PERHAPS EVANS. who seems mildly apoplectic, ought not to read what
Christopher Hitchens wrote in The Atlantic
Monthly in April 2002, in which he effectively stated that the major
Churchill biographies are now more or less quarried from the research
reproduced in my Churchill's War. See the excerpts of his article in
Radical's Diary, and Hitchen's defence
of his article in the next issue of the journal. Writes
Hitchens: "If Sir Martin Gilbert's work is the quarry from which the
wagons of orthodoxy continue to trundle away, laden with the building
blocks for lesser edifices of loyalism, then Irving's projected
trilogy Churchill's War is the dynamite that lies still unexploded
around the quarry," and he concludes: "Internal evidence strongly
suggests that Ponting, Charmley, and Jenkins have read Irving with
keen attention, and have used him to enlarge their narratives without
appearing to bow to his influence." Not much lasting sign of
criticism there, is there Prof. Evans? Better get squirting