated Corpses. Takoma Park, MD: Boniface Press, 1974 ________. A Straight Look at the Third Reich: Hitler and National Socialism, How Right? How Wrong? Takoma Park, MD: Boniface Press, 1974 Butz, Arthur R. The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry. Tor- rance, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1976 Christophersen, Thies. Auschwitz: A Personal Account. Reedy, WV: Liberty Bell Publications, 1979 Degrelle, Leon. Letter to the Pope on His Visit to Auschwitz Southam: Historical Review Press, n.d Eris, Alfred. Lucy Dawidowicz and the "Holocaust Industry." Dollared des Ormeaux, Quebec: Dawn Publishing, 1984 Faurisson, Robert. Memoire en defense contre ceux qui m'accusent de falsifier l'histoire: la question des chambres a gaz Paris: La Vieille Taupe, 1980 ________. The "Problem of the Gas Chambers," or "The Rumor of Auschwitz." Rochelle Park, NJ: The Revisionist Press, 1979 ________. A Prominent False Witness: Elie Wiesel. Costa Mesa, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1990 ________. Reponse a Pierre Vidal-Naquet. 2nd ed. Paris: La Vieille Taupe, 1982 Freedman, Benjamin H. "Six Million Jew Hoax." Common Sense, 1 May 1959, p. 4 Friedrich, Christof [pseud. of Ernst Zundel], and Eric Thomson The Hitler We Loved & Why. Reedy, WV: White Power Publica- tions, 1980 The Great Holocaust Debate: A Reprint from The Spotlight. Wash- ington, DC: The Spotlight, 1979 Grimstad, William N. The Six Million Reconsidered: Is the Nazi Holocaust Story a Zionist Propaganda Ploy? 2nd ed. Torrance, CA: Noontide Press, 1979 Halow, Joseph. Innocent at Dachau. Long Beach, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1992 Harwood, Richard [pseud. of Richard Verrall]. Did Six Million Really Die? The Truth At Last. Richmond, Surrey: Historical Review Press, 1974
[originally published as Six Million Lost and Found] ________. Nuremberg and Other War Crimes Trials: A New Look Southam, England: Historical Review Press, 1978 Hoffman, Michael A., II. Blaspheming Against the Holy People's Holy Hoax. Ithaca: Independent Research, 1985 [Hoggan, David L.] The Myth of the Six Million. Los Angeles: Noontide Press, 1969 Irving, David. Hitler's War. New York: Viking Press, 1977 Journal of Historical Review. Torrance, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1980- . [Since there will be examples of Holocaust-denial in virtually every issue of this journal, individual articles from it have not been included in this bibliography.] Kulaszka, Barbara, ed. Did Six Million Really Die? Report of the Evidence in the Canadian "False News" Trial of Ernst Zundel, 1988. Toronto: Samisdat Publishers, 1993 Leuchter, Fred. The Leuchter Report: The End of a Myth. An Engineering Report on the Alleged Execution Gas Chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek, Poland. N.p.: Samisdat Publishers, 1988 McLaughlin, Michael. For Those Who Cannot Speak. Ladbroke: Historical Review Press, 1979 Porter, Carlos Whitlock, ed. Made in Russia: The Holocaust N.p.: Historical Review Press, 1988 Rassinier, Paul. Debunking the Genocide Myth. Torrance, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1978. [Reprinted as The Holocaust Story and the Lies of Ulysses.] ________. The Drama of the European Jews. Silver Springs, MD: Steppingstones Publications, 1975 ________. The Real Eichmann Trial, or, the Incorrigible Victors Silver Springs, MD: Steppingstones Publications, 1979 Roques, Henri. The "Confessions" of Kurt Gerstein. Trans. Ronald Percival. Costa Mesa, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1989 Ross, Malcolm. Web of Deceit. Moncton, New Brunswick: Stronghold Publishing, 1978 Sanning, Walter N. The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry Torrance, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1983 Smith, Bradley R. Confessions of a Holocaust Revisionist. Los Angeles:
