WHILE my statements at the Stern
press conference in April 1983 may have disrupted the orderly outcome
they had hoped for, I did not disrupt the conference: the magazine
invited questions, and by arrangement between Stern and BILD Zeitung,
whose acting correspondent I was for the day, I was the first invited
to speak, and had taken up my position at the microphone some minutes
earlier for that purpose, clutching the documents proving the
fake(see picture). The
newsreel coverage of my questions used to be a part of the History
Channel's feature programme on the Hitler Diaries fake; but latterly,
I am told, Mr Irving has mysteriously vanished from the programme, in
a minor Orwellian retouching of history! As soon as STERN realised
the lethal nature of my questions, they tried to halt me (around
question number 5) and eventually they had me
hinauskomplimentiert -- straight into the
arms of the Good Morning America team
waiting outside. "If you have stocks in
Stern magazine," I heard the US newsreader
advising an hour later, "sell them now."