Prima Facie, 1988. 2nd ed., Ann Arbor, MI: Popular Reality, 1992 The Spotlight. Washington, DC: Liberty Lobby, 1975- Staglich, Wilhelm. The Auschwitz Myth: A Judge Looks at the Evi- dence. Trans. Thomas Francis. Torrance, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1986 Walendy, Udo. Forged War Crimes Malign the German Nation. Trans M. S. Atoegisit. Vlotho-Weser: Verlag fur Volkstum und Zeitgeschichtsforscung, 1979 Weber, Charles E. The Holocaust: 120 Questions and Answers. Tor- rance, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1983 Weckert, Ingrid. Flashpoint--Kristallnacht, 1938: Instigators, Victims and Beneficiaries. Costa Mesa, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1991 Worldwide Growth and Impact of "Holocaust" Revisionism: A Handbook of Revisionist Views and the Controversy Today. IHR Special Report. Torrance, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1985 Return to Index  | XII. REVIEWS/CRITIQUES/REFUTATIONS OF HOLOCAUST-REVISIONIST BOOKSExcept for books by David Irving, works of Holocaust revisionism are almost never reviewed in scholarly journals or in the mainstream press. However, in writing about Holocaust-denial literature, some individual titles have been singled out for either review or rebuttal; in some cases collections of documents have been compiled to refute the claims of revisionists. Aronsfeld, C. C. "A Propos of a British 'Historical Review': Facts of the Holocaust." Patterns of Prejudice 8 (July/Aug 1974): 11-16 ________. "Debauchers of the Truth: How the Facts of the Holo- caust are Being Distorted." Jewish Frontier 45 (June/July 1978): 9-13 Bullock, Alan. "The Schicklgruber Story." New York Review of Books 24 (26 May 1977): 10-15 Conway, John
S. "History, Hitler, and the Holocaust." Interna- tional History Review 7 (1985): 441-451 Francq, Henri G. Hitler's Holocaust: A Fact of History Vancouver, BC: New Star Books, 1986 Greene, Wallace. "The Holocaust Hoax: A Rejoinder." Jewish Social Studies 46 (1984): 263-276 Huttenbach, Henry R. Review of The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry, by Walter N. Sanning. In Martyrdom and Resistance 11 (Sept.-Oct. 1984): 2, 12 Jaeckel, Eberhard. David Irving's Hitler: A Faulty History Dis- sected. Trans. H. David Kirk. Port Angeles, WA: Ben-Simon Publications, 1993 Jones, Mitchell. The Leuchter Report: A Dissection. Cedar Park, TX: 21st Century Logic, 1992 Klarsfeld, Serge, ed. The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania Trans. Barbara Rucci. New York: Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, 1978 Kulka, Erich. The Holocaust is Being Denied! The Answer of Auschwitz Survivors. Trans. Lilli Kopecky. Tel-Aviv: The Committee of Auschwitz Camps Survivors in Israel, 1977 Laqueur, Walter. "Springtime for Hitler." New York Times Book Review, 3 April 1977, pp. 13, 47 Pressac, Jean-Claude. Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers. New York: Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, 1989 Rosenthal, Ludwig. "The Final Solution to the Jewish Question": Mass-Murder or Hoax? An Evaluation of the Evidence in the Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. >From November 14, 1945, to October 1, 1946. Trans. Regina Lackner. Berkeley, CA: Western Jewish History Center, Judah L. Magnes Memorial Museum, 1984 Sereny, Gitta. "The Men Who Whitewash Hitler." New Statesman 98 (2 Nov. 1979): 670-673 Shapiro, Shelly, ed. Truth Prevails: Demolishing Holocaust Denial. The End of "The Leuchter Report." New York: Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, and Albany: Holocaust Survivors & Friends in Pursuit of Justice, 1990 Smith, Bradley F. "Two Alibies [sic] for the Inhumanities: A. R Butz, The Hoax of the Twentieth Century and David Irving, Hitler's War." German Studies Review 1
(1978): 327-335 Suzman, Arthur. The Holocaust: The Falsehoods and the Facts Johannesburg: South African Jewish Board of Deputies, 1980 Suzman, Arthur, and Denis Diamond. Six Million Did Die: The Truth Shall Prevail. Johannesburg: South African Jewish Board of Deputies, 1977 Sydnor, Charles W., Jr. "The Selling of Adolf Hitler: David Irving's Hitler's War." Central European History 12 (1979): 169-199 Waite, Robert G. L. "The Hitler Whitewash." Jewish Digest 23 (Oct. 1977): 5-8 ________. "The Perpetrator: Hitler and the Holocaust." In Human Responses to the Holocaust: Perpetrators and Victims, By- standers and Resisters. Ed. Michael D. Ryan. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 1981, pp. 15-31 Return to Index  | XIII. REVISIONIST VIDEOCASSETTESChallenging the Holocaust Museum. Newport Beach, CA: IHR, 1993 [Robert Faurisson, David Irving, Mark Weber, and Robert Countess.] David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper. IHR, 1993 Highlights of the 11th International Revisionist Conference, October 1992. IHR, 1992. The IHR makes available audio- and videocassettes of its annual conferences The Search For Truth in History. IHR, 1993. [David Irving.] | Return to Index  